Today is New Years Eve, meaing when I wake up (really when I go to sleep) tomorrow it will be 2011. Crazyness. My eighteenth year apon this planet. Wowza.
2010 was great, it really was. It went so fast. I became A camp counselor, I took a huge risk and it felt amazing. This year I fully began to love myself and where I am in this world and in myself. I discorved what I had alwasy hidden, my love of history. I learned how to love and feel real compassion. The Olympics made my heart burst with pride and made me remember why I love this country. Just thinking about the winning of the Gold medal in Mens Hockey makes me over-joyed.
I want 2011 to be just as wondeful as 2010, if possibl even better. Everything rests in the hands of God.
p.s. I wrote 98 posts this year.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
We're home. I'm so glad, going "home" is nice but here in my own bed and house is so much better. I got to see the people I wanted to see. Just hanging out and talking is amazing, I really like it.
New Years Eve party in a few days, hopefully this one doesn't end in broken bone. Yes you Jesse.
So I'm home,and Susie didn't eat anyone.
New Years Eve party in a few days, hopefully this one doesn't end in broken bone. Yes you Jesse.
So I'm home,and Susie didn't eat anyone.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
I made this for you
"I don't want eight, I want 12. I want 12 of them."
"take some jelly, take some fish, make a sandwich delish."
"son we're all proud of you, except that guy, that guy hates you"
"What are you stupid? Redeye flashes twice"
"Son, you're adopted."
"Work That. Up. Do"
"I'm racist against that racist coffee"
"I made this for You!"
"brotha, brotha try this"
"You know that hit and run later that night? That was me."
"I started watching the movie Before he died"
"Your pee could save my life."
okay I'm done now. I really dropped off at the end there.
"take some jelly, take some fish, make a sandwich delish."
"son we're all proud of you, except that guy, that guy hates you"
"What are you stupid? Redeye flashes twice"
"Son, you're adopted."
"Work That. Up. Do"
"I'm racist against that racist coffee"
"I made this for You!"
"brotha, brotha try this"
"You know that hit and run later that night? That was me."
"I started watching the movie Before he died"
"Your pee could save my life."
okay I'm done now. I really dropped off at the end there.
The dentist was actually enjoyable.
I like my dentist,
I got to watch the All Dogs Go to Heaven Christmas special.
Just finished watching The Prestige which was AMAZING. I'm not saying that because Christian Bale was in it, though that is a big factor.
Christmas shin dig tomorrow night, with the Carters. YAY!
I like my dentist,
I got to watch the All Dogs Go to Heaven Christmas special.
Just finished watching The Prestige which was AMAZING. I'm not saying that because Christian Bale was in it, though that is a big factor.
Christmas shin dig tomorrow night, with the Carters. YAY!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Post Christmas Wish list
You have no clue how badly I want this shirt:
Remind me never to Etsy Springsteen stuff. I get a bad case of coveting.
Noww I'm searched Clapton, they have onsies with him on them, so cute.
I want to be Jem from Jem and the Holograms. Kimber's cool, but so whiny, it's rediculous.
I also want every shirt from Julian Smith's shop, thank you very much.
By the way this is a totally arbitrary list of things I'd want but am in no way requesting them. This blog is mostly just a record of things I find amusing and or want in life.
Okay then, carry on.
We had Christmas tonight, we're leaving going away for Christmas and really this was the only time we had. I got my grad ring early as one present and A book published by Life on Sinatra for another, amazing. He drank 36 drinks of "gasoline" a day, that's insane. Dad also bought me the red brie baker I've been wanting for months and a wheel of brie. I can't wait to use it.
We're watching Diff'rent Strokes now, as Josiah got the first season.
Susie spent a while laying on top of me, practically crusinh me from mid shin to my neck. Crazy dog. She hates Christmas, the lights, the excitement, and the cameras.
Christmas has begun.
I'm going to go to bed now and read Amusing Oursleves to Death. I'm not even making a dent on my Christmas break reading list. I'll try and read a good chunk tomorrow at the dentist. I want to read 5 books by breaks end, now I'm thinking it's not going to happen.
We're watching Diff'rent Strokes now, as Josiah got the first season.
Susie spent a while laying on top of me, practically crusinh me from mid shin to my neck. Crazy dog. She hates Christmas, the lights, the excitement, and the cameras.
Christmas has begun.
I'm going to go to bed now and read Amusing Oursleves to Death. I'm not even making a dent on my Christmas break reading list. I'll try and read a good chunk tomorrow at the dentist. I want to read 5 books by breaks end, now I'm thinking it's not going to happen.
Monday, December 20, 2010
A Promise Fulfilled.
I told you that I was going to blog about this. Now I am. See I keep my promises.
At Church we had a card making day a couple weeks ago, I made so pretty nice hand crafted cards. Well yesterday I gave them to some people, with loving hand writen wishes and refrences to hurricaines and the like.
Merry Christmas to you all.
I have another Yankee Swap tonight...this one's for "grown ups". I guess I am considered a "grwn up" at Chrurch now.
This week is going to be so crazy. I'm getting tired just thinking about it, and because I am actually physicall tired.
At Church we had a card making day a couple weeks ago, I made so pretty nice hand crafted cards. Well yesterday I gave them to some people, with loving hand writen wishes and refrences to hurricaines and the like.
Merry Christmas to you all.
I have another Yankee Swap tonight...this one's for "grown ups". I guess I am considered a "grwn up" at Chrurch now.
This week is going to be so crazy. I'm getting tired just thinking about it, and because I am actually physicall tired.
Friday, December 17, 2010
The Count Down begins
Do you ever read things that make you mad? Just to make you mad?
I do, way too much. I've got to stop, I open up Facebook Accounts and blogs with the full intention of being mad at that person. While reading I make mean sarcastic comments in my head and get angry.
I'm doing it right now, hence the blog post.
I like doing things that will make other people hate me, as much as I dislike them.
Some people just irk me.
I like shaking things up.
On a MUCH happier note.
I skipped school today, but still got up early and showered so I feel productive now. I've done 2 loads of laundry. I'm proud.
The Youth Group Yankee Swap (where on Earth did this come from... I don't get it). I've still got to read my chapters and make something for us to eat. The chapters, not really a challenge. But The figuring out what to eat part...pretty hard.
Christmas is in EIGHT DAYS!!
I'm so busy next week. Building up to the main event. I should start getting my fingers wax resitant for Christmas Eve, as I know I'm going to burn them that night.
Also super cool that people from Germany read my blog. That's super.
I do, way too much. I've got to stop, I open up Facebook Accounts and blogs with the full intention of being mad at that person. While reading I make mean sarcastic comments in my head and get angry.
I'm doing it right now, hence the blog post.
I like doing things that will make other people hate me, as much as I dislike them.
Some people just irk me.
I like shaking things up.
On a MUCH happier note.
I skipped school today, but still got up early and showered so I feel productive now. I've done 2 loads of laundry. I'm proud.
The Youth Group Yankee Swap (where on Earth did this come from... I don't get it). I've still got to read my chapters and make something for us to eat. The chapters, not really a challenge. But The figuring out what to eat part...pretty hard.
Christmas is in EIGHT DAYS!!
I'm so busy next week. Building up to the main event. I should start getting my fingers wax resitant for Christmas Eve, as I know I'm going to burn them that night.
Also super cool that people from Germany read my blog. That's super.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Do you know?
1.Do you know how to make an entire high school excited and cheer and be happy?....
Answer: You get the Physics teacher to multiple backflips, including one off the stage. Then for him to do a cartwheel.
This is what happened today at Winter Carnival.
2. Do you know how to make a whole high school laugh AND cry at the same time?
Answer: You put a couple of male teachers in dresses, and others to dress up like the Beatles and another to put on some bling and rap.
This also happened. I don't think anyone will be the same again.
Answer: You get the Physics teacher to multiple backflips, including one off the stage. Then for him to do a cartwheel.
This is what happened today at Winter Carnival.
2. Do you know how to make a whole high school laugh AND cry at the same time?
Answer: You put a couple of male teachers in dresses, and others to dress up like the Beatles and another to put on some bling and rap.
This also happened. I don't think anyone will be the same again.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Dear Girly,
I want you to be happy every single day. I want to make you happy everyday of your life. I wish I could give yo a HUGE hug right now and never let go. I miss you lots. You'v ehelped me become happy again and I'd love to do the same, but I think you want to deal with this yourself...and I'm okay waiting. Thank you for loving me like you do, like I am.
We've come such a long way. gotten comfortable with who we are. I don't like seeing you hurting again. I hate it. I thought we were past that, but we're human, we won't be past pain.
Do something that makes you feel amazing.
Love you.
Tomorrow I promise I'm going to post a more reader friendly post.
I've got to go to the dentist today, gross.
It's way too late. I go up to get a glass of water.
I want you to be happy every single day. I want to make you happy everyday of your life. I wish I could give yo a HUGE hug right now and never let go. I miss you lots. You'v ehelped me become happy again and I'd love to do the same, but I think you want to deal with this yourself...and I'm okay waiting. Thank you for loving me like you do, like I am.
We've come such a long way. gotten comfortable with who we are. I don't like seeing you hurting again. I hate it. I thought we were past that, but we're human, we won't be past pain.
Do something that makes you feel amazing.
Love you.
Tomorrow I promise I'm going to post a more reader friendly post.
I've got to go to the dentist today, gross.
It's way too late. I go up to get a glass of water.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Canada Communist? I don't think so.
Canada is far better off than most countries.
Our govenment isn't that bad. In a secular govenment money, time, effort, will always be spent on things that are immoral; but it will also be spent on things that are good, health care, schooling, international aid, military.
We must put these worries to God, we must try and ellect people who can do things. Politicians that are honest and represent your beliefs, do not vote for parties, or people who have no chance of getting in(such a little know minority groups, like some Christian parties). Put your vote upon someone who can make a difference.
I do not think our system is designed to fail. I think it is made to flourish, to thrive to build, but we the people are not doing that. And our government is not doing it in some areas. Also the world has seen a horriable recession in these years, which Canada more or less survived, better than most. We can not put everything over to the private sector because that would cause unspeakable corruption.)private sector? Are you kidding me? Good about capitilism) Communism doesn't work either, it never has, never will. Our country is not being handed over to communism, we still have class, order, we pay for things, the government does not hvae compltete and utter control over every detail. We do have free heath care but this is more a cival right than a factor of communism. Canada is Not communist. Socialism works to an extent but really it doesn't. Theorocracy does not work in any extent, you give the rights to the people of that faith, but strip the freedoms of the other races and religions.
Canada is stuck where it is, all we can do as citizens is try and make it the best we can.
Harper is trying his hardest, after years of corruption, of scandal, of signing on to American led wars. He is doing all he can.
No country can be run perfectly, you can not make everyone happy. That is impossible.
Canada must stand up and take a place on the world stage as a nation. Not mearly a follower of others.
I am a Christian, I am to my very core. But God in politics? I don't know. By doing this, but making a nation Christian, Muslim, Hindu or anyother religion, you alienize a group of people. You elevate one group above another. This is never, ever good. If Canada were to be a Christian Nation, the peoples of other religions would lose rights. I'm all for everyone being Christian, but in a world of sin this can not happen. You can not elevate, or descriminate.
We need domocracy. It is what is best
I'm so sorry for this rant. With some points some may not want to hear, or agree with.
I find myself feeling more compassion as of late, for all people. Everyone is enititled to being treated as a human. I see so much wrong with this world, and I feel like I can't do anything. These rants are one reason I think I should major in Political Science. haha
This is a response to these 2 posts one and two
I kind of went into a rant. But to call Canada communist? No thank you. I love it, arguing about politics. It gives me this great high. I don't think I could ver go into poitics though, way too much stress and sucking up.
I know I post so many political or historical posts. It's kind of me.
I give you all permission to skip over these, feel no obligation to read my sporatic ramblings. These posts are so I can remember and drain.
Our govenment isn't that bad. In a secular govenment money, time, effort, will always be spent on things that are immoral; but it will also be spent on things that are good, health care, schooling, international aid, military.
We must put these worries to God, we must try and ellect people who can do things. Politicians that are honest and represent your beliefs, do not vote for parties, or people who have no chance of getting in(such a little know minority groups, like some Christian parties). Put your vote upon someone who can make a difference.
I do not think our system is designed to fail. I think it is made to flourish, to thrive to build, but we the people are not doing that. And our government is not doing it in some areas. Also the world has seen a horriable recession in these years, which Canada more or less survived, better than most. We can not put everything over to the private sector because that would cause unspeakable corruption.)private sector? Are you kidding me? Good about capitilism) Communism doesn't work either, it never has, never will. Our country is not being handed over to communism, we still have class, order, we pay for things, the government does not hvae compltete and utter control over every detail. We do have free heath care but this is more a cival right than a factor of communism. Canada is Not communist. Socialism works to an extent but really it doesn't. Theorocracy does not work in any extent, you give the rights to the people of that faith, but strip the freedoms of the other races and religions.
Canada is stuck where it is, all we can do as citizens is try and make it the best we can.
Harper is trying his hardest, after years of corruption, of scandal, of signing on to American led wars. He is doing all he can.
No country can be run perfectly, you can not make everyone happy. That is impossible.
Canada must stand up and take a place on the world stage as a nation. Not mearly a follower of others.
I am a Christian, I am to my very core. But God in politics? I don't know. By doing this, but making a nation Christian, Muslim, Hindu or anyother religion, you alienize a group of people. You elevate one group above another. This is never, ever good. If Canada were to be a Christian Nation, the peoples of other religions would lose rights. I'm all for everyone being Christian, but in a world of sin this can not happen. You can not elevate, or descriminate.
We need domocracy. It is what is best
I'm so sorry for this rant. With some points some may not want to hear, or agree with.
I find myself feeling more compassion as of late, for all people. Everyone is enititled to being treated as a human. I see so much wrong with this world, and I feel like I can't do anything. These rants are one reason I think I should major in Political Science. haha
This is a response to these 2 posts one and two
I kind of went into a rant. But to call Canada communist? No thank you. I love it, arguing about politics. It gives me this great high. I don't think I could ver go into poitics though, way too much stress and sucking up.
I know I post so many political or historical posts. It's kind of me.
I give you all permission to skip over these, feel no obligation to read my sporatic ramblings. These posts are so I can remember and drain.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Not Nothing
This is one of those times when I feel like I should blog, but I've got nothing to blog about.
Christmas is very soon, I can't wait. It's going to be busy and fun and I'll eat shortbread and stuffing and possibly cheesecake. Which will be pretty amazing.
I did almost all my Pre-cal homework on Friday, I'm going to say I'm proud about that.
My back hurts right now because I have the worst posture after the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Which is more a birth defect than posture, but still. I think that analogy applies in this situation.
Tomorrow I have my history teacher for 2 hours straight, amazing. I think we're finally starting the Reformation. YAY! As a Calvanist this is exciting.
A catholic girl in my class was like"Yay Catholics" and I said " You will learn" We're friends so it's cool. In Global we're watching Shake Hands With The Devil, which is about the Romeo Dellair led UN mission in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide. It's one of the saddest movies I've ever seen.
Learning about Rwanda in grade 9 seriously changed me. Now, I feel so informed when the rest of my peers aren't and most of them don't care. That makes me really mad. Like guys don't talk and laugh thought the enitirity of a documentay about a genocide in recent history. Thanks.
Even on the internet people call this genocide an massacre, they don't want to call it what it was, they don't want to admit that it really happened. That they stood by and let it happen.
Those people are the ones who will let inhumane things like this happen again. We need to be educated, we need to fight. They won't. Remember I said History Ryhmes. It's going to happen.
I'm off the soap box now.
and I said I had nothing to write about.
Christmas is very soon, I can't wait. It's going to be busy and fun and I'll eat shortbread and stuffing and possibly cheesecake. Which will be pretty amazing.
I did almost all my Pre-cal homework on Friday, I'm going to say I'm proud about that.
My back hurts right now because I have the worst posture after the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Which is more a birth defect than posture, but still. I think that analogy applies in this situation.
Tomorrow I have my history teacher for 2 hours straight, amazing. I think we're finally starting the Reformation. YAY! As a Calvanist this is exciting.
A catholic girl in my class was like"Yay Catholics" and I said " You will learn" We're friends so it's cool. In Global we're watching Shake Hands With The Devil, which is about the Romeo Dellair led UN mission in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide. It's one of the saddest movies I've ever seen.
Learning about Rwanda in grade 9 seriously changed me. Now, I feel so informed when the rest of my peers aren't and most of them don't care. That makes me really mad. Like guys don't talk and laugh thought the enitirity of a documentay about a genocide in recent history. Thanks.
Even on the internet people call this genocide an massacre, they don't want to call it what it was, they don't want to admit that it really happened. That they stood by and let it happen.
Those people are the ones who will let inhumane things like this happen again. We need to be educated, we need to fight. They won't. Remember I said History Ryhmes. It's going to happen.
I'm off the soap box now.
and I said I had nothing to write about.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Heirloom Noel?
I really need to make this!
Like for the Youth Group Yankee swap?
Or my Cousin Jodey's Christmas Eve party?
What do you guys think?
When she's "piping" onthe icing Samarah and I were near puking. I actually think I would go into a sugar-coma if I ate this.
Have I ever told you I'm so not a feminist? I'm not, I believe in submission, and stay-at-home-wiferey( Yes that's a word, with hyphens) and being lady like nd unforward and unbrash and the like. But the more I read on the subject the more I see that I am a feminist, as according to some peoples guidelines. When really I'm not. See I think that women can hold postions in the military, police force, and in government. I know this world takes all kinds of people, and I'm just one of those kinds.
I get defensive,I feel as if these people are putting me down because of what I believe( and believe me, some of them are) I'm just kind of sick of it. I sometimes purposely read these comments because I want to feel challenged, or just for the pian, but really I just walk away hurt. Very hurt. It's my own problem.
this was information, and a bit of a downer. I'm good for that.
I'm a feminsit anti-feminist. Some how caught between 2 cultures as it would seem
I get defensive,I feel as if these people are putting me down because of what I believe( and believe me, some of them are) I'm just kind of sick of it. I sometimes purposely read these comments because I want to feel challenged, or just for the pian, but really I just walk away hurt. Very hurt. It's my own problem.
this was information, and a bit of a downer. I'm good for that.
I'm a feminsit anti-feminist. Some how caught between 2 cultures as it would seem
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Not so Awesome.
I don't believe in saying the word "Awesome". A few months back my pastor brought up the fact that awesome should only be used to describe God, because he is the only true awesome thing. Since that day I have been trying to cut it from my vobcabulary,.Which for me was near impossible, I kind of used it to describe everything! Now whenever I see it writen, or typed, or hear it spoken I process it as a swear word, and cringe as I would for those words. Goodness I hate swearing, but not as much as I dislike hearing God's name used in vain. Ugh. It ruins everything.
I've replaced awesome with such words as: Super cool, super duper cool, amazing(which is kind of iffy) Magnificent, wow, super great, totally cool, so great, incredible,impressive.
I just generally use super more.
When I slip up and say it I feel bad. It's really hard, when you've had something locke din your brain, and way of speaking and then just quiting it. Espeacially since the word is used all around me everyday. Thi sis one of my own private battles.
p.s. Yes, I did go to an online thesaurus for the synonyms
I've replaced awesome with such words as: Super cool, super duper cool, amazing(which is kind of iffy) Magnificent, wow, super great, totally cool, so great, incredible,impressive.
I just generally use super more.
When I slip up and say it I feel bad. It's really hard, when you've had something locke din your brain, and way of speaking and then just quiting it. Espeacially since the word is used all around me everyday. Thi sis one of my own private battles.
p.s. Yes, I did go to an online thesaurus for the synonyms
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I give thee the Peanuts as actual Peanuts. Which I think is pretty cute.
p.s. 24 days till Christmas!!!!
Monday, November 29, 2010
94 Truths: Part 5
77. Lost glasses/contacts: No, as I wear neither.
78. Snuck out of a house: Yes.
79. Held a gun/knife for self defense: No, odd question
80. Killed somebody: No, again why would I say if I had...
81. Broken someone's heart:Yes.
82. Been in love: Yes
83. Cried when someone died: No, only while watching movies. Thankfully I've never had someone close to me die.
84. Yourself: sometimes.
85. Miracles: Yes.
86. Love at first sight: yes, in some people I think it can happen, but there's so many other ascpects that have a part that I don't really think it can happen just like that. I beleieve in the sudden realization of love that was always there.
87. Heaven: Very much so.
88. Santa Clause: Never had, never will. Nor will I ever lie to my children about his existance. I've alwasy wanted to tell a akid that Santa wasn't real..I'm kind of a jerk.
89. I straight up deleted this question because it was highly inappropriate.
90. Kiss on the first date: No.
91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yes.I'd liek that.
92. Do you know who your real friends are: Yes, finally I know.
93. Do you believe in God: So entirely
94. Post as 100 truths? Well that didn't happen, and I can count..and read.
77. Lost glasses/contacts: No, as I wear neither.
78. Snuck out of a house: Yes.
79. Held a gun/knife for self defense: No, odd question
80. Killed somebody: No, again why would I say if I had...
81. Broken someone's heart:Yes.
82. Been in love: Yes
83. Cried when someone died: No, only while watching movies. Thankfully I've never had someone close to me die.
84. Yourself: sometimes.
85. Miracles: Yes.
86. Love at first sight: yes, in some people I think it can happen, but there's so many other ascpects that have a part that I don't really think it can happen just like that. I beleieve in the sudden realization of love that was always there.
87. Heaven: Very much so.
88. Santa Clause: Never had, never will. Nor will I ever lie to my children about his existance. I've alwasy wanted to tell a akid that Santa wasn't real..I'm kind of a jerk.
89. I straight up deleted this question because it was highly inappropriate.
90. Kiss on the first date: No.
91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yes.I'd liek that.
92. Do you know who your real friends are: Yes, finally I know.
93. Do you believe in God: So entirely
94. Post as 100 truths? Well that didn't happen, and I can count..and read.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Cold, truths and random stuff.
I'm going to post part five of 94 truths tomorrow. I don't have the time to do it right now, it seriously takes forever to get the spacing right.
Lunch today was really great, even if Samarah says I sing too low like a man.
I think I'm getting the beginning of a cold. Gross.
Well that's about it.
Lunch today was really great, even if Samarah says I sing too low like a man.
I think I'm getting the beginning of a cold. Gross.
Well that's about it.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I'm so tired today, I didn't get to bed until 1:45-ish, then up at 10:30...which to some of you is very late.
I'm going to Card making this afternoon, not really sure what to expect.
I've still yet call to Joanne to tell her she doesn't have to drive out into the boonies to get me..
My grad photos came in yesterday, I look stiff. But nice I guess. They're only going in the yearbook, next to my hopefully killer write up...which I've still got to figure out.
Well hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!
I'm going to Card making this afternoon, not really sure what to expect.
I've still yet call to Joanne to tell her she doesn't have to drive out into the boonies to get me..
My grad photos came in yesterday, I look stiff. But nice I guess. They're only going in the yearbook, next to my hopefully killer write up...which I've still got to figure out.
Well hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Today was Post Secondary day at school. My schools for next year have shifted, yet again. I'm basing my choices first on church and then on the actual school. For two schools I'm guarenteed an great church. these are 2 and 4 on my list.
I need to get in gear and apply already.
My list is:
Youth Group is tomorrow, and I've yet to read my chapters. I'll do it some time tomorrow....I don't have afree though. Man. maybe on the bus? Or in the car on the way?
I need to get in gear and apply already.
My list is:
- Redeemer
- Mount Alison
- Acadia
- UNB Saint John
Youth Group is tomorrow, and I've yet to read my chapters. I'll do it some time tomorrow....I don't have afree though. Man. maybe on the bus? Or in the car on the way?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
This World
True Christianity is the only religion that will make you cry, out of the love and oy you recieve. Knowing that You are one the elect. Knowing for certantity that God loves you. Knowing that he sent his Sone to die because of your sin. Erasing all your sin because of your love of him, your true and utter faith and his unreplaceable love of you.
Christianity also make you cry because of your own sin. You know that you can never do anything that will atone for what you've done. But you know that Christ loves you so much that he died.
I truly believe that we must be on fire with oour faith, with our love. You cannot sit quietly. Your faith must be your everthing. We are guarenteed Heaven, if we have faith. "The same I can't deny this fallen world, though not my home it's were I live"(Standing up For Nothing, Caedmon's Call) We've had all our sin covered by the blood of the lamb. We must stand up and live for Christ.
For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain- Philippians 1:21
This world has nothing for me, and this world has everything, all that I could want , and nothing that I need- This World, Caedmon's Call
Yes, I have been listen to Caedmon's Call a lot. I kind of ignored them all my life and I can't run any more. And now I'm jumping head first. In the end notes for their first album they thank Arizona Iced Tea, which if you remember I've got a mild addiction to it.
Christianity also make you cry because of your own sin. You know that you can never do anything that will atone for what you've done. But you know that Christ loves you so much that he died.
I truly believe that we must be on fire with oour faith, with our love. You cannot sit quietly. Your faith must be your everthing. We are guarenteed Heaven, if we have faith. "The same I can't deny this fallen world, though not my home it's were I live"(Standing up For Nothing, Caedmon's Call) We've had all our sin covered by the blood of the lamb. We must stand up and live for Christ.
For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain- Philippians 1:21
This world has nothing for me, and this world has everything, all that I could want , and nothing that I need- This World, Caedmon's Call
Yes, I have been listen to Caedmon's Call a lot. I kind of ignored them all my life and I can't run any more. And now I'm jumping head first. In the end notes for their first album they thank Arizona Iced Tea, which if you remember I've got a mild addiction to it.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
94 Truths: Part Four
Peter Pan was great today, though I might not be able to talk tomorrow. aslking home not alone in the rain was nice, even if Susie did try to eat my friends.
I've got a Pre-cal test tomorrow, I'm feeling about half confident about it.
63. Eating: nothing, but I did just eat some yogurt.
64. Drinking : nothing
65. Listening: to Heroes
66. Sitting/Laying: sitting
67. Watching :Heroes
68. Waiting: Christmas!
69. Want kids? For sure, five.
70. Want to get married? Yes.
71. Career: Hmmm? Stay at home mom or High school history teacher,
72. Lips or eyes: both
73. Shorter or taller: Taller, which is pretty easy.
74. Romantic or spontaneous: both, I'm very indisicive.
75. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
76. Looks or personality: personality.
I've got a Pre-cal test tomorrow, I'm feeling about half confident about it.
63. Eating: nothing, but I did just eat some yogurt.
64. Drinking : nothing
65. Listening: to Heroes
66. Sitting/Laying: sitting
67. Watching :Heroes
68. Waiting: Christmas!
69. Want kids? For sure, five.
70. Want to get married? Yes.
71. Career: Hmmm? Stay at home mom or High school history teacher,
72. Lips or eyes: both
73. Shorter or taller: Taller, which is pretty easy.
74. Romantic or spontaneous: both, I'm very indisicive.
75. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
76. Looks or personality: personality.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Brain Dump
We've started season four of Heroes. So far it seems really good, but I;m sure in a few episodes it will start dwindiling.
We read NO Shakespeare in English class today, which really sucks. Don't get me wrong I hate Shakespeare, In grade nine I can be quoted saying "I hate Shakespeare, I'm so glad he's dead" But I'd rather read than do questions.
I came home and did my whole Pre-Cal assignment, without a hitch. I may be a little overly proud of myself right at this moment.
I'm not so sure about these random what's going on posts. I seem like they're kind of I right?
Today I signed the 11 for the back of the grad hoodies.
Christmas is coming, I'm really starting to feel ready for it. I usually feel ready way before this but I'm late this year. Maybe it's the snow? I think I'm going to put the tree up this week.
I did finally beat my record on hitting the green on the Wii, by 10 feet. I told Samarah to blog about it, but she didn't.
Tonight I plan on watching Heroes and then going to bed early because seriously I'm half dead right.
Hope all of you had a great day.
We read NO Shakespeare in English class today, which really sucks. Don't get me wrong I hate Shakespeare, In grade nine I can be quoted saying "I hate Shakespeare, I'm so glad he's dead" But I'd rather read than do questions.
I came home and did my whole Pre-Cal assignment, without a hitch. I may be a little overly proud of myself right at this moment.
I'm not so sure about these random what's going on posts. I seem like they're kind of I right?
Today I signed the 11 for the back of the grad hoodies.
Christmas is coming, I'm really starting to feel ready for it. I usually feel ready way before this but I'm late this year. Maybe it's the snow? I think I'm going to put the tree up this week.
I did finally beat my record on hitting the green on the Wii, by 10 feet. I told Samarah to blog about it, but she didn't.
Tonight I plan on watching Heroes and then going to bed early because seriously I'm half dead right.
Hope all of you had a great day.
Peter Pan is tomorrow. I found this and thought it was funny.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
94 Truths: Part Three
34. Food: Lasgna, cupcakes, Coconut cream pie, butter tarts :)
35. Drinks: Arizona Iced tea, water
36. Bottoms: I have a new love of Cords, and of Flannel
37. Flower: Daisies, peonies
38. Animal: Sheep, penguins, llamas, dogs
39. Colors: grey (if that's a colour) orange, blue, green, purple
40. Dramas: This is a really really weird question. I don't really think I can answer this question
41. Favourite Subject: History for sure.
(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
42. [x]Fell in love with someone.
43. [x] Celebrated Halloween. Okay, I suppose, as I forced to in school, but I was very unwilling.
44. [x] Had your heart broken.
45. [] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
46. [x] had someone accuse you of something you didnt do
47. [] got pregnant.
48. [] had an abortion.
49. [X] did something I regret.
50. [x] broke a promise.
51. [x] hid a secret.
52. [x] pretended to be happy.
53. [x] met someone who changed your life.
54. [x] pretended to be sick.
55. [x] left the country.
56. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
57. [x] cried over the silliest thing.
58. [] ran a mile.
59. [x] went to the beach with your best friend.
60. [x] got into an argument with your friends.
61. [X] hated someone.
62. [x] stayed single for 2 years.
34. Food: Lasgna, cupcakes, Coconut cream pie, butter tarts :)
35. Drinks: Arizona Iced tea, water
36. Bottoms: I have a new love of Cords, and of Flannel
37. Flower: Daisies, peonies
38. Animal: Sheep, penguins, llamas, dogs
39. Colors: grey (if that's a colour) orange, blue, green, purple
40. Dramas: This is a really really weird question. I don't really think I can answer this question
41. Favourite Subject: History for sure.
(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
42. [x]Fell in love with someone.
43. [x] Celebrated Halloween. Okay, I suppose, as I forced to in school, but I was very unwilling.
44. [x] Had your heart broken.
45. [] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
46. [x] had someone accuse you of something you didnt do
47. [] got pregnant.
48. [] had an abortion.
49. [X] did something I regret.
50. [x] broke a promise.
51. [x] hid a secret.
52. [x] pretended to be happy.
53. [x] met someone who changed your life.
54. [x] pretended to be sick.
55. [x] left the country.
56. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
57. [x] cried over the silliest thing.
58. [] ran a mile.
59. [x] went to the beach with your best friend.
60. [x] got into an argument with your friends.
61. [X] hated someone.
62. [x] stayed single for 2 years.
Friday, November 19, 2010
94 Truths: Part Two
18. Been in an airplane: no
Been in a car accident?: Yes once when I was very little
20. First piercing?: my ears, which are no more...the peircings not my ears
21. First Best friend?: Uh.. Laura?
22. First award: Reading award as a child, or a colouring contest at church?
23. First crush?: Timothy Jones or Matt Carter
24. First word: I'm not really sure
25. Last person you talked to in person: Josiah
26: Your first lover?: ?
27. Last person you texted: I have no phone
28. Last person you watched a movie with: The entirity of my history class, Nuremberg. The corn of the love story. Why would you add a corny love story to a movie about Nazi trials?
29. Last food you ate: Um....?
30. A truth about you: I have a mild addication to Arizon Iced green tea with ginsing and honey.
31. Last song you listen to: Third Day album by Third Day, or the German national anthem.
32. Last thing you bought: my grad hoodie?
33. Last person you hugged: Um.....I don't really know.
I had double Global today so it was pretty amazing. I'm now helping to do the costumes for the school musical. Craft fair marathon tomorrow.
18. Been in an airplane: no
Been in a car accident?: Yes once when I was very little
20. First piercing?: my ears, which are no more...the peircings not my ears
21. First Best friend?: Uh.. Laura?
22. First award: Reading award as a child, or a colouring contest at church?
23. First crush?: Timothy Jones or Matt Carter
24. First word: I'm not really sure
25. Last person you talked to in person: Josiah
26: Your first lover?: ?
27. Last person you texted: I have no phone
28. Last person you watched a movie with: The entirity of my history class, Nuremberg. The corn of the love story. Why would you add a corny love story to a movie about Nazi trials?
29. Last food you ate: Um....?
30. A truth about you: I have a mild addication to Arizon Iced green tea with ginsing and honey.
31. Last song you listen to: Third Day album by Third Day, or the German national anthem.
32. Last thing you bought: my grad hoodie?
33. Last person you hugged: Um.....I don't really know.
I had double Global today so it was pretty amazing. I'm now helping to do the costumes for the school musical. Craft fair marathon tomorrow.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
94 Truths: Part One
1. Real name: Rebekah
2. Nickname(s): Bekah, Boo, Booboo
3. Zodiac Sign: I think I'm a gemini? I don't care
4. Male or female: Female
5. Elementary School: A school on a hill
6. High School: A high school...
7. College: on eof three, Acadia, Mount A, or Redeemer.
8. Hair color: Redish, blondinsh brown
9. Tall or short: short, very short
10. Sweats or Jeans: jeans
11. Phone or Camera: I don't really know...
12. Health freak: nope
13. Orange or Apple: Both
14. Do you have a crush on someone?: yes
15. Eat or Drink: hmmmm
16. Piercings: I used to have my ears, I had them done twice but now I don't wear any earings and they've grown over
17. Pepsi or coke:Coke.
2. Nickname(s): Bekah, Boo, Booboo
3. Zodiac Sign: I think I'm a gemini? I don't care
4. Male or female: Female
5. Elementary School: A school on a hill
6. High School: A high school...
7. College: on eof three, Acadia, Mount A, or Redeemer.
8. Hair color: Redish, blondinsh brown
9. Tall or short: short, very short
10. Sweats or Jeans: jeans
11. Phone or Camera: I don't really know...
12. Health freak: nope
13. Orange or Apple: Both
14. Do you have a crush on someone?: yes
15. Eat or Drink: hmmmm
16. Piercings: I used to have my ears, I had them done twice but now I don't wear any earings and they've grown over
17. Pepsi or coke:Coke.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
How today went
School was pretty amazing today. We had this increbiable assembly this moring about drinking and driving, doig drugs and driving, texting and driving, doing drugs. It was really powerful and I think it made a lot of people think. Then I had double Pre-cal which always the best, because I always learn something and never feel like I have nothing to do or I'm doing busy work.
Then lunch, I went to the library and read Macleans, the newest university edition. I love Macleans, I really respect them and I find the articles very good.
Then European history, where we watched a documentary about some crazy Italian family in the 15th century.
Followed by Global, which had no fights, but I was near sure one was going to start. And Ben gave me a PB&J sandwich because I said I thought I was going to pass out, he has this super skill of making sandwiches, he usually has around 8 in his book bag
Can home made my slow roated forever porkchops and carrots.
Then we went to Church for a missions night. Really good. The youth group sat in a clump, and tried not to be rowdy. Then Lauren and I talked about camp...then other stuff happend and here I am.
I do have this weird inner ear pain. I'm either getting a sore throat or an ear-infection. Or maybe my ear is just freaking out.
I found a new thing to make me blog for a few more days:
94 truths. It's actually one big thing posted on Facebook by my friend Kylah, but I'm going to do it in sections
Then lunch, I went to the library and read Macleans, the newest university edition. I love Macleans, I really respect them and I find the articles very good.
Then European history, where we watched a documentary about some crazy Italian family in the 15th century.
Followed by Global, which had no fights, but I was near sure one was going to start. And Ben gave me a PB&J sandwich because I said I thought I was going to pass out, he has this super skill of making sandwiches, he usually has around 8 in his book bag
Can home made my slow roated forever porkchops and carrots.
Then we went to Church for a missions night. Really good. The youth group sat in a clump, and tried not to be rowdy. Then Lauren and I talked about camp...then other stuff happend and here I am.
I do have this weird inner ear pain. I'm either getting a sore throat or an ear-infection. Or maybe my ear is just freaking out.
I found a new thing to make me blog for a few more days:
94 truths. It's actually one big thing posted on Facebook by my friend Kylah, but I'm going to do it in sections
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Day 30
Day 30 - Who are you?
I am me.
I laugh too loud, and a lot. I read too much. I love the colour grey. I have super strong opinions, and refuse to back down. I'm a night owl. I can't spell. I love baking and I love my Kitchenaid mixer. I always feel guilty using so many "I's". History is my favourite subject. I like to know every thing, about everything so I can make cross references. I like spoons, but only of a certain thickness, it's odd. I can only eat same coloured smarties at one time, but I'll mix skittles like crazy. I fully love being short. I hate writing about myself, and this is extremly akward.
Now I'm done 30 day. I want to continue blogging everyday after this. And if I don't you can yell at me.
I am me.
I laugh too loud, and a lot. I read too much. I love the colour grey. I have super strong opinions, and refuse to back down. I'm a night owl. I can't spell. I love baking and I love my Kitchenaid mixer. I always feel guilty using so many "I's". History is my favourite subject. I like to know every thing, about everything so I can make cross references. I like spoons, but only of a certain thickness, it's odd. I can only eat same coloured smarties at one time, but I'll mix skittles like crazy. I fully love being short. I hate writing about myself, and this is extremly akward.
Now I'm done 30 day. I want to continue blogging everyday after this. And if I don't you can yell at me.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sense and Sensibility
[after Marianne has first met Willougby]
Elinor Dashwood: Marianne, you must change or you will catch a cold.
Marianne: What care I for colds when there is such a man.
Elinor Dashwood: You will care very much when your nose swells up.
Marianne: You are right. Help me, Elinor.
This is my absolute favourite part of the movie.
I'm nearly done the book. I hope I'll finish it tonight, then I can start/finish all the other books on my list. I need to read more
Elinor Dashwood: Marianne, you must change or you will catch a cold.
Marianne: What care I for colds when there is such a man.
Elinor Dashwood: You will care very much when your nose swells up.
Marianne: You are right. Help me, Elinor.
This is my absolute favourite part of the movie.
I'm nearly done the book. I hope I'll finish it tonight, then I can start/finish all the other books on my list. I need to read more
History Rhymes
I'm riding on an incredible high right now.
The reason was debating, debating makes me all giddy and shaky and in a state of excitement.
My history class was intense today. We have this guy who is crazy (I affectionatly call him Trenchy) anyways today it was class of the sane vs. Trenchy. He was trying to say that the Allies should have been tried for war crimes in WWII also, and that the Nazi's did not get a fair trial. Do you see the reason for the uproar?
Yes, so me and my other sane minded and political classmates tore into him, and the girl that was kind of on his side.
He said that the judges were bribed and had already chosen their side of the argument before the trial began. They were not bribed, if you accepted a bribe there is no way you should never be allowed to work in the International Criminal court. Yes they had already picked their side, they killed 11 million people, there is now way that that could be justified. The ones on trial said things like" I wish we had killed them all" Who years later still had the same hatred. With all the evidence brought against the Nazi you could NOT rule as them being innocent. Ever!
Yes Canada was inhumane too, we locked up innocent Japanese in the middle of the mountians. We forced them into slave labour in our Sugar beet fields. But do you know what? Our camps lacked gas chambers, doctors who did experiments, and the oven where human beings were burned.
He also said that Stalin wasn't tried and died a war hero. Lets see, shortly after WWII an iron curtian decended upon Europe making it impossible to get to the USSR. Everyone was scared of another war (hence the cold war) so no one wanted to invade Russia. Stalin died alone, he may have been murdered by someone who he thought was close to. No one like Stalin, he was extremly paranoid. He had no reason for killing most of those he did. Neither did Hitler. Stalin killed 17 millon people.
Most people in my class were freaking out, they didn't know what to think. They knew that they didn't agree with what he was saying, but they didn't know what to say. They were scared by all the yelling. they wanted peace and for us to stop, but these things can not be said. I know some people were glad that some of us spoke out.
Nothing will ever justify what the Nazi's did. Nothing. You can not justify the killing of 6 million Jews and 5 million of humans. Then burning the bodies of those humans. The piles of dead bodies, the imediate killing of children. Nothing no one will ever say anything that will make it seem alright.
We can not pretend that it never happend. We must always remember. We can not justify the sin of men. The sin that makes man hate another and want to errase him from the earth.
"History doesn't repeat itself but it does rhyme." Mark Twain (though I heard it from Lewis. H. Lapham on The Hour) I always have this quote running through my mind. A constant reminder.
I know this doesn't really fit the title of this blog, but I really needed to voice this. Some people just don't understand.
The reason was debating, debating makes me all giddy and shaky and in a state of excitement.
My history class was intense today. We have this guy who is crazy (I affectionatly call him Trenchy) anyways today it was class of the sane vs. Trenchy. He was trying to say that the Allies should have been tried for war crimes in WWII also, and that the Nazi's did not get a fair trial. Do you see the reason for the uproar?
Yes, so me and my other sane minded and political classmates tore into him, and the girl that was kind of on his side.
He said that the judges were bribed and had already chosen their side of the argument before the trial began. They were not bribed, if you accepted a bribe there is no way you should never be allowed to work in the International Criminal court. Yes they had already picked their side, they killed 11 million people, there is now way that that could be justified. The ones on trial said things like" I wish we had killed them all" Who years later still had the same hatred. With all the evidence brought against the Nazi you could NOT rule as them being innocent. Ever!
Yes Canada was inhumane too, we locked up innocent Japanese in the middle of the mountians. We forced them into slave labour in our Sugar beet fields. But do you know what? Our camps lacked gas chambers, doctors who did experiments, and the oven where human beings were burned.
He also said that Stalin wasn't tried and died a war hero. Lets see, shortly after WWII an iron curtian decended upon Europe making it impossible to get to the USSR. Everyone was scared of another war (hence the cold war) so no one wanted to invade Russia. Stalin died alone, he may have been murdered by someone who he thought was close to. No one like Stalin, he was extremly paranoid. He had no reason for killing most of those he did. Neither did Hitler. Stalin killed 17 millon people.
Most people in my class were freaking out, they didn't know what to think. They knew that they didn't agree with what he was saying, but they didn't know what to say. They were scared by all the yelling. they wanted peace and for us to stop, but these things can not be said. I know some people were glad that some of us spoke out.
Nothing will ever justify what the Nazi's did. Nothing. You can not justify the killing of 6 million Jews and 5 million of humans. Then burning the bodies of those humans. The piles of dead bodies, the imediate killing of children. Nothing no one will ever say anything that will make it seem alright.
We can not pretend that it never happend. We must always remember. We can not justify the sin of men. The sin that makes man hate another and want to errase him from the earth.
"History doesn't repeat itself but it does rhyme." Mark Twain (though I heard it from Lewis. H. Lapham on The Hour) I always have this quote running through my mind. A constant reminder.
I know this doesn't really fit the title of this blog, but I really needed to voice this. Some people just don't understand.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Day 29
Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned
I learned:
So much about the Holocaust, as that's what I'm studying in Global History. So many sad things, Every class I left in awe of the sin of man.
To hate Wal Mart and other multinational corporations.
Kitchen Aid stand mixers are my favourite thing.
I have no time management skills.
People read my blog, and that I love that.
I actually like blogging now.
I learned:
So much about the Holocaust, as that's what I'm studying in Global History. So many sad things, Every class I left in awe of the sin of man.
To hate Wal Mart and other multinational corporations.
Kitchen Aid stand mixers are my favourite thing.
I have no time management skills.
People read my blog, and that I love that.
I actually like blogging now.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Day 28
Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
One major change, I got a haircut, I now have bangs, but they're clipped up in the picture (and at the moment) My hair is way shorter now. I got a new coat, but I'm not wearing it in the second picture. I'm in grade 12 now. I've changed my major, this time last year I was set on going to Memorial, and becoming a pharmacist. This year I want to go to some other school and get a BA in History, yet the school and this thought has changed many times.
I've blogged more this year than last.
Emery is now my favourite band.
Um...I can't think of anything else. I know I've changed, I don't know exactly how to express it though.
I would like to say I've gotten taller, but that would be a lie.
Oddly enough these pictures are were almost taken the same day a year a part.
Today I helped my mom and Joanne amke 9 lasagnas and like what seemed like 20 potato ham bakes. It was fun, I supose. I also ate their bread. and jam. I would have liked to go to ball hockey. but I'm sure my vegetable cutting skills are much higher than my atempts at ruling at ball hockey. I know, I'm good. You don't have to tell me.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Day 27
Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
I did the 30 day challenge so I would be forced to blog almost everyday. Also I had an excuse to post pictures every once and a while.
I liked having a set thing to write about each day instead of having to develop something to write about.
That's why I did the 30 day challenge.
I did the 30 day challenge so I would be forced to blog almost everyday. Also I had an excuse to post pictures every once and a while.
I liked having a set thing to write about each day instead of having to develop something to write about.
That's why I did the 30 day challenge.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Day 26
I didn't blog yesterday, but I did read 2 whole chapters of Peter Pan aloud to some people. That was pretty cool.
TheI came how and ate super and didn't do my English homework. Then I went to bed really early and wrote a letter. That's pretty much my day.
Day 26 - What you think about your friends
Friends. I love my friends or else I wouldn't be friends with them.
Linsdeys about one of the greatest people I have ever met. She listens to all my crappy problems and still talks to me. She's also adorable. I tell her everything it's pretty great.
I love these kids with all my heart especially Samarah- Samarah.
She's so full of herself.
Any ways these kids are cool. I like hanging out with them. Church cool kids for sure.
TheI came how and ate super and didn't do my English homework. Then I went to bed really early and wrote a letter. That's pretty much my day.
Day 26 - What you think about your friends
Friends. I love my friends or else I wouldn't be friends with them.
Linsdeys about one of the greatest people I have ever met. She listens to all my crappy problems and still talks to me. She's also adorable. I tell her everything it's pretty great.
She's so full of herself.
Any ways these kids are cool. I like hanging out with them. Church cool kids for sure.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Day 25-part 2
Day 25 - What I would find in your bag
- Pre-cal binder, which I happened to buy for 25 cents.
- Wonderful graphing calculator. I feel like a major dork owning one but I love it.
- Pencil case. It confuses a lot of people, it's kind of an engineering marvel.
- The best pencil shrpener I have ever owned.
- Peter Pan J.M. Barrie, which I took out of the library for our reading group :)
- The Children of Men P.D. James, who's a woman, what? Amazing book. I didn't think I would like it this much.
- Sense and Sensebility Jane Austen, also for Church reading group...I've really got to finish it by Friday.
- Random change purse that I didn't know was in my bookbag.
- Batman lunch bag.
- New Testament and Psalms and Proverbs..which I stole from my dad. I kind of use it like a file folder and keep papers in it, such as:
- My schedule which I rarely use, as I've pretty much got it memorized by now.
- My binder for all my other subjects.
Yes, I do have 3 novels in my bag (oddly enough all writen by British authors) I have Sense and Sensebility because I had a free and that's how I spend my frees. The Children of Men because that's my bus book. and Peter Pan because I just got it from the library. I'm not that crazy...
I'm excited for our Peter Pan reading club :)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Day 25
This day will be brought to you tomorrow, because I want to add pictures( Fixed) and as it 10 at night that's not going to happen. So tomorrow. When it's light.
Lauren (AKA Homey L) reads my blog and she made me the most amazing butter tarts ever becasue she read that I craved them. She also wrote me a super cute sticky note. And yes Lauren I do actually like them, as I had one as sone as I came home and it was the best butter tart I'vee ver had. THANK YOU!
I wonder if I posted that I liked a million dollars if some one would give me it? I highly doubt it.
Oh and p.s Jesse I don't make it impossible to comment, I could make it so you have to have a blog. And this way I get to read all your "wonderful"comments. And not the weird asian ones.
Lauren (AKA Homey L) reads my blog and she made me the most amazing butter tarts ever becasue she read that I craved them. She also wrote me a super cute sticky note. And yes Lauren I do actually like them, as I had one as sone as I came home and it was the best butter tart I'vee ver had. THANK YOU!
I wonder if I posted that I liked a million dollars if some one would give me it? I highly doubt it.
Oh and p.s Jesse I don't make it impossible to comment, I could make it so you have to have a blog. And this way I get to read all your "wonderful"comments. And not the weird asian ones.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Day 24
Day 24 - A letter to your parents
Dear parentals,
Thank you for giving me life. Thank you for raising me as a christian. Thank you for banning me from halloween, the Spice Girls and Aladian.
Thank you mom for reading to me every Little House book, and countless other books.
Thank you dad for showing me the best music of all time.
Dear parentals,
Thank you for giving me life. Thank you for raising me as a christian. Thank you for banning me from halloween, the Spice Girls and Aladian.
Thank you mom for reading to me every Little House book, and countless other books.
Thank you dad for showing me the best music of all time.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Day 23
Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot
Chocolate, pretty much everyday.
Butter tarts, I have this insane want for them as of recent.
Certain songs, like I need to listen to them right then
Milk, when I start missing camp.
Frozen peas, they make a wonderful snack
This is all I can think of.
I had my grad picture taken this week, one of the weirder experiences of my life. The lady completely rearranged my head. My hair looked way different when the picture was taken than when I walked in.
Chocolate, pretty much everyday.
Butter tarts, I have this insane want for them as of recent.
Certain songs, like I need to listen to them right then
Milk, when I start missing camp.
Frozen peas, they make a wonderful snack
This is all I can think of.
I had my grad picture taken this week, one of the weirder experiences of my life. The lady completely rearranged my head. My hair looked way different when the picture was taken than when I walked in.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Day 22
Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else
I'm a Christian and A reformed conservative at that.
I always wear mismatched socks.
I have a pair of Vans with flamingos on them.
I listen to a ton of music, none of it really makes sense...I listen to Clapton and Family Force 5 right after each other, then Underoath followed by Jack Johnson.
I'm me, that is the number one reason why I am different from everyone else.
I'm a Christian and A reformed conservative at that.
I always wear mismatched socks.
I have a pair of Vans with flamingos on them.
I listen to a ton of music, none of it really makes sense...I listen to Clapton and Family Force 5 right after each other, then Underoath followed by Jack Johnson.
I'm me, that is the number one reason why I am different from everyone else.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Day 21
Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy
My iPod Janey.
People, my family, my friends, my youth group.
Reading, lots of reading
All these things make me happy.
My iPod Janey.
People, my family, my friends, my youth group.
Reading, lots of reading
All these things make me happy.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Day 20
Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
I've put off writing this post for 2 days. This is the hardest one so far. I know who God wants me to marry, is this the time the place or the forum to announce who this is? No. I prayed for weeks, months asking and pleading God to show me if he was the one. I woke up one morning and I just knew. I'm not going to give you intials, or a picture or any hints. I will say he is one of the most amazing Christian guys I have ever met. I'll also say that I truly feel that he is the one I'm going to spend the rest of my life with.
I'm completely aware that this post may seem odd, stalkerish and the like, but I don't feel like it is. Thi sis how I feel. I would love to scream his name from this blog but I won't because it isn't the time. Tell you exactly how I feel, but I won't Someday.
If only they knew- A Rocket to The Moon
Talk to me, I'm torn
I could get lost in a voice like yours
Tell me if I'm wrong or right
Tell me I could stay tonight
It's in the way that you fool everyone
When you're falling in love again
So tell me how this ends
'Cause no one knows you like I do
They don't see you like I do, baby
They'll try to, oh if only they knew
They'll never come close to you
Girl you know you got it, oh you know you do it better
(Girl you know you got it, oh you know you do it better)
Girl you know I want, oh I want it more than ever
(Girl you know I want, oh I know it's now or never)
'Cause no one loves you more than I do
They don't see you like I do, baby
They'll try to, oh if only they knew
They'll never come close to you
And you brighten up the world with your eyes
And you're so damn lovely when you're on my mind
'Cause you're the only one
'Cause no one knows you like I do
They don't see you like I do, baby
They'll try to, oh if only they knew
They'll never come close to you
They'll never come close to you
They'll try to, oh if only they knew
They'll never come close to you
(this may also be the only time i've ever posted a swear on my blog, very proud about that. Now I'm messed that up"
P.s. I still feel creepy posting this.
I've put off writing this post for 2 days. This is the hardest one so far. I know who God wants me to marry, is this the time the place or the forum to announce who this is? No. I prayed for weeks, months asking and pleading God to show me if he was the one. I woke up one morning and I just knew. I'm not going to give you intials, or a picture or any hints. I will say he is one of the most amazing Christian guys I have ever met. I'll also say that I truly feel that he is the one I'm going to spend the rest of my life with.
I'm completely aware that this post may seem odd, stalkerish and the like, but I don't feel like it is. Thi sis how I feel. I would love to scream his name from this blog but I won't because it isn't the time. Tell you exactly how I feel, but I won't Someday.
If only they knew- A Rocket to The Moon
Talk to me, I'm torn
I could get lost in a voice like yours
Tell me if I'm wrong or right
Tell me I could stay tonight
It's in the way that you fool everyone
When you're falling in love again
So tell me how this ends
'Cause no one knows you like I do
They don't see you like I do, baby
They'll try to, oh if only they knew
They'll never come close to you
Girl you know you got it, oh you know you do it better
(Girl you know you got it, oh you know you do it better)
Girl you know I want, oh I want it more than ever
(Girl you know I want, oh I know it's now or never)
'Cause no one loves you more than I do
They don't see you like I do, baby
They'll try to, oh if only they knew
They'll never come close to you
And you brighten up the world with your eyes
And you're so damn lovely when you're on my mind
'Cause you're the only one
'Cause no one knows you like I do
They don't see you like I do, baby
They'll try to, oh if only they knew
They'll never come close to you
They'll never come close to you
They'll try to, oh if only they knew
They'll never come close to you
(this may also be the only time i've ever posted a swear on my blog, very proud about that. Now I'm messed that up"
P.s. I still feel creepy posting this.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Day 19
Day 19 - Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Bekah- you drop 2 letters from my name, voila
I know people who I don't think have ever called me Rebekah, always Bekah. I don't let a lot of people call me Bekah, you've got to be pretty close to me to get to.
Bekah Joy- With my middle name added
Boo- I'm not so sure, mom just calls me this
Booboo-see above
Last night we had the Reformation party. Samarah and I killed at the quizzes, I'm totally serious. We didn't sing A Mighty Fortress is Our God by Martin Luther, this made me sad. I used to hate that hymn but now I love it. We did learn about Katherine Luther, who's pretty much the coolest woman ever. Take that feminists.
Bekah- you drop 2 letters from my name, voila
I know people who I don't think have ever called me Rebekah, always Bekah. I don't let a lot of people call me Bekah, you've got to be pretty close to me to get to.
Bekah Joy- With my middle name added
Boo- I'm not so sure, mom just calls me this
Booboo-see above
Last night we had the Reformation party. Samarah and I killed at the quizzes, I'm totally serious. We didn't sing A Mighty Fortress is Our God by Martin Luther, this made me sad. I used to hate that hymn but now I love it. We did learn about Katherine Luther, who's pretty much the coolest woman ever. Take that feminists.
Day 18
Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have
Go to Redeemer next year. This is a plan, dream and goal.
Earn An BA in History.
Marry the most amazing Christian guy ever.
Have kids with that amazing guy. Raise them into Christ loving adults.
Be a stay at home mom. For my entire life this has been my number one dream, through all the other fazes and dreams this has always remained. It's truly an intricate part of my identity.
Learn how to spell better.
Type Like as like not as liek. Ugh. I need to fix it every time.
Keep blogging forever.
Live in the Valley forever
Go to Ireland, Greece, Germany, all of the American cities I love.
Knit a sweater
Make a soufle
Go to Cornerstone. Which is in Chicago so two things right there.
Own some Toms
Read the entire Bible, I'm about half way through right now.
Accomplish everything on this list
Go to Redeemer next year. This is a plan, dream and goal.
Earn An BA in History.
Marry the most amazing Christian guy ever.
Have kids with that amazing guy. Raise them into Christ loving adults.
Be a stay at home mom. For my entire life this has been my number one dream, through all the other fazes and dreams this has always remained. It's truly an intricate part of my identity.
Learn how to spell better.
Type Like as like not as liek. Ugh. I need to fix it every time.
Keep blogging forever.
Live in the Valley forever
Go to Ireland, Greece, Germany, all of the American cities I love.
Knit a sweater
Make a soufle
Go to Cornerstone. Which is in Chicago so two things right there.
Own some Toms
Read the entire Bible, I'm about half way through right now.
Accomplish everything on this list
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Day 17
Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Lets see. I don't really know who. I like my life. There's lots of people I'd want to meet, and if I switched with them I wouldn't meet them. Also I'd still be myself, not them, just their life.
Reformation day is 3 days YAY!
I bought my Grad Hoodie today, I'm excited.
Lets see. I don't really know who. I like my life. There's lots of people I'd want to meet, and if I switched with them I wouldn't meet them. Also I'd still be myself, not them, just their life.
Reformation day is 3 days YAY!
I bought my Grad Hoodie today, I'm excited.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Day 15
Day 15 - Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
I'm also going to put how I found out about the musician.
1.Darker Side-Johnny Lang
Dad, Crossroads 2007 DVD, and We got to see him this summer. So Good. Best concert I've ever been to..out of the 3 I've gone to.
American Idol, I was a huge fan of Chris the whole season he was on. I thought he should have won but I think his career is way bigger and better with out it.
3.Who Am I living For?-Katy Perry
AP a couple of years ago before the whole kissing girls scandall. This song is so good, and is one of the top reasons I think She's going to come back to Christanity
4.Aint no Sunshine When She's Gone-James Taylor
I really don't know, everyone knows this song. Common knowledge I guess, then Mom made me listen to some and his voice is all homey and warm.
5.Tis So Sweet-Hawk Nelson
Bethany and Timothy, they lent me the Letters to The President CD and my love grew from there.
6.Happily Ever After-He Is We
7.I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For- U2
I don't know, but Dad had the Joshua Tree album so I put it on my iPod and here we are.
8.Holes to Heaven-Jack Johnson
Eric Flanagan, then his dad lent my dad some CD's and I feel all mellow and happy when I listen to his musi
9.You're Ever So Inviting-Underoath
Tooth And Nail Records, I liked the music. I only listen to the Heavly Arroned songs and like The Almosts music better, but I love the guys from Underoath, Tim is basically my Best freind. Lindsey got me a DVD for Christmas a couple of years ago and I fell in love with them again.
10 Live Like We're Alive-Nevertheless
Tooth And Nail Again. I stalked their website awhile ago. I bought Their Live Like We're Alive Album and fell in love, Now thet're on my top list of music. They're songs just make me feel AMAZING.
I'm also going to put how I found out about the musician.
1.Darker Side-Johnny Lang
Dad, Crossroads 2007 DVD, and We got to see him this summer. So Good. Best concert I've ever been to..out of the 3 I've gone to.
American Idol, I was a huge fan of Chris the whole season he was on. I thought he should have won but I think his career is way bigger and better with out it.
3.Who Am I living For?-Katy Perry
AP a couple of years ago before the whole kissing girls scandall. This song is so good, and is one of the top reasons I think She's going to come back to Christanity
4.Aint no Sunshine When She's Gone-James Taylor
I really don't know, everyone knows this song. Common knowledge I guess, then Mom made me listen to some and his voice is all homey and warm.
5.Tis So Sweet-Hawk Nelson
Bethany and Timothy, they lent me the Letters to The President CD and my love grew from there.
6.Happily Ever After-He Is We
7.I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For- U2
I don't know, but Dad had the Joshua Tree album so I put it on my iPod and here we are.
8.Holes to Heaven-Jack Johnson
Eric Flanagan, then his dad lent my dad some CD's and I feel all mellow and happy when I listen to his musi
9.You're Ever So Inviting-Underoath
Tooth And Nail Records, I liked the music. I only listen to the Heavly Arroned songs and like The Almosts music better, but I love the guys from Underoath, Tim is basically my Best freind. Lindsey got me a DVD for Christmas a couple of years ago and I fell in love with them again.
10 Live Like We're Alive-Nevertheless
Tooth And Nail Again. I stalked their website awhile ago. I bought Their Live Like We're Alive Album and fell in love, Now thet're on my top list of music. They're songs just make me feel AMAZING.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Day 14
Day 14 - A picture of you and your family
Mom has some crazy big eyes in this and Josiah looks like a memeber of The New Kids on the Block.
Mom has some crazy big eyes in this and Josiah looks like a memeber of The New Kids on the Block.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Day 13
Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Dear Person who has hurt me,
You shamelessly took the job of helping the grad ring guy this week, getting 80 dollars off your purcahse. When I had a free when he needed help and your mom is a phycologist. I'm mad at you, you ran and screamed and put your hand up before anyone else could. And I didn't want to be rude and ask after you.
I feel kind of shallow writing this right now.
Also Thomas you called me an idiot in your Camp note book, That hurt me deep down inside.
Dear Person who has hurt me,
You shamelessly took the job of helping the grad ring guy this week, getting 80 dollars off your purcahse. When I had a free when he needed help and your mom is a phycologist. I'm mad at you, you ran and screamed and put your hand up before anyone else could. And I didn't want to be rude and ask after you.
I feel kind of shallow writing this right now.
Also Thomas you called me an idiot in your Camp note book, That hurt me deep down inside.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Day 12
Day 12 - How you found out about Facebook and why you made one
I'd heard whispers of Facebook, this was in the summer of 2007. I'd heard a lot of people were moving from Xanga to Facebook, My mom had Facebook. Then the day before I started Grade 9 I got a profile. Why you might ask? Ben, a guy I went to middle school had Facebook, I did not. Be and I shared the common bond of not having cable, yet he had Facebook, I needed it. That's why I have Facebook, as to seem as cool as Ben. I'm not as cool as Ben, he has a truck named Blue, I don't. Showing me up again. He has Cable now, I don't.
I'd heard whispers of Facebook, this was in the summer of 2007. I'd heard a lot of people were moving from Xanga to Facebook, My mom had Facebook. Then the day before I started Grade 9 I got a profile. Why you might ask? Ben, a guy I went to middle school had Facebook, I did not. Be and I shared the common bond of not having cable, yet he had Facebook, I needed it. That's why I have Facebook, as to seem as cool as Ben. I'm not as cool as Ben, he has a truck named Blue, I don't. Showing me up again. He has Cable now, I don't.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Day 11
Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
Thanksgiving 2010, possibly the best Thanksgiving of my life. Yup. We're posing like Uncle Ricco from Napoleon Dynamite, a movie that we all love. Thousands of tiny little seahorses. Yada yada yada.
I bought my grad ring on Tuesday! YAY! It was very exciting. One side has a cross and the other Psalm 23 with a sheep, which are my favourite animal. I can't wait to get it in 2 months.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Day 10
Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Okay. I'm going to put my iPod on shuffle for a bunch of songs and tell you when I listen to them.
Jungleland ( Bruce Springsteen) Any emotion ever.
Crashed (Daughtry) doesn't really matter, when ever it comes on.
Firework(Katy Perry) Happy or hyper.
As Your Voice Fades(Emery) In an Emery Mood, which is all the time basically. I don't listen to the super dark Emery songs when I'm super happy.
Call Back When I'm Honest (The Almost) Sadish, when it comes on.
Gone(Jack Johnson) Mello
Every Time it rains( REZ) very sad
Breathe You In (TFK) very very sad.
Lover (Nevertheless) Every Emotion, I can listen to never the less at any time.
I can listen to Springsteen, Nevertheless, and Emery always.
I'm buying my grad ring tomorrow, YAY!
Okay. I'm going to put my iPod on shuffle for a bunch of songs and tell you when I listen to them.
Jungleland ( Bruce Springsteen) Any emotion ever.
Crashed (Daughtry) doesn't really matter, when ever it comes on.
Firework(Katy Perry) Happy or hyper.
As Your Voice Fades(Emery) In an Emery Mood, which is all the time basically. I don't listen to the super dark Emery songs when I'm super happy.
Call Back When I'm Honest (The Almost) Sadish, when it comes on.
Gone(Jack Johnson) Mello
Every Time it rains( REZ) very sad
Breathe You In (TFK) very very sad.
Lover (Nevertheless) Every Emotion, I can listen to never the less at any time.
I can listen to Springsteen, Nevertheless, and Emery always.
I'm buying my grad ring tomorrow, YAY!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Day 09
Day 09 - Something you’re proud of in the past few days
hmmm....Lets see.
I got an 85 on my Pre-Cal assignment. Which is way better than I was expecting.
I thought that I had a different challenge today, but I don't. This is really all I can think of right now.
hmmm....Lets see.
I got an 85 on my Pre-Cal assignment. Which is way better than I was expecting.
I thought that I had a different challenge today, but I don't. This is really all I can think of right now.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Day 08
Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why
Officially sign up for the SAT.
I'm so incredibly nervous out this. But it needs to be done.
Possibly buy a grad ring, I know exactly what I want now. I've always wanted one and now I can have one.
Lots of grad related things. It's actually happening. AHHHH!
I just watched this video, soooo cute. ehhh!
I nearly started crying at the end. I love Taylor Swift.
Officially sign up for the SAT.
I'm so incredibly nervous out this. But it needs to be done.
Possibly buy a grad ring, I know exactly what I want now. I've always wanted one and now I can have one.
Lots of grad related things. It's actually happening. AHHHH!
I just watched this video, soooo cute. ehhh!
I nearly started crying at the end. I love Taylor Swift.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
America the Beautiful
Here's a list of American cities I really really want to visit.
On A side note I saw a clip from Beverly Hills 90210 and they bleeped the word faggot. Really? We've been reduced to this? We can have inappropriate bearing of skin, immense amounts of sin,swearing, taking the Lords name in vain all in the commercials and within the show but they bleep faggot?
- Chicago- to listen to the blues and eat amazing pizza
- Minneapolis- because it's epic
- San Fransico-to walk vertically
- Boston-Just because, to see the Habs beat the Bruins there. Throw tea in the harbour.
- Tulsa- to meet Pony Boy and Soda, Amy and I have planned a trip
- New York City-Because you know you have to go.
- Seattle- To listen to some grunge and get soaked
- Denver- There's mountains guys
- Philadelphia- Becuase I call it Philly, and to see the insanity of the Broad Street Bullies.
- Asbury Park- The obvious Springsteen connection..
- Richmond, Virginia- It seem really pretty
- Charlotte- Love the name, also really pretty
On A side note I saw a clip from Beverly Hills 90210 and they bleeped the word faggot. Really? We've been reduced to this? We can have inappropriate bearing of skin, immense amounts of sin,swearing, taking the Lords name in vain all in the commercials and within the show but they bleep faggot?
Day 07
Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
My Mom, for sure. I tell her nearly every thing. And she's my mom you know. She taught me to read and read to me for hours, which is why I love reading so much. She raised me as a Christian, She instilled in me a love for God, by setting an example. She taught me how to bake and cook, another thing I love. She helps me with my spelling and edits my school work. She is the enviroment I am a product of.
Lindsey, She also helps me spell. I tell her every thing. She's my pen pal, she used to be my bus buddy. We've been friends since 6th grade but we met in 5th. Some how we've survived all this time and I love her just as much now. We undertsand each other. We've supported each other through heartbreak and joy. She's changed me.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Day 06
Day 06 - Favorite super hero and why
This is super easy.
Batman. Yes I know he's just a rich guy who has a bunch of cool stuff. But when you think of it isn't Iron Man too?
Why Batman? This is why:
Mr.Christian Bale. Yup I like him a lot. His gravelly Batman voice is the best. Since He played Laurie, which was very long time ago, I've kind of sort of had a crush on him...
The Dark Knight is for sure on my top movies list. I like Batman Beins too but I haven't seen it as much as The Dark knight and it has no Joker but the Arkham thing is cool. I just like Heath Ledgers Joker.
I also for some reason like Poison Ivy. I want her power it's epic but I would use it for good, not evil.
I'm sad she'll nver be in the Christian Bale movies because she wouldn't exist in the real world.
P.S. This is my 100th blog post, excitment!
This is super easy.
Batman. Yes I know he's just a rich guy who has a bunch of cool stuff. But when you think of it isn't Iron Man too?
Why Batman? This is why:
Mr.Christian Bale. Yup I like him a lot. His gravelly Batman voice is the best. Since He played Laurie, which was very long time ago, I've kind of sort of had a crush on him...
The Dark Knight is for sure on my top movies list. I like Batman Beins too but I haven't seen it as much as The Dark knight and it has no Joker but the Arkham thing is cool. I just like Heath Ledgers Joker.
I also for some reason like Poison Ivy. I want her power it's epic but I would use it for good, not evil.
I'm sad she'll nver be in the Christian Bale movies because she wouldn't exist in the real world.
P.S. This is my 100th blog post, excitment!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Day 05
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Lunenberg Nova Scotia. I love this place. It's so pretty and quaint.
I just had what I think was my best Thanksgiving so far. It was wonderful.
Lunenberg Nova Scotia. I love this place. It's so pretty and quaint.
I just had what I think was my best Thanksgiving so far. It was wonderful.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Day 04
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have.
I think way too far in advanced. I freak out about stuff that may or may not happen for like 5 years. It's a thing I do. I am and over planner. I think about evry little detail, every thing that could go bad. Don't even ask me about this the week before camp, I'm a wreck.
I also don't proof read, which I really should do. I can't spell, or use grammar. I need to work on this. I always read blog posts a couple weeks after and find all my mistakes.
I laugh really loud too, but I actaully like this habit.
I think way too far in advanced. I freak out about stuff that may or may not happen for like 5 years. It's a thing I do. I am and over planner. I think about evry little detail, every thing that could go bad. Don't even ask me about this the week before camp, I'm a wreck.
I also don't proof read, which I really should do. I can't spell, or use grammar. I need to work on this. I always read blog posts a couple weeks after and find all my mistakes.
I laugh really loud too, but I actaully like this habit.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Day 03
Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends
I'm also posting this picture because seriously I love hanging out with these kids right here.
I wish I had a picture of all us cool kids that I sit with at Church meals, but I don't.
I could always post the picture of my Youth Group but I am not friends with all of those people
And, I love your laugh Lauren.
This is Amy, Juli and I. Taken by Amy's cool dad last Easter.
I thought I was going to die when this picture was taken, as I was squating really awkwardly. we met in grade 5. In The Village, fun times.
This is us in grade 7.
I had a really hard time picking a picture to put up here, because I have a lot of friends.
I think I'm going to put up another picture too.
I'm also posting this picture because seriously I love hanging out with these kids right here.
I wish I had a picture of all us cool kids that I sit with at Church meals, but I don't.
I could always post the picture of my Youth Group but I am not friends with all of those people
And, I love your laugh Lauren.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Day 02
Day 02 - The meaning behind your facebook name.
Or blogger name....
Rebekah-Captivating, which is my favorite meaning but there's also bound, which is kin dof nice, when you really think about it but at a glance it's pretty bad. Tied is the worst.
I am rejoicing to be tied up, yup that's pretty much it.
I typed in Joy on Google and look what I found, Pretty cool:
Or blogger name....
Rebekah-Captivating, which is my favorite meaning but there's also bound, which is kin dof nice, when you really think about it but at a glance it's pretty bad. Tied is the worst.
I am rejoicing to be tied up, yup that's pretty much it.
I typed in Joy on Google and look what I found, Pretty cool:
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Day 01
Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
01. this is actaully the best picture that has ever been takin of me
02. I am very sarcastic, all the time
03. Evan is actually in my hair here.
04. therefore I speak in fragments.
05. I can listen to Springsteen and Nevertheless no matter how I am feeling.
06. History is the best, I'm taking 2 history classes this year, whoot.
07. I do this like truck horn motion thing when I'm happy or excited...pretty much all the time.
08. I love my hair, hate my bangs
09. I can't sleep with the sound of ticking clocks, or with and amount of light.
10. I love reading
11. I love writing.
12. My favorite animal is a sheep.
13. I really like having showers, long hot showers, late at night.
14. I love batman, I have a batman bookbag and lunch bag.
15. I had a pretty impossible time trying to come up with 15 facts. I did post 60 facts awhile back. I also did that random things I don't understand about myself post a month ago..ish
30 days
I know this is kind of a Facebook thing, but I'm going to do it on my blog, because I like blogging more than posting pictures on Facebook. I'll try and blog every day, no promises made though. I'm going to double post today because I don't want to have amega long post.
Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02 - The meaning behind your facebook name.
Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06 - Favorite super hero and why
Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09 - Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12 - How you found out about Facebook and why you made one
Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14 - A picture of you and your family
Day 15 - Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16 - Another picture of yourself
Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives w/ for one day and why
Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19 - Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot
Day 24 - A letter to your parents
Day 25 - What I would find in your bag
Day 26 - What you think about your friends
Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30 - Who are you?
Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02 - The meaning behind your facebook name.
Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06 - Favorite super hero and why
Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09 - Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12 - How you found out about Facebook and why you made one
Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14 - A picture of you and your family
Day 15 - Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16 - Another picture of yourself
Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives w/ for one day and why
Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19 - Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot
Day 24 - A letter to your parents
Day 25 - What I would find in your bag
Day 26 - What you think about your friends
Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30 - Who are you?
Monday, October 4, 2010
I did it!!
I'm watching Heroes. I love it. It's great. I spent around six hours watching it last night. Pretty good. I talk in fragments. It's a problem, I have. Hiro is adorable, I love him. I also think that Zachary Quinto is beautiful. His voice makes me feel warm inside, but way less on the scale than Morgan Freeman. Hearing his coice makes me feel like I'm drinking Hot Cocoa. well then. I should go now. I've really got to work on these fragments...
Thursday, September 30, 2010
"We knew something was up because he wasn't wearing the army uniform"
Sometimes I get this feeling that I need to blog. This right here, is one of those times.
My School Guideness Counselor came in to my English class today to talk aboutt things after High school. It was basically a big ole infomercial for her services. Slightly informitive.
I just made bread. It smells amazing in here right now.
I've double European History tomorrow. That's actually going to be super great. We're discussing the Cuban missel crisis. Today we had to read about JFK, Castro and Krustcheve (whom I just found on facebook..?) Then we had to write down Strengths and weaknesses. Strength of Castro= will not die. As Taylor said you could drop a nuclear bomb on him and he would get back up and say "Castro never dies"
Weakness of JFK= was assassinated. Yup I know the Cold War pretty good. I really like that class. I learn a lot and I get to have inteligent conversatins with other people. A first in all my History classes. Don't even ask me about Grade 9 Social Studies. goodness.
I should really go to bed now. it's late.
I leave you with this: See I was going to leave you with a very funny Power Rangers like comic on the Cold War where Castro was a pile of bones in a hat, but it didn't work...just like communism...ahahaha.
Here's the link if you want to go see it anyways: Comic
My School Guideness Counselor came in to my English class today to talk aboutt things after High school. It was basically a big ole infomercial for her services. Slightly informitive.
I just made bread. It smells amazing in here right now.
I've double European History tomorrow. That's actually going to be super great. We're discussing the Cuban missel crisis. Today we had to read about JFK, Castro and Krustcheve (whom I just found on facebook..?) Then we had to write down Strengths and weaknesses. Strength of Castro= will not die. As Taylor said you could drop a nuclear bomb on him and he would get back up and say "Castro never dies"
Weakness of JFK= was assassinated. Yup I know the Cold War pretty good. I really like that class. I learn a lot and I get to have inteligent conversatins with other people. A first in all my History classes. Don't even ask me about Grade 9 Social Studies. goodness.
I should really go to bed now. it's late.
I leave you with this: See I was going to leave you with a very funny Power Rangers like comic on the Cold War where Castro was a pile of bones in a hat, but it didn't work...just like communism...ahahaha.
Here's the link if you want to go see it anyways: Comic
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
"I Can't see your rib cage, but I can hear the moon rock"
This post is about camp.
I'm extremly sorry to all of your people that haven't been able to experience the wonder that a Crazy Reformed Christian Camp. This is how I explain it: food, so much food, Insanity and God, all at once.
As I said in my last post, it was one of the best if not the best week of my life. I loved it.
The year I took a risk
All of the below pictures were stolen from Samarah.
As you know me I remeber quotes, not really pictures. here some of the best.
"I didn't know girls could like X-men too"- Mrs. Compton, one of the nicest ladies I've ever met. (Two girls at camp had X-Men shirts ahaha)

The Lipstick Bandits, who tried quite hard to drive the camp to the brink of insanity.This is the reason for the above moniker:
I met this Kid, He's the best, he's a fountain of wonderful stories, about Squirells and bungalows, his Great aunts chair, sharing a bed, and insane kids with shot guns. Also people smoking a weed and things that start with "K" John. I mean Jone

I'm extremly sorry to all of your people that haven't been able to experience the wonder that a Crazy Reformed Christian Camp. This is how I explain it: food, so much food, Insanity and God, all at once.
As I said in my last post, it was one of the best if not the best week of my life. I loved it.
The year I took a risk
All of the below pictures were stolen from Samarah.
As you know me I remeber quotes, not really pictures. here some of the best.
"I didn't know girls could like X-men too"- Mrs. Compton, one of the nicest ladies I've ever met. (Two girls at camp had X-Men shirts ahaha)
"I have an itch or a Sratch or something, My rib cage is underwater so you can't see it. Are you thinking about my butt?"-TLK
Evan-"I know why Twilight is so popular."
C, A, R-"Why?"
Evan-"Edward's Yummyness"

"Where's Will!!!?? WILL!!!!?!!"
There was some pretty good facepaint....
(okay so this one isn't that good.)
This isn't Autumn and I have no picture of Autumn's face paint but I heard her say "I didn't ask for any paint on my neck and she put paint on my neck" the face paint was a bit..offThe Lipstick Bandits, who tried quite hard to drive the camp to the brink of insanity.
I met this Kid, He's the best, he's a fountain of wonderful stories, about Squirells and bungalows, his Great aunts chair, sharing a bed, and insane kids with shot guns. Also people smoking a weed and things that start with "K" John. I mean Jone
Jone and Samarah made this super craft. Just another skill of Jone
John is a great photographer, he took this picture where I look so incrediably good
Here's another picture where I look incrediably good. How does this picture even make sense, Evan looks like a model
These guys are bestfriends for life, they play Warhammer 40000 all the time
Hannah Montanna AND Justin Beiber were at Camp!
Hannah Montana
Beibes, I am a Beleiber.
We got trapped at camp over the weekend because of Hurrican Earl, the following occured:
Evan filled inthe speech bubbles in the girly magazine Samarah found in the boys dorm

Some of the boys made a kite to run around in the wind with.
We swam in the hurricane, it was great, but one of the scariest experiences of my entire life. Evan as a mermaid.
Then we drove home, and ate I think 3 bags of chips and a ton of candy. Casper cried,and made up excuses to go back. Then we came home and went back to real life. Which kind of sucked.
I can't wait until next year!
The year I get a clue.

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