Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 18

Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have

Go to Redeemer next year.  This is a plan, dream and goal.
Earn An BA in History.
Marry the most amazing Christian guy ever.
Have kids with that amazing guy.  Raise them into Christ loving adults.
Be a stay at home mom.  For my entire life this has been my number one dream, through all the other fazes and dreams this has always remained.  It's truly an intricate part of my identity.
Learn how to spell better.
Type Like as like not as liek.  Ugh. I need to fix it every time.
Keep blogging forever.
Live in the Valley forever
Go to Ireland, Greece, Germany, all of the American cities I love.
Knit a sweater
Make a soufle
Go to Cornerstone.  Which is in Chicago so two things right there.
Own some Toms
Read the entire Bible, I'm about half way through right now. 
Accomplish everything on this list

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