Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 10

Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

Okay. I'm going to put my iPod on shuffle for a bunch of songs and tell you when I listen to them.

Jungleland ( Bruce Springsteen)  Any emotion ever.

Crashed (Daughtry)  doesn't really matter, when ever it comes on.

Firework(Katy Perry) Happy or hyper.

As Your Voice Fades(Emery) In an Emery Mood, which is all the time basically.  I don't listen to the super dark Emery songs when I'm super happy.

Call Back When I'm Honest (The Almost) Sadish, when it comes on.

Gone(Jack Johnson) Mello

Every Time it rains( REZ) very sad

Breathe You In (TFK) very very sad.

Lover (Nevertheless) Every Emotion, I can listen to never the less at any time.

I can listen to Springsteen, Nevertheless, and Emery always.

I'm buying my grad ring tomorrow, YAY!

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