Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm soooo cool!!! that was self centred

Hey, so I should be sleeping..but I'm not. Anyways i was helping organize for my church yard sale tonight and I found some cool stuff, first off a black rotary phone. Yes I'm that cool. The other thing I found was ahem some beige and light pink Puma's. I've wanted Puma's for awhile but there was no way I was convincing myself to but some 60ish dollar shoes( shut up I bought my chucks on e-Bay) Okay so guess how much they were? guess? A BUCK!!!! yes one dollar I'm so happy, there's a stain on the side of the left one but who cares. They're basically like the ones bellow but, they're a tiny bit darker and the puma on the front is pink and there's no puma on the side. I don't even know why I wanted some besides I think they look kind of cool. I have joined the herd again, first a iPod then Pumas whats next...A bench sweater? No way! way too much money. I like being quirky but using herdy clothes and making them incredible dorky and ruining them for everyone. I'm so evil.

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