Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Okay so I was reading over the post I did about Amy on her birthday and I found a mistake. I said that I had never read anything that she has written. This was a lie I have read something she's written her Good Charlotte fan fiction( she still hasn't finished her Benji one, I want to know how it ends). We even wrote a Good Charlotte, My Chemical Romance, Simple Plan, etc. fan fiction. It was pretty good, confusing as anything but (hahaha) good. I admit it I am a lier.

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahah oh man
    if i knew how the benji one ended (which i dont) i'd tell you. i dont think i'd ever gotten that far in the planning process. i was sort of making it up as i went along xD
    i think it involved the mafia though...
    WOOO mafia!
