Monday, April 25, 2011

Day Six

 Day 6: A moment you wish you could relive.

There are a couple of days I'd like to relive.  If time travel existed, my travels would not be spent in my own life time fixing past wrongs because everyone knows that doesn't work but, a good majority of it would be spent on the boardwalks of New Jersey in the 70's.
But things in my actual life time would be, Canada Day 2010 was pretty killer, as was my sunburn.  I had so much fun that day.  Another would be  Thanksgiving Day 2010 (I had relatively good holidays last year)  that day was great.
I'm trying to think of others now.  Any day that I was every in Lunenberg after the first day I was in Lunenberg.  Not the first day because we got there late and everything was closed.  I hate getting to places late.


  1. days that i would want to visit would be just about any time in the recorded history of the world.

  2. Me too, if time travel existed. I'd be there.

  3. Canada day 2010 was pretty amazing

  4. I thought so, except the Frisbees in the throat.

  5. ya you got'a watch those frisbees their tricky
