Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day Four

Day 4: A favorite television program.

iCarly, I love iCarly, it's hilarious, I watch it weekly, it's not overtly terrible.
All the Characters are hilarious and Gibby and Josiah are the same person. I would like to find you a video of this, but he's just a little too odd.

I've written a post about Corn Gas before, which clearly is the best Canadian show of all time.  I love wit, it's very witty.

The Office, the American version, I like it a lot, I try to watch it weekly.  Jim and Pam are my favourite television couple.  No one else in my family likes this show very  much but I commandeer the television every Thursday at 8 to watch it (but not this week because I have youth group)  

Community, Ever since the first episode I saw which involved 2 grown me jumping on a trampoline kept by  a Nazi, I have loved this show.  One of the characters, Abed, pretty much only speaks in pop culture references so we relate.  My siblings and I quote or talk about it almost every day.  Chang (Ben Chang) is the man, he is the best character on that show.  He's an ex-Spanish teacher who is Asian, and his brother is a Rabi.  I could seriously just quote him for this entire post.

Parks and Recreation, My second favourite TV couple is on this show Amber and Andy, they're adorable.  I like this show a lot.  I don't dislike a single character on this show, which is really weird.  I mention Lil' Sebastian every day.
All of the above comedies are NBC, they are king right now.  Even if by magic or science they want it to be 1997 again (that was a 30 Rock reference)

Parenthood, which really isn't that funny, in the least but is wonderful.  I'm 3 episodes behind.  

American Idol,I watch it every week.  I get emotional.

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