Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Healthcare and Hyper Conservatism.

This is a min-rant if you are in anyway a hyper-conservative,  like homebirths, fox news or don't vaccinate your kids do not read this post.  Also if you disagree with government lead healthcare, or don't like just shouldn't read this blog.

Sometimes I'm on the outside.  Right now is one such time.  I read blogs I shouldn't, blogs that drive me up the wall.  Everything I read there just makes me mad.  It's a horrible habit of mine.
I am a nationalist, I am very much.  I believe Canada is the absolute best country in the entire world, I think we're too closely linked with the United States, I don't think the Queen should be the head of our government.   I think that our federal medical care is the best thing that could ever happen to a nation.
Socialized healthcare is great, because really who wants to pay for your right to live.  To see even Canadians opposed to it makes me sick.  No one, we pay for it through taxes, so it's not free.  I am not am overly big supporter of homeschool, homebirths, home churching.  The only home thing I fully support is Homemaker, and home fries, I love home fries.  I am in many peoples words a follower of Big Daddy government.  Thankfully not Big Brother.  I don't understand this, I like safety.  If I fall sick I don't want my family to have to pay insanely huge amounts of money because my government doesn't want to help its citizens.  It makes me really sad.  Yes in government lead healthcare they do also pay for abortion, they do it's a fact because that kind of murder is legal in Canada.  It is a high price to pay.  Canada will never revoke it's national health care, so don't even bother whining about it.
In my European History class we discussed how if the United States really knew what was going on up here they would be sacred to death.  We have the NDP which is so "liberal" it would scare them, we have a separatist party and not one but 2 communist parties (which I think rocks, yay for political freedoms)
I am clearly a blind follower who knows nothing about politics and has had my brain washed by government schooling here.  I hope no one believes this about me.  I used to be a blind follower, and now I'm not.  I branched out.  My new political views scare my mom from time to time.
I am not fan of hyper-Conservatism.  I think its horrible, it is blind following.  It like really really terrifies me.  People like that...I just try and walk away. but I usually get sucked into it and get mad... like today.
I am also a supporter of vaccination, not vaccinating your children is like handing them a death sentence.  Polio, people died from that, Small pox, one of the worst diseases ever seen.  I would vaccinate my kids against AIDS if I could. ( I have no kids)
I guess I like the government too much, right?
All this stuff, all from just one blog that drives me nuts.  The writer of that blog also doesn't know that Israel is a country.
I hate that I constantly have to defend myself and the truth against narrow minded people.
I need a tiny Adam Locke to come sit on my shoulder and tell me not to read stuff.  I am such a liberal now, 9th grade me, she hates this me.
If someone quotes Fox News a lot, they're just not a good person to talk to.


  1. i wonder what my broken bones would of cost in the U.S.

  2. i think that public Heath care is a great thing but i think that it is over used you get those people who go into emerge with a comman cold these people clog the lines and make long lines for people who are there for something that they really need medical attention for. if the hositals would charge a 10-20 dollar admision fee the line would be cut by more than half. it would free up more doctors and nurses to work elsewhere in the hospital.

  3. Having the most inefficient organization ever to exist in charge of my health? Not so much.

    See for more info.

  4. To Jack Sprat, I would take that over some big faceless corporation.

    I watched the video, informative, kind of turned me off. I've made my choice.
