Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Three names I go by (besides given name)
1. Bekah
2. Beks
3. Boo
Three Jobs I have had in my life
1. Wheaton's bag girl
2. Wheaton's crazy receiving girl
3. Random charity work

Three Places I have lived
1. Southern Atlantic Canada
2. Closer to the ocean Atlantic Canada
3. Slightly northerner Atlantic Canada

Three Favorite drinks
1. Arizona Iced tea
2. A&W root beer
3. PC Pomegranate pop

Three TV Shows that I watch
1. Criminal Minds
2. Corner Gas
3. Get Smart

Three places I have been
1. Florida
2. Halifax
3. PEI

People that call me regularly
1. ?
3. Yes, I have no friends

Three of my favorite foods
1. Lasagna
2. Tuna
3. Brownies

Three Things I am looking forward to
1. CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Uncle Rob's wedding
3. Christmas

Three Things that are always by your side
1. iPod
2. Book
3. pants

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