Monday, May 2, 2011

Hey guys

People and my by people I mean Americans hate that we announce our elections.  Apparently Canada does not hold enough political sway to matter.  American elections, they matter a lot and we in Canada should talk about them just as much if not more than Americans.  I'm sorry we're democratic and our election slip out of our country.  I'm sorry I apologize that we subjected you to that.


  1. we watched until 1:00 am. Harper Majority! hey how was your trip

  2. I did too, but I fell asleep for a couple minutes before that. I would have liked to see Harpers and Layton's speeches but I was too tired.
    The trip was good, quick and tiring.

  3. we wanted to see those speeches to but it was to late so we all just went to bed

  4. I guess when you live in a country with 6 time zones that happens
