Saturday, May 14, 2011

One post

I'm nationalist right, so the British monarchy and I don't really agree,but.  Now that the royal wedding is said and done and died down a bit I will write one post about it.  I loved Kate's (do we still call her Kate now? I don't know) dress, I thought it was perfect.  It echoed Princess Grace's and Queen Elizabeth.  It was modest and beautiful, just right for the wife of a prince.  I know a lot of people hated it, I was not one.
Everything else about this wedding was crap I just don't care about, the amount of times they kissed etc.  I cared about the dress and nothing else.  Though my mom has set a comparison between the royal wedding and Cinderella as my computer background.
Princess Beatrice's hat was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time.  I've seen it edited onto Gollum.
I will say that if Prince Harry ever becomes the King I will become a monarchist.  If and only then.  He knows he will never be king so her parties and lives a crazy life, it's hilarious.  But his great-grandfather thought the same thing, so he developed a stutter.

So that's it, all I'm going to say about the royal wedding


  1. That Cinderella comparison is hilarious!!

  2. Those are probably the two best pictures I have seen in my entire life.
    I love you.
