Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day Fifteen

Day 15: A person you admire.

Lieutenant-General  Romeo Dallaire.  The Canadian General in charge of the UN mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR)   He would absolutely hate me for even looking up to him. let alone writing a blog post.  But he's amazing.  If you know the horrors of Rwanda you understand.  Someday in the future I might eventually write a post about Rwanda and how it changed me, someday but not today.  Shake Hands with the Devil, the book, the documentary and the movie are all beautiful. Every time I watch the movie I just want to go out into the world and change everything, and yell and scream and hug every person in the world.  Some day I want to change the world.


  1. Ce qui sont les horreurs du Rwanda?

  2. you are changing the world...right where you are, every day!
    Love you,

  3. This comment translated to English from French is, What are the horrors of Rwanda?
    Which I'm not entirely sure why someone would ask me this, as it's pretty apparent.
    I could write for days about what the horrors of Rwanda were about who caused them and who let them go on. (that would be the Belgians and The UN)
    Okay to finally answer your question there are 2 tribes in Rwanda, The Hutu and the Tutsi, and the Hutu began killing the Tutsi, for odd racial reasons that the Belgians had established a very long time ago. 8 hundred thousand people were killed in about 100 days, mostly by machete, by child soldiers. The UN would not let Dallaire do anything to stop the genocide, and most of the world refused to call it a genocide. Those are the horrors or Rwanda

  4. I'm catching up on your blogs. :)
    You already are changing the world, girl.
    You're amazing.
