Thursday, July 5, 2012

"Just" a Mom

I know exactly what I want to do with my life.  I want to get married, and live here in the Valley on a hobby farm and bake and cook and raise oodles of amazing kids.  And read to them and love them to bits.  That is what I want, that is all I have ever wanted.   But society has put so much pressure on me.  Society says I have to go make something of myself.  Society says I can't "just" be a mom, that I have to go to school and work and be this great woman.  But I can do all these things raising my kids.  Being "just" a mom is like a  curse in society today.  I feel like I am letting down the entire planet because I'm not going to be the next Hilary Clinton or Condoleezza Rice.  Because that is what society has told me I have to be, because I like history and politics I need to do that.  They say that anything and everything I do will be a waste of my brain.  But society doesn't take into account that maybe all I want to do is have 3-8 children, bake and maybe write a cook book.  But me making this choice at the meagre age of 19 doesn't make me worthless, that my decision to stay home and raise kids doesn't undo everything feminists have fought for, for so long. The fact that I dropped out of school because I know I can't get a job when I'm done doesn't make me stupid.  Sure if I had the money I would go and finish my degree in history and poli sci, but I simply don't have the money.  Feminism should be accepting of this, the fact that they look down on women who make this choice is un-feminist.  Believing in equality is the only qualification of being a feminist.  But it's not even feminism, it's equality, it's human rights.
Some of the most amazing and strong women I know are, "just" moms.  "Just" moms change the world every single day.  I don't know why are society doesn't put as much faith in "just" moms.


    Every person on the planet should read this.

  2. I completely support you in wanting to be "just a mom"...because that is my most favourite "job" I have ever had...with the best pay, the best on the job security, the best benefits!! But I aslo support you getting a paying (monetarily) job in the meantime :)

    Love you to bits! and I don't read to you anymore only becasue you now think my reading voice is annoying.

  3. I love this! I grouse about this all the time, too. 'wasting your potential,' indeed! If feminists were really all about choice, they'd have no problem with someone choosing to be just a mom.
    I think ppl don't understand how influential a wholehearted, into-it mom is. We should have some consciousness raising group meetings...

  4. I have always only really wanted to be "just a Mom". I too dropped out of school after I shrugged of society's pressure. I realized how long I was going to need to be in school and how much it was going to cost all without even knowing if I was going to be able to get a job I didn't really want. I happily was able to get married shortly afterwards and have never looked back. I am thrilled to be "just a Mom" now even though I am sure it is harder than any schooling or job could ever be. You are a real woman, wanting just what God designed you to want. I am happy for you. As the so called feminists (who don't even know what the word feminine means)"You go girl!"
