Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Canada Communist? I don't think so.

Canada is far better off than most countries.

Our govenment isn't that bad. In a secular govenment money, time, effort, will always be spent on things that are immoral; but it will also be spent on things that are good, health care, schooling, international aid, military.

We must put these worries to God, we must try and ellect people who can do things. Politicians that are honest and represent your beliefs, do not vote for parties, or people who have no chance of getting in(such a little know minority groups, like some Christian parties). Put your vote upon someone who can make a difference.

I do not think our system is designed to fail. I think it is made to flourish, to thrive to build, but we the people are not doing that. And our government is not doing it in some areas. Also the world has seen a horriable recession in these years, which Canada more or less survived, better than most. We can not put everything over to the private sector because that would cause unspeakable corruption.)private sector? Are you kidding me?  Good about capitilism) Communism doesn't work either, it never has, never will. Our country is not being handed over to communism, we still have class, order, we pay for things, the government does not hvae compltete and utter control over every detail. We do have free heath care but this is more a cival right than a factor of communism. Canada is Not communist. Socialism works to an extent but really it doesn't. Theorocracy does not work in any extent, you give the rights to the people of that faith, but strip the freedoms of the other races and religions.

Canada is stuck where it is, all we can do as citizens is try and make it the best we can.

Harper is trying his hardest, after years of corruption, of scandal, of signing on to American led wars. He is doing all he can.

No country can be run perfectly, you can not make everyone happy. That is impossible.

Canada must stand up and take a place on the world stage as a nation. Not mearly a follower of others.

I am a Christian, I am to my very core. But God in politics? I don't know. By doing this, but making a nation Christian, Muslim, Hindu or anyother religion, you alienize a group of people. You elevate one group above another. This is never, ever good. If Canada were to be a Christian Nation, the peoples of other religions would lose rights. I'm all for everyone being Christian, but in a world of sin this can not happen. You can not elevate, or descriminate.

We need domocracy. It is what is best

I'm so sorry for this rant. With some points some may not want to hear, or agree with.

I find myself feeling more compassion as of late, for all people. Everyone is enititled to being treated as a human. I see so much wrong with this world, and I feel like I can't do anything. These rants are one reason I think I should major in Political Science. haha

This is a response to these 2 posts one and two

I kind of went into a rant.  But to call Canada communist?  No thank you.  I love it, arguing about politics.  It gives me this great high.  I don't think I could ver go into poitics though, way too much stress and sucking up.

I know I post so many political or historical posts.  It's kind of me.
I give you all permission to skip over these, feel no obligation to read my sporatic ramblings.  These posts are so I can remember and drain.

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