Friday, December 17, 2010

The Count Down begins

Do you ever read things that make you mad?  Just to make you mad?
I do, way too much.  I've got to stop, I open up Facebook Accounts and blogs with the full intention of being mad at that person.  While reading I make mean sarcastic comments in my head and get angry.
I'm doing it right now, hence the blog post.
I like doing things that will make other people hate me, as much as I dislike them.
Some people just irk me.
I like shaking things up.
On a MUCH happier note.
I skipped school today, but still got up early and showered so I feel  productive now.  I've done 2 loads of laundry.  I'm proud.

The Youth Group Yankee Swap (where on Earth did this come from... I don't get it).  I've still got to read my chapters and make something for us to eat.  The chapters, not really a challenge.  But The figuring out what to eat part...pretty hard.

Christmas is in EIGHT DAYS!!
I'm so busy next week.  Building up to the main event.  I should start getting my fingers wax resitant for Christmas Eve, as I know I'm going to burn them that night.

Also super cool that people from Germany read my blog.  That's super.

1 comment:

  1. 7....
    what, days?
