Tuesday, December 21, 2010


     We had Christmas tonight, we're leaving going away for Christmas and really this was the only time we had.  I got my grad ring early as one present and A book published by Life on Sinatra for another, amazing.  He drank 36 drinks of "gasoline" a day, that's insane.  Dad also bought me  the red brie baker I've been wanting for months and a wheel of brie.   I can't wait to use it.
     We're watching Diff'rent Strokes now, as Josiah got the first season.
     Susie spent a while laying on top of me, practically crusinh me from mid shin to my neck.  Crazy dog.  She hates Christmas, the lights, the excitement, and the cameras.
      Christmas has begun.
       I'm going to go to bed now and read Amusing Oursleves to Death.  I'm not even making a dent on my Christmas break reading list.  I'll try and read a good chunk tomorrow at the dentist.  I want to read 5 books by breaks end, now I'm thinking it's not going to happen.

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