Sunday, December 5, 2010

Not Nothing

This is one of those times when I feel like I should blog, but I've got nothing to blog about.
Christmas is very soon,  I can't wait.  It's going to be busy and fun and I'll eat shortbread and stuffing and possibly cheesecake.  Which will be pretty amazing.
I did almost all my Pre-cal homework on Friday, I'm going to say I'm proud about that.
My back hurts right now because I have the worst posture after the Hunchback of Notre Dame.  Which is more a birth defect than posture, but still.  I think that analogy applies in this situation.
Tomorrow I have my history teacher for 2 hours straight, amazing.  I think we're finally starting the Reformation. YAY!  As a Calvanist this is exciting. 
A catholic girl in my class was like"Yay Catholics" and I said " You will learn"  We're friends so it's cool.  In Global we're watching Shake Hands With The Devil, which is about the Romeo Dellair led UN mission in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide.  It's one of the saddest movies I've ever seen.
Learning about Rwanda in grade 9 seriously changed me.  Now, I feel so informed when the rest of my peers aren't and most of them don't care.  That makes me really mad.  Like guys don't talk and laugh thought the enitirity of a documentay about a genocide in recent history.  Thanks.
Even on the internet people call this genocide an massacre, they don't want to call it what it was, they don't want to  admit that it really happened.  That they stood by and let it happen.
Those people are the ones who will let inhumane things like this happen again.  We need to be educated, we need to fight.  They won't.  Remember I said History Ryhmes.  It's going to happen.
I'm off the soap box now.
and I said I had nothing to write about.

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