Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How today went

School was pretty amazing today.  We had this increbiable assembly this moring about drinking and driving, doig drugs and driving, texting and driving, doing drugs.  It was really powerful and I think it made a lot of people think.  Then I had double Pre-cal which always the best, because I always learn something and never feel like I have nothing to do or I'm doing busy work.
Then lunch, I went to the library and read Macleans, the newest university edition.  I love Macleans, I really respect them and I find the articles very good.
Then European history, where we watched a documentary about some crazy Italian family in the 15th century.
Followed by Global, which had no fights, but I was near sure one was going to start.  And Ben gave me a PB&J sandwich because I said I thought I was going to pass out, he has this super skill of making sandwiches, he usually has around 8 in his book bag
Can home made my slow roated forever porkchops and carrots.
Then we went to Church for a missions night.  Really good.  The youth group sat in a clump, and tried not to be rowdy.  Then Lauren and I talked about camp...then other stuff happend and here I am.
I do have this weird inner ear pain.  I'm either getting a sore throat or an ear-infection.  Or maybe my ear is just freaking out.

I found a new thing to make me blog for a few more days:
94 truths.  It's actually one big thing posted on Facebook by my friend Kylah, but I'm going to do it in sections

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