Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 28

Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?

One major change,  I got a haircut, I now have bangs, but they're clipped up in the picture (and at the moment) My hair is way shorter now.  I got a new coat, but I'm not wearing it in the second picture.  I'm in grade 12 now.  I've changed my major, this time last year I was set on going to Memorial, and becoming a pharmacist.  This year I want to go to some other school and get a BA in History, yet the school and this thought has changed many times.
I've blogged more this year than last.
Emery is now my favourite band.
Um...I can't think of anything else.  I know I've changed, I don't know exactly how to express it though.
I would like to say I've gotten taller, but that would be a lie.
Oddly enough these pictures are were almost taken the same day a year a part.

Today I helped my mom and Joanne amke 9 lasagnas and like what seemed like 20 potato ham bakes.  It was fun, I supose.   I also ate their bread. and jam.  I would have liked to go to ball hockey. but I'm sure my vegetable cutting skills are much higher than my atempts at ruling at ball hockey. I know, I'm  good.  You don't have to tell me. 

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