Monday, November 15, 2010

History Rhymes

I'm riding on an incredible high right now.

The reason was debating, debating makes me all giddy and shaky and in a state of excitement.

My history class was intense today.  We have this guy who is crazy (I affectionatly call him Trenchy)  anyways today it was class of the sane vs. Trenchy.  He was trying to say that the Allies should have been tried for war crimes in WWII also, and that the Nazi's did not get a fair trial.  Do you see the reason for the uproar?

Yes, so me and my other sane minded and political classmates tore into him, and the girl that was kind of on his side.
He said that the judges were bribed and had already chosen their side of the argument before the trial began.  They were not bribed, if you accepted a bribe there is no way you should never be allowed to work in the International Criminal court.  Yes they had already picked their side, they killed 11 million people, there is now way that that could be justified. The ones on trial said things like" I wish we had killed them all"  Who years later still had the same hatred. With all the evidence brought against the Nazi you could NOT rule as them being innocent.  Ever!

Yes Canada was inhumane too, we locked up innocent Japanese in the middle of the mountians.  We forced them into slave labour in our Sugar beet fields.  But do you know what?  Our camps lacked gas chambers, doctors who did experiments, and the oven where human beings were burned.
He also said that Stalin wasn't tried and died a war hero.  Lets see, shortly after WWII an iron curtian decended upon Europe making it impossible to get to the USSR.  Everyone was scared of another war (hence the cold war) so no one wanted to invade Russia.  Stalin died alone, he may have been murdered by someone who he thought was close to. No one like Stalin, he was extremly paranoid.  He had no reason for killing most of those he did.  Neither did Hitler.  Stalin killed 17 millon people. 

Most people in my class were freaking out, they didn't know what to think.  They knew that they didn't agree with what he was saying, but they didn't know what to say.  They were scared by all the yelling. they wanted peace and for us to stop, but these things can not be said.  I know some people were glad that some of us spoke out.

Nothing will ever justify what the Nazi's did.  Nothing.  You can not justify the killing of 6 million Jews and 5 million of humans.  Then burning the bodies of those humans.  The piles of dead bodies, the imediate killing of children.  Nothing no one will ever say anything that will make it seem alright.

We can not pretend that it never happend.  We must always remember.  We can not justify the sin of men.  The sin that makes man hate another and want to errase him from the earth.

"History doesn't repeat itself but it does rhyme." Mark Twain (though I heard it from Lewis. H. Lapham on The Hour)  I always have this quote running through my mind.  A constant reminder.

I know this doesn't really fit the title of this blog, but I really needed to voice this. Some people just don't understand.


  1. your history class sounds like fun! wish I was there. Roland

  2. that is just wrong

  3. It is very fun,when we're not going crazy over this guy. Wish you could be there too.

    So very wrong.
