Friday, November 19, 2010

94 Truths: Part Two

18. Been in an airplane: no
 Been in a car accident?: Yes once when I was very little

20. First piercing?: my ears, which are no more...the peircings not my ears
21. First Best friend?: Uh.. Laura?
22. First award: Reading award as a child, or a colouring contest at church?
23. First crush?: Timothy Jones or Matt Carter
24. First word: I'm not really sure
25. Last person you talked to in person: Josiah
26: Your first lover?: ?
27. Last person you texted: I have no phone
28. Last person you watched a movie with: The entirity of my history class, Nuremberg.  The corn of the love story.  Why would you add a corny love story to a movie about Nazi trials?
29. Last food you ate: Um....?
30. A truth about you: I have a mild addication to Arizon Iced green tea with ginsing and honey.
31. Last song you listen to:  Third Day album by Third Day, or the German national anthem.
32. Last thing you bought: my grad hoodie?
33. Last person you hugged: Um.....I don't really know.
I had double Global today so it was pretty amazing.  I'm now helping to do the costumes for the school musical.  Craft fair marathon tomorrow.

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