Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This World

True Christianity is the only religion that will make you cry, out of the love and oy you recieve.  Knowing that You are one the elect.   Knowing for certantity that God loves you.  Knowing that he sent his Sone to die because of your sin.  Erasing all your sin because of your love of him, your true and utter faith and his unreplaceable love of you.
Christianity also make you cry because of your own sin.  You know that you can never do anything that will atone for what you've done.  But you know that Christ loves you so much that he died.
I truly believe that we must be on fire with oour faith, with our love.  You cannot sit quietly.  Your faith must be your everthing.  We are guarenteed Heaven, if we have faith. "The same I can't deny this fallen world, though not my home it's were I live"(Standing up For Nothing, Caedmon's Call) We've had all our sin covered  by the blood of the lamb.  We must stand up and live for Christ.
For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain- Philippians 1:21

This world has nothing for me, and this world has everything, all that I could want , and nothing that I need- This World, Caedmon's Call

Yes, I have been listen to Caedmon's Call a lot.  I kind of ignored them all my life and I can't run any more.  And now I'm jumping head first.  In the end notes for their first album they thank Arizona Iced Tea, which if you remember I've got a mild addiction to it.

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