Thursday, September 30, 2010

"We knew something was up because he wasn't wearing the army uniform"

Sometimes I get this feeling that I need to blog.  This right here, is one of those times.
My School Guideness Counselor came in to my English class today to talk aboutt things after High school.  It was basically a big ole infomercial for her services.  Slightly informitive.
I just made bread.  It smells amazing in here right now.
I've double European History tomorrow.  That's actually going to be super great.  We're discussing the Cuban missel crisis.  Today we had to read about JFK, Castro and Krustcheve (whom I just found on facebook..?)  Then we had to write down Strengths and weaknesses.  Strength of Castro= will not die.  As Taylor said you could drop a nuclear bomb on him and he would get back up and say "Castro never dies"
Weakness of JFK= was assassinated.  Yup I know the Cold War pretty good.  I really like that class.  I learn a lot and I get to have inteligent conversatins with other people.  A first in all my History classes.  Don't even ask me about Grade 9 Social Studies.  goodness.
I should really go to bed now.  it's late.

I leave you with this:  See I was going to leave you with a very funny Power Rangers like comic on the Cold War where Castro was a pile of bones in a hat, but it didn't work...just like communism...ahahaha.
Here's the link if you want to go see it anyways: Comic

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