Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I feel as if I should post but I have entirly no clue what to write about.
I want to write about camp but I can't because I can't post any pictures as I'm not on the right computer.
But I can say that I'm extremly happy that I missed the first 2 days of school for it, even though I'm kind of confused in Pre-Cal and Global, but it was so worth it.
Camp was one of the absolute best weeks of my life.
Being a counselor was completely and utterly better than being a camper. I was above all the drama that I would have been imersed in, I could deal with situations instead of haveing to ask someone to deal with it.  I could stay up late,and eat cheesecake..oops that was a secret.  I got to go to the super cool morning leaders meetings.
It was incredible
I'm still trying to transition from Camper to Counselor and get into that mind set, which is pretty hard.
I'm going to do a better indepth post soon!

Here is a picture I'll leave you with.
It's my new "best" friend Evan, after he dumped and entire margarine container of glitter and sparakles all over himself and the floor, and the bench.  After he did so he said" I'm Edward, I sparkle"

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