Friday, December 18, 2009

Home Alone

Hello, I used to blog here but now I don't
Anyways.  I was going to post on Wedsnesday but then friends showed up at the exact same moment I opened blogger, then I went and watched the SNL Christmas special.  Including the wonderful Hanukkah Song ( there's a part 2 which is pretty good, I too thought Springsteen was Jewish for awhile, part 3 sucks, badly.)
okay so,( I say that WAY too much) here's our next Christmas movie. 
One of everyones favorites, Home Alone and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.
You know the plot, Macaulay Culkin (when he was mentally stable and adorable) gets left alone on Christmas, fends of burglars.  Then his parents let him get on the wrong plane and fly to New York, where it happens that  the same burgalars are kickin it. It's Hilarious, I'm also telling you to watch this one.  But I'm telling you DO NOT WATCH NUMBERS 3OR 4 EVER!!!  Don't do it.  Four is still supposed to be Kevin but he's younger than in the originals and has lost a brother, and possibly a sister too if I remember.
I'm watching Smosh now.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I'm pretty sure my dog is Jewish.  She's afraid of the Christmas tree, and we bought her, her favourite treats and wrapped them, then we tried to show her that they were for her and she ran away.  I'm sure that if we broke out a dredal and a mannorah she'd be okay.
I'm eating Christmas ice cream right now, its mint crackle ice cream with candy cane, we had to add the candy cane though because no one makes candy cake chocolate ice cream any more :(

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Eloise at Christmastime

I kind of dropped off my movie list and I'm sorry.  So here we go, last night I watched Eloise at Christmastime, I love it, it's adorable...It one of  those lets make a Christmas movie to further our franchise but it soooooo cute!
Come on just look at the poster. It's lovely and my second favorite Christmas movie after the 1994 Miracle on 34th Street.  It's about a little girl, Eloise, who lives in the Plaza Hotel in New York with he Nanny, played by the vetran nanny Julie Andrews (She too is adorable)  I'm horrible at summerizing because I don't want to give away the whole movie.  Watch it if you want but if you don't then well...
Eloise as a the cutest Christmas tree in the world.
Eloise grew up to be:
Yes the dying sister in My Sisters Keeper, I like her much more as a cute, alive, six year old spazzing about Christmas.

I'm listening to Steven Curtis Chapman's Christmas album from 1993, It was probably played at my first Christmas.  I know it was played when I was 3 or 4  because it's in the background of  the Christmas morning video from  then.  He made some very poor sweater and scarf choices for the album art, but it was '93, so I guess that warrents as an excuse.  I'm so excited for Chrsitmas!  Only 13 more days, actually I get to open presnts on the night of the 23rd because that when we're celebrating Christmas this year because we're away on Christmas Day, it's going to be weird but Christmas and that's what counts.  Christmas is stretched over 4 days for us this year!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Nancy Drew and the secret of the blog post

Today I realized that the best smell in the whole world is old Nancy Drew books. I feel special and mysterious when I touch them. I then proceed to stick my nose close to it, flip the pages and breath deeply. I want a whole collection. Like every one of the old school ones. None of those crappy new Nancy Drew Files in paper back with people making out on the beach on the cover, that's not a "real" book. see what I mean?

My sister's never read a Nancy drew...I feel some part of her childhood is missing. The titles are ridiculously funny.. I laugh, like The Clue of the Dancing Puppet .

I have a confession...I own a paper back Nancy Drew, it sucks, the hard cover ones are like 3 million times better.

Okay yes the stories are little far fetched an Nancy runs around with friends that only pop up in the most need circumstances. She actually has no friends..she mostly runs around with old people and random other people she doesn't know...? like what? She's be a annoying person to actually know but I love her as a character.

Friday, December 4, 2009

New Header

Vote for my new header. I'm a very indecisive person so I need you guys to make all my choices for me.
Option A: A beautiful shiny Christmas ornament I stole from Google with a polka dotty font in the top left corner in grey

Option B: The same Ornament but with a slightly whimsy font in white in the bottom right corner

Option C: Snow covered trees with a whimsy blue font across the bottom. Also it has a drop shadow which makes it look like a picture posted on the top of my page

Option D: The trees again but with a simple bold font that's worn like an old Bible across the bottom, in grey.
You know the drill go vote in the top right corner of the blog the poll will close on Tuesday Afternoon (The 8th of December) Thanks you!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Movie Count Down!

I'm sad because we aren't going to be here for our Christmas Eve service.. we're going to my dad childhood church at "home". They have a candlelight service, everyone burns their fingers, it hurts, nobody cares because it's Christmas. At the beginning of the service they should just start by saying"100% of you will burn your finger tonight."
Okay,our favorite Christmas 'bout I do a count down? I won't post all of them at one time, I'll post one a day until we're done. You have no say, I'm not putting up a poll.
Okay so number whatever...I'm counting up to our favorite..
My personnel favorite: Miracle on 34th Street: 1994, as I've never seen the old one....
I don't believe in all, but I love this movie. The kids cute, the Santa's cute. I rather like it. The ending a little weird how? What? If you've seen it you know. You should watch it. That in no way would convince me to watch a movie...I don't know why I said that. watch it if you like. I didn't really tell you anything but this is not a movie review blog.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

And the winner is......

Snow, Option B.
Okay so there was actually a tie between B and C but I liked B better when I saw it up on the page so I picked that one. I'll be changing it again at the beginning of January and later this week I'll have avote for a header because I'm in dire need of one.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Random accumulation of thoughts

Hey, so, you should go vote....
Anyways, my phone is broken so if you call me, or a member of my family ..well...our phone doesn't work.
I bought a coat yesterday, it's Jessica Simpson, I don't over like her, out of the Simpson sister she's my favorite, I can't find a picture of it anywhere, it was probably from last season..I actually have no clue. After several more minutes of deep inter-web searching I have found it, on the Macy's website, I bought mine at this is Canada.

We watched Unaccompanied Minors tonight, it's a Christmas tradition, I started it with myself way back in the 8th grade. During our attempt at a Winter Carnival they took us to see like 9 in the morning! Now I watch it every year. It's terrible, in no way shape or form am I telling you to watch it. People from The Office are in it though, and Buster from Arrested Development.

So that's what's up. Voting closes in a day or so...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Canadian Blogol

Hello lovely blog readers, you ,the people of the internet, get to vote on my new layout. Just click on the number of your favorite option on the poll over there. Which ever by the 1st of December has the most votes( unlike Canada) will be my December layout.
Okay so here we go:

Option A: Snowflakes
Option B:Snow Option C: Ornamenty Option D:Polka Dot Option E: Present There we Go, Vote!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Total Film

I'm watching Crossroads 2007. Doyle Bronham the II, Derek Turks, Clapton all playing crazy good, 2 drummers. I'm in musical love
I also have love of Total Films features, I read them all the time. The have a thing to vote for your top 3 movies of the decade right now, I know a whole decade has gone by and I didn't even notice! By the way I voted for The Dark Knight, so cliche but sooooo good, Crash, amazing, language sucks but... and Lars and the Real Girl.
Go Vote.
Read some features, love movies.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Opinion Alert

I'm opinionated, okay!
Very much so, I have no problem what so ever voicing it.
I hope that none of you out there...somewhere are offended by this. I'm me.
For example, I think Pierre Trudeau, David Suzuki, and Obama are a lot of fools. Aren't blogs about opinions and life? I think so.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Live Life Loud

I'm watching Hawk Nelson's new video. I follow them on Youtube. I love them, I really do, they're hilarious, write truly amazing songs, have pet pancakes, diss Twilight and are Christian and Canadian to boot.

I like this song because it sounds insanely like their older stuff, which is why my love of them began. It sounds as if it could be on Letters to The President.
The video is grand, watch it, I linked it. I enjoy it because:
a) Throw back to an MXPX video
b) Insane amount of argyle.
c) old lady cheerleaders are the best thing I've ever seen.
d)The fight between the old man and Jason
e) followed by the fight between the band and the other old men

I find Jason's antics therapeutic and down-right amusing.

Monday, November 16, 2009

On Christmas

I'm currently addicted to Bejeweled right now, it's a problem.
Hedley's on the radio right now, I quite like Hedley, I also enjoy how Much Music blurs Jacob practically from head-to-toe when they have him around.
I put the Christmas tree up last Wednesday. I've been fidgeting with it since then, I'm a bit anal about the Christmas tree. I love Christmas, it's my favorite holiday, I don't do Halloween, Easter's surrounded by church, which is cool, and well Canada has no other holiday's that are super important( we could basically care less about Thanksgiving, no Black Friday for us) I love the perfect balance of God and family at Christmas. We don't do Santa, never have, never will(I personally think that it's the stupidest thing ever, lying to your children, seriously? I was one of those mean kids who told people Santa wasn't real) We affectionately call him Pagan-Clause around here. My family has an intense amount of traditions. ( is it too early for me to be writing a Christmas post?)
December 23rd is Grandpa's birthday so our family gathers at their apartment for cake and pre-Christmas excitement.( Miracle on 34th street is always on that night and I almost always miss it, It's one of my absolute favorites, I don't know why..I hate Santa)
Christmas Eve we go to my Nannies and Papa's for Santa bags( stockings basically, but in a bag.... full of socks, pens, lip gloss, useless cool junk) followed by opening our big presents and the boys building things out of Lego while us girls, there's only 3 of us, usually play a game or something/ Then we eat, lobster rolls and chicken nuggets and fries to be exact( maybe the best part of Christmas.) My family either goes to church before or after this.
Christmas day goes as follows, us children wake up, stay restlessly in bed until seven thirty then go wake mum and dad up, our chatters usually already woken them up. We sit even more restlessly by the tree waiting to open our stockings, we open them, bursting with energy. Screaming :look what I GOT!!!!" THANK YOU MUM, THANK YOU DAD!!!!" it goes like that. then we one by one open our presents(I go very slowly as to savour the moments) more thanking. We don't write lists, we suggest but Mom and Dad always surprise us with our presents, we never get what we ask for, We never have, but we always love what we get. I've never felt greedy or demanding around Christmas, I don't have a mile long list that needs to be filled. We've never gotten, Wii's PlayStation's, computers, or cameras, I like it this way, It makes me feel special.
Then we clean up and Grandma and Grandpa come over( dad's parents) we open presents, then we have a massive breakfast, with chocolate milk.
Later that day, at fluctuating times( depends on the year) we go back to Nannies and Papa's for Christmas dinner, followed by chocolate, cherry cheesecake, peanut butter balls, shortbread cookies.
Christmas night is movie night, we watch a Christmas movie or a new movie we got.
Boxing Day is Dad's family day. We gather eat, laugh, laugh, laugh. I love it,
Since we moved our schedule is a little out of whack. We have our Christmas morning a couple day's earlier. We spend time with the Carter's. It's still Christmas though. I'm smiling writing this :)
I'm going to write a run through of our favorite Christmas movies soon.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Extreme Blog Makeover

I have a new layout...if you didn't notice. It's from Hot Bloggity Blog. I love it. I need a new header now. I'm really sorry for not blogging for so long but I'm stupid okay....?
I just searched Bruce Springsteen on Mystery Google and got Chemistry...I love chemistry and Bruce Springsteen, I'm amused.
I shall post soon, and if I don't you can beat me up.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

60ish things about me

1. I do this thing were I rub my index and middle finger together kind of like I'm playing an invisible piano. I do this when I'm walking.
2. John and Joan Cuzack are probably my favorite actors..I do love Johnny Depp and Ioan Gruffard and Morgan Freeman
3. I read about a book a week
4. I listen to an insane mix of music
5. my favorite musicians/bands are:Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Eric Clapton,Family Force 5,The White Stripes,REZ and Third Day6. I like to bake
7. I read EVERYTHING, I read for fun, if something with words is set before me I read it.
8. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is my most favorite book in the whole world
9. when I see a movie I immediately IMDB it. then read every possible thing about it.
10. I love my hair
11. I love antiques, I own a 50's tin picnic hamper and an old secretaries desk. Also old houses I own none of those though...yet
12. I listen to old music, not because it makes me look retro, no because i love it.
13. I have a hard time sleeping with out music or Funny Bunny.
14. I love lists, top ten lists, countdowns etc.
15. Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium is my favorite movie of all time
16. I hated Transformers its one of the boringest movies I have ever seen
17. I think Juno's dad should have( proper English people) punched Paulie Bleeker at the end of the movie
18. The thought of Rome, King Arthur, goats or Clive Owens make me laugh
19. Leonard Cohen=Cutest old man ever
20.I have huge fear of rusty things, maybe because tetanus shots co-inside with rust. also getting poked with wires, broken light bulbs, and base boards
21. I'm obsessed with Weddings, everything to do with weddings. I read Weddingbee like crazy
22. I like the terms "beautiful insanity" " a perfect craziness" things of the like
23. Get Smart , Spinal Tapp, and Napoleon Dynamite, as does Elf make me laugh quiet a lot.
24. My favorite show is Criminal Minds...what?
25. I love science I love it.
26.Big beautiful trees are my favorite thing in the world, I love them more than chocolate
27.I have this unexplainable crush on Chris Farley..even though he's dead
29.I hate open floor plan houses, I think that the kitchen,dining room and living room should be separate.
30. People named Mitchell freak me out because I always think they're going to be like my Friend Mitchell but aren't
31. I love apple crates.
32. Delaney is one of the coolest people I know.
33. I believe in the magic of Uncle Terry
34. Lindsey, Jeremy and I once planned a double wedding for Mitchell and I and Jeremy and Lindsey
35. I hate Mexican and Chinese food.
36. I really really really times 4521906 hate soup.
37. I lost a friend once, but know through some kind of beautiful hope we found each other again
38. I'm probably going to have a Bon Jovi/ Springsteen wedding like people used to have Elvis weddings
39. I watch one TV show now, that's it, then I watch Fringe online but that doesn't count
40. my family watches Elf monthly, and then like 30 times at Christmas
41. I want a max of 5 kids
42. I wanna grow up and be a pharmacist
43.I think Home Schooling is a complete waste of time and stupid, I don't believe in it at all. We have public schooling for a reason.
44. Hymn books were invented so your hands don't fly around.
45. I hate writing essays
46. I think obsessing over stuff is retarded (ex. Twilight)
47.I love going to God Camp
48. Apples to Apples and I Got it are 2 of my favorite games, mainly because there are no rules.
49. Fair Trade is awesome
50. I have no clue when or where to use a comma,
51. I go to church every Sunday
52. My family can quote the movies we love for a long time
53. Remember the Titans is my 2nd favorite movie, but I don't like football.
54. When this guy at camp roasted a marshmallow for a counselor with standing smoke and crying I nearly cried too.
55. I really have no want to drive
56. Canada= pretty awesome
57. I make a mean brownie
58. I have 19 kids names I love
59. My iPods name is Janey, like " Crazy Janey and the Mission man were back in the alley trading hands" From Spirit in the Night by Bruce Springsteen
60. I want Morgan Freeman to narrate my life
61. I could go forever, but then what's the point of this blog?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy Birthday

Yesterday was Lindsey's 16th birthday, I meant to blog but it was my first day of school and I wasn't really feeling it(sorry)
Okay so I've known Lindsey since the exact same day I met Amy, that being the March of grade 5 sooo...2004? I'm pretty sure she hated me at the beginning( she gave me some pretty good stink eye) But know we're best friends. Lindsey's guided me through many a tough time, she's helped me soooo much. I can't ever thank her. We've had our share of fights but some how we stayed relatively close, which I'm glad for.
Lindsey is a grammar and book nerd. She's corrected a butt load of my English projects( which my mom has to correct now). She got me reading Twilight( By the way she's team Jacob). We have a book club, it's dissipated now.
I love her laugh, It makes me feel amazing. Her smile is like a super power.
Lindsey has a love of Hello Kitty, animal rights, the color green, the environment, and Keanu Reeves,that's just a few.
She writes, and pretty good too.
I'm using fragments.
She hates Star Trek.
she has a cat his name is Donovan, he's orange.
Her mom knits.
I'm the only one who will go to Homesense with her. She excepts my buying of giant sheep in a box.
when we go shopping she gives people dirty look when they ask her if she wants a bag.
Lindsey's a vegetarian, a VERY passionate one indeed.
We were bus buddies, it was fun, we were going to have a dance party but never did :(
We're pen pals
I could write forever about her but I shan't. This is one big HAPPY HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY to my one and only loyal reader.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I'm leaving for camp tomorrow9at 5:30 a.m.!!!!) so don't expect any posts, I'm in the middle of the woods, okay not really but there's trees without Internet or TV just old fashioned fun(whooooo) I will post about it when I get back.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Thank You

A tiny bit of my childhood is tucked between these pages. The pages of Little House in the Big Woods. I can feel the covers tucked around me or the cool worn fabric of the couch I grew up on. I hear my moms reading voice. Even though I was only three or four she believed I would understand this book vastly above my level. And I did. I grew up being read to, being taught.
I'm a reader now. From the long hours of having the Little House and every picture book imaginably read to me. Teaching me to respect what is the past, to respect books, to love books. To find out what they hold. Thank You Laura Ingalls Wilder for shaping my life.

Monday, August 17, 2009

now this is cool

Probably the most amazing shirt ever, you should buy it for me from Busted Tees.
That is all.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jem and the Holograms

Jem is my 80's cartoon obsession, thanks to Lindsey who got me hooked. I'm half way through the first season out of 4. Man I love it, even though it's completely stupid, and has crazy drama and Rios hair is purple? What? Still haven't figured that one out. Its truly truly outrageous. My mom can't stand it, my dad just hates all 80's pop music. After watching the first episode, which I admit is a bit um... over drawn mom said " that was the most painful 20 minutes of my life. Still it's really fun. I want all of their awesome 80's clothes, and to do my make-up like them.

Okay so the show focuses around a band called, you guessed it Jem and the Holograms. Jem is really Jerrica Benton owner of starlight house and starlight music who has a hologram cast over her to become Jem. Oh ya, and her boyfriend Rio( purple hair) loves her and Jem. Then theres a rival band who wants nothing better tan to finish off Jem and the Holograms called the Misfits( ya, even though there was already The Misfits were around when the show was created)
Jem and the Holograms=
Jem lead vocals
Shana Elmsford drums
Kimber Benton piano
Aja Leith either guitar or bass
I guess Carmen "Raya" Alonso is added later

I'm a Jem and girl and I've never been the same

Thursday, July 30, 2009


People of the blog world..okay the 4 people who actually read this, I have a confession..okay not really a confession because 3 out of 4 people who read this blog already know this...-drum roll- I'm OBSESSED with weddings. Every single aspect of it( mostly the dress and cake, and music but pretty much everything) I am I really am. I even creep The Knot, Wedding Bee, Vintage Glam wedding Blog, and Off Beat Bride, I do. I don't even post on them but I silently lurk. I tricked The Knot saying I'm marrying a John Doe in like 4 years..aren't I cool? Now you all know.
I do have my wedding planned, completely, just got to find the groom.
I should send out tentative Save the Dates.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Three names I go by (besides given name)
1. Bekah
2. Beks
3. Boo
Three Jobs I have had in my life
1. Wheaton's bag girl
2. Wheaton's crazy receiving girl
3. Random charity work

Three Places I have lived
1. Southern Atlantic Canada
2. Closer to the ocean Atlantic Canada
3. Slightly northerner Atlantic Canada

Three Favorite drinks
1. Arizona Iced tea
2. A&W root beer
3. PC Pomegranate pop

Three TV Shows that I watch
1. Criminal Minds
2. Corner Gas
3. Get Smart

Three places I have been
1. Florida
2. Halifax
3. PEI

People that call me regularly
1. ?
3. Yes, I have no friends

Three of my favorite foods
1. Lasagna
2. Tuna
3. Brownies

Three Things I am looking forward to
1. CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Uncle Rob's wedding
3. Christmas

Three Things that are always by your side
1. iPod
2. Book
3. pants

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I'm on vacation
I'll be back on Friday
I will post when I get back I will post a fantastic post of my world travels.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I'm going to post tomorrow about the DS case I knit my sister, I don't have any pictures of it yet.
I'm trying to get rid of my farmers tan, desperately, though I'm only making it worse. I do plan on going to the beach this week so that should cure it.
I still haven't seen Public Enemies, I might just rent it when it comes out.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I forgot.....

I totally forgot to post a physcadelic picture of Clapton at the end of my post about him so here you go:

Friday, June 26, 2009

warning! this post containes magical dinasaur on a caffeine and sugar high

I came across this earlier, when I was looking through my notes on facebook, I remembered Lindsey telling me this and I wanted to post it here so the world can read her amazing story.
Words by Lindsey
reworked and typed by,me
first told November 9th 2007...Loner table in the food court
Blartmagaseeee-clap,clap-a wizard has just turned you into a magical purple dinosaur.You go on a rampage drinking all the Iced caps in the world.
Now all the iced caps are in your stomach.So then when you pee you pee Iced capp.all the Tim Horton's use you to make iced capps
.-The End-

Monday, June 22, 2009

Clapton isn't God but he's pretty good

Hmmmmm...It's Musical it is a Monday... I should write about....Eric Clapton! One of the few rock stars to make it out of the 60's. The other main ones being Paul McCartney and Ringo Star..The Rolling Stones barely made it out alive..Keith Richards may have left half his brain there.
Okay so anyways, basically one of the best if not the best guitarist of all time. Wrote some pretty cool songs including Layla, Sunshine of your Love(my favorite) and Badge. Doing covers of so many songs by other artists. Writing a popular love song which I hate( Wonderful Tonight) Over coming his alcoholism to open a rehab centre to help other people like you, and so He can throw a huge guitar festival every couple of years with people who are the best in music.
He's amazing. I really really like Eric Clapton. Nuf said. I think you haven't really experienced music until you listen to at least one Clapton song.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Vitamin String Quartet

Okay so I know it's not Musical Monday but... I really wanted to post about this. My current musical obsession is Vitamin String Quartet. They basically do string covers of popular songs ex, she will be loved Maroon 5, Welcome to The Jungle- Guns and Roses, Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana which is my favorite. They did the whole American Idiot album which is smashing...don't think they've done Smash Mouth though. Anyways if you want to listen to some really really cool music look them up on You Tube.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I have one more exam! YAY! MAth tomorrow afternoon then I'm done for the year. Yes!
I can't wait till Public Enemy comes out, it's going to be amazing. Christian Bale and Johnny Depp together at last. I don't even care what the movies about but it involves Christain Bale, Johnny Depp and 1920's gangsters I'm there.

Apparently they're promoting Johnny more than Christian

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Okay so I was reading over the post I did about Amy on her birthday and I found a mistake. I said that I had never read anything that she has written. This was a lie I have read something she's written her Good Charlotte fan fiction( she still hasn't finished her Benji one, I want to know how it ends). We even wrote a Good Charlotte, My Chemical Romance, Simple Plan, etc. fan fiction. It was pretty good, confusing as anything but (hahaha) good. I admit it I am a lier.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm soooo cool!!! that was self centred

Hey, so I should be sleeping..but I'm not. Anyways i was helping organize for my church yard sale tonight and I found some cool stuff, first off a black rotary phone. Yes I'm that cool. The other thing I found was ahem some beige and light pink Puma's. I've wanted Puma's for awhile but there was no way I was convincing myself to but some 60ish dollar shoes( shut up I bought my chucks on e-Bay) Okay so guess how much they were? guess? A BUCK!!!! yes one dollar I'm so happy, there's a stain on the side of the left one but who cares. They're basically like the ones bellow but, they're a tiny bit darker and the puma on the front is pink and there's no puma on the side. I don't even know why I wanted some besides I think they look kind of cool. I have joined the herd again, first a iPod then Pumas whats next...A bench sweater? No way! way too much money. I like being quirky but using herdy clothes and making them incredible dorky and ruining them for everyone. I'm so evil.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Exam Week!

hmm..I'm actually completely stumped as to what to write about, all I know is a have to post because I haven't in too long.
Okay so I just finished a bowl of Hoofprints ice cream which is good compared to other ice creams but lacking compared to other ice cream with cups of stuff. Udderly Divine wins that challenge for me, its has peanut butter so in a challenge that wins overly crappy caramel cups. Yes caramel is amazing but peanut butter is amazinger.
I think that's enough...i do say that a lot don't I?
I have exams next week..everybody say it with me YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have English(WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!) Bio not too bad I guess, and Math, which I missed the first quarter of the year. I'm pretty excited.
I would ace atest on ice cream though..I should look into that.
I guess Yipee and whoo aren't real words...I use a lot of unreal words on here Blogger must hate me.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Corner Gas

my family is obsessed with the now dead( may it rest in peace) Canadian comedy Corner Gas. I mean we sit around and quote it at supper and somehow almost always refer to it. We sit around for hours watching it and laughing.
I'd say that our favorite characters are Hank, the village idiot who's hilarious and clueless. And Wanda the village know it all who can't do math.
Okay so Corner Gas is a show set in a tiny town in Saskatchewan about nothing..okay it has amazing plot lines about nothing but the people of the small town in odd situations.
Though there's this episode where Karen the rookie cop makes muffins that eventually turn into cup cakes that I cant find for the life of me
okay so the characters:
Brent- The owner of Corner Gas and main Character
Lacey- owner of the coffee shop attached to the gas station who is the new outsider.
Wanda-town know it all, works at the gas station, very short, she can still go on bouncy castles she's so short.
Hank- Village idiot,owner of cool truck, hat wearer, Brent's best friend
Emma- Brent's mom, slightly sane, knitaholic
Oscar- Brent's dad, senile
Karen-Rookie cop, good at cooking, often mocked for being blonde 
Davis- police chief, really stupid.
I really love this show mostly because it's Canadian but also because of the incredibly funny dry humor and being so ironic.
I quote it a lot. Okay that's enough.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's my brithday( spelling error intentional)

Hello! Yes indeed I was this very day 16 years ago. I was born at 11:48 p.m. so I'm not like officially 16 yet but it's still my day. If i write any more I will sound incredibly full of won't I? That its no more no cocky self indulged rambling like other people.... Though my mom did make me amazing lasagna which I shall eat soon and I have brownie carmel cheesecake. And i got one of these:
I named her Crazy Janey, after a Springsteen song..yes I am that cool. I have already deleted all of her contents 2 times and I'm convince every piece of technology hates me and will not work for me because of that. Oh and they don't have any help relating to itunes only ipod's...its rather annoying..okay enough rambling..I will eat some cake for you..and lasagna...except for you...yes you the vegetarian there

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Natalie Dee

Need a laugh?
Go to Natalie Dee...It will surely supply you with a good laugh. Above are some examples. I really like the one with the walrus..and the mystical unicorn Natalie.
I will post some more some time.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

One handed magic Imgoing to type this post single handed...I'm rebelling -gasp- yes, I finished all my keyboarding assignments today, I do not see it fit to use both.
My computer has now started to erase the letters when I try and fix my mistakes. Forcing me to re-type every thing.
I got a new gadgety thingy on the side. If you noticed.... I rather like it. I also got a spiffy new header.
That's it for now
maybe I'll have a real post tomorrow.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Musical Monday

Okay so today, my favorite 80's band....... BON JOVI! Which must be yelled
I refuse to put any pictures up because, they are all disturbing or highly creepy. You go look them up if you must.
So I love them because, they're so over blown and crazy. Come on guys running around in spandex screaming Living on a Prayer and Shot through the heart.
Living on a Prayer is my favorite song, I know pretty much all the lyrics. I do have a lot of great memories around this song too.

I know this post was very sparse.
Enjoy more wonderful posts to come.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy Birthday to You

Its my sister birthday everybody on the interweb
the picture was taken by my aunt at her cottage. I'm wearing my super cool Breakfast Club t-shirt.
this is when she had dreads..she doesn't have dread anymore. I did those dreads myself.. but this post is about her and not me.
My favorite picture of us. She wasn't smiling so I made her.

She's pretty sassy, if you ask me. Now she's 13 and I'm feeling very old.
She has a blog and now I will input another shameless plug.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Twitter movies

I guess I could come up with some clever title for this post like: The Birds, or Twiddle Dee and Twitter Dumb, but I won't. I will keep it simple and to the point. Basically this post is about movies, on twitter. Movie summaries in the allowed 140 characters or less. I do not have twitter, I do not read what people twitter, I'm a blog and Facebook girl, but these made me laugh. I was sitting in the tech lab at school, slacking off as usual( get this I'm one of the more productive ones ) and was cruising IMDB as usual and checked the little movie related links at the bottom and came across this one. I was sitting there trying not to laugh too loud t so that everyone would hear me.
Okay so heres the link. Enjoy

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


My pants are all folded up weird in this one. I was trying to show off my killer socks but it didn't work out so well.
one of my sister artsy shots that I really like. I now have a huge scrap on the side of the left shoe, it makes me sad

I thought I rotated this but I didn't still it looks rather cool.
Okay so I paid a whopping..wait for it....THREE DOLLARS for these beauties. I was milling around the shoe section of Walmart not really looking at anything and saw them. I thought they were cute, then I saw the price, I thought they were even cuter after looking at that.
I really like the bright pink lining it gives them I little something special. I have some black Mary Jane style flats from American Eagle but they've started to hurt my feet but these are some of the comfiest shoes I've ever owned. Okay I think this love letter to my shoes is long enough.

My pirate little sister. She took all of the pictures but the first one so I thought I'd give her credit. check out her Blog.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Birthday

she's a great dad

On this day I almost fell off a cliff and ate all her dads potatoes
after I fell off the cliff she gave my Polysporin and freaked out because she thought it was penicillin( which I'm allergic to)

I later fell over a rock

Today is Amy's 16th birthday....WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

In honor of this day I am blogging about her
a) because I'm cheap.
b) I'm too far away to actually be there
Okay so we met when we were almost 11 in the spring of 2004, in a crazy corner of the field at our middle school. We didn't really become hardcore best friends until ummmm...we were 13 I think or 12 or something like that, I just know that the summer between grade 7 and 8 we were inseparable. Then blah blah blah random stupid stuff....finally a few months ago we found each other again and we'll see.
Okay so about Amy, she loves loves to take pictures and is smashing at it, utterly amazing. Also likes to draw and paint also very good at that. Likes to write..wouldn't actually know never read any of her stuff, only got the jest of a short storey about a Christmas elf named something that was written in french.
she is freakishly obsessed with Star Trek oh and look the new movie came out on her birthday. another thing she loves is Japan, she loves the music, art, fashion language, food( ex. Pocky which I love too) pretty much everything.
Amy's one of those friends who will listen to you somewhat( she has a very short attention span) but still make you laugh your butt off.
I remember going on Day trips with her parents to random places to take pictures of birds I'm totally serious. Okay so on this trip we crammed our minds with the music we loved that phase mainly The Used and My Chemical Romance. Anywho we switched books because we had both brought books we had already read, I gave he "Go Jump in the Pool" by Gordan Korman, and she gave me " The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton. Okay way off track anyways we then became fascinated with The Outsiders enough said.
Another memory, watching movies in dark rooms but laughing the whole time. Eddie and the Cruisers was one, we sat( no sprawled) on my messed up couch in the basement eating freezer and smokey Chocolate Sorbet. The Breakfast Club is another in her cramped warm bedroom. We liked to watch movies, he dad would pick us up at school and we'd go get a movie but we'd take really long and he'd get mad because she'd try to get horror movies and I was all like No! and anyways off track again.
Okay I think this enough and this isn't even a smidgen about Amy.
Just Stay Gold Man and do everything for Johnny or you could end up dead in the street like Dally or living under a bridge with Eddie but I'd still "love" you all the same.
Stay Gold and Happy Birthday

Monday, May 4, 2009

Family Force 5

before, when my love began

Now, when my love still continues

Okay so Family Force 5, lets see.. I had heard of them but never listened to them UNTIL the spring of 2007 when I was watching an interview with Showbread another one of the bands I like and they mentioned them. I then Jesusfreakhideouted them and youtubed them...Voila fan...actually it took me a couple of listens to get into them.
I Then found their Youtube show "The Really Real Show" It only added to my obsession. The randomness and humor, how they actually get along and will even put their mom in their show and podcasts... yes their mom, she rather sweet made me love them more. Soul Glow buying grills was fun as when they experience a snow storm.
Oh I forgot to mention their names: Soul Glow activator, Phatty, Crouton, Chap Stique and Nadaddy. Yes I know awesome.
Family Force 5 is a band that makes me want to get up and dance forever and scream the lyrics. I actually did my final dance routine to "Replace Me"
Okay I think that's enough of a rant.... I didn't want to give you a whole long back story or song suggestions just why I love them so much....thats what Youtube and Wikipedia are for.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring and Springsteen

So a couple of weeks ago we dropped mom off at work then went on a spring time romp.
My new Springsteen shirt :D It's from the '99 tour when he got back with the band.... it came from one of the many shows in Jersey. I like it but it 2 sizes too big.
The skate park in the near by "shopping centre"
me sitting over some pretty rad graffiti
I really like this picture the more I look at it.

Here I'm on the head of a rather large sea creature, I'll post some pictures of it sometime. You knows its really spring when i bring out the aviators but this year my head is shrunk or they got stretched because they don't seem to be sitting right.

I am apparently angry at the goose here.

Me trying to be photogenic on the steps at moms work. It wasn't working. I hate when your like I'm rocking this picture and then you look at them and your like "oh I look incredible nerdy here" or "oh that sweater not overly nice" ....oh that just happens to me..okay
It's warmer now like I said this was a couple weeks ago, more pictures to come
sorry if I see full of myself, I'm not really just liked these pictures, maybe soon Ill do a family post.