Sunday, October 4, 2009

60ish things about me

1. I do this thing were I rub my index and middle finger together kind of like I'm playing an invisible piano. I do this when I'm walking.
2. John and Joan Cuzack are probably my favorite actors..I do love Johnny Depp and Ioan Gruffard and Morgan Freeman
3. I read about a book a week
4. I listen to an insane mix of music
5. my favorite musicians/bands are:Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Eric Clapton,Family Force 5,The White Stripes,REZ and Third Day6. I like to bake
7. I read EVERYTHING, I read for fun, if something with words is set before me I read it.
8. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is my most favorite book in the whole world
9. when I see a movie I immediately IMDB it. then read every possible thing about it.
10. I love my hair
11. I love antiques, I own a 50's tin picnic hamper and an old secretaries desk. Also old houses I own none of those though...yet
12. I listen to old music, not because it makes me look retro, no because i love it.
13. I have a hard time sleeping with out music or Funny Bunny.
14. I love lists, top ten lists, countdowns etc.
15. Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium is my favorite movie of all time
16. I hated Transformers its one of the boringest movies I have ever seen
17. I think Juno's dad should have( proper English people) punched Paulie Bleeker at the end of the movie
18. The thought of Rome, King Arthur, goats or Clive Owens make me laugh
19. Leonard Cohen=Cutest old man ever
20.I have huge fear of rusty things, maybe because tetanus shots co-inside with rust. also getting poked with wires, broken light bulbs, and base boards
21. I'm obsessed with Weddings, everything to do with weddings. I read Weddingbee like crazy
22. I like the terms "beautiful insanity" " a perfect craziness" things of the like
23. Get Smart , Spinal Tapp, and Napoleon Dynamite, as does Elf make me laugh quiet a lot.
24. My favorite show is Criminal Minds...what?
25. I love science I love it.
26.Big beautiful trees are my favorite thing in the world, I love them more than chocolate
27.I have this unexplainable crush on Chris Farley..even though he's dead
29.I hate open floor plan houses, I think that the kitchen,dining room and living room should be separate.
30. People named Mitchell freak me out because I always think they're going to be like my Friend Mitchell but aren't
31. I love apple crates.
32. Delaney is one of the coolest people I know.
33. I believe in the magic of Uncle Terry
34. Lindsey, Jeremy and I once planned a double wedding for Mitchell and I and Jeremy and Lindsey
35. I hate Mexican and Chinese food.
36. I really really really times 4521906 hate soup.
37. I lost a friend once, but know through some kind of beautiful hope we found each other again
38. I'm probably going to have a Bon Jovi/ Springsteen wedding like people used to have Elvis weddings
39. I watch one TV show now, that's it, then I watch Fringe online but that doesn't count
40. my family watches Elf monthly, and then like 30 times at Christmas
41. I want a max of 5 kids
42. I wanna grow up and be a pharmacist
43.I think Home Schooling is a complete waste of time and stupid, I don't believe in it at all. We have public schooling for a reason.
44. Hymn books were invented so your hands don't fly around.
45. I hate writing essays
46. I think obsessing over stuff is retarded (ex. Twilight)
47.I love going to God Camp
48. Apples to Apples and I Got it are 2 of my favorite games, mainly because there are no rules.
49. Fair Trade is awesome
50. I have no clue when or where to use a comma,
51. I go to church every Sunday
52. My family can quote the movies we love for a long time
53. Remember the Titans is my 2nd favorite movie, but I don't like football.
54. When this guy at camp roasted a marshmallow for a counselor with standing smoke and crying I nearly cried too.
55. I really have no want to drive
56. Canada= pretty awesome
57. I make a mean brownie
58. I have 19 kids names I love
59. My iPods name is Janey, like " Crazy Janey and the Mission man were back in the alley trading hands" From Spirit in the Night by Bruce Springsteen
60. I want Morgan Freeman to narrate my life
61. I could go forever, but then what's the point of this blog?

1 comment:

  1. 1 thing about me...I love your blog.

    P.S I agree homeschooling is a waste of time, yet I want to be homeschooled again and just sit at home and read all day.
