Thursday, May 21, 2009

Twitter movies

I guess I could come up with some clever title for this post like: The Birds, or Twiddle Dee and Twitter Dumb, but I won't. I will keep it simple and to the point. Basically this post is about movies, on twitter. Movie summaries in the allowed 140 characters or less. I do not have twitter, I do not read what people twitter, I'm a blog and Facebook girl, but these made me laugh. I was sitting in the tech lab at school, slacking off as usual( get this I'm one of the more productive ones ) and was cruising IMDB as usual and checked the little movie related links at the bottom and came across this one. I was sitting there trying not to laugh too loud t so that everyone would hear me.
Okay so heres the link. Enjoy

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahaha.
    That's actually so funny. :P
    And.. stupid.
    But funny.
