Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Birthday

she's a great dad

On this day I almost fell off a cliff and ate all her dads potatoes
after I fell off the cliff she gave my Polysporin and freaked out because she thought it was penicillin( which I'm allergic to)

I later fell over a rock

Today is Amy's 16th birthday....WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

In honor of this day I am blogging about her
a) because I'm cheap.
b) I'm too far away to actually be there
Okay so we met when we were almost 11 in the spring of 2004, in a crazy corner of the field at our middle school. We didn't really become hardcore best friends until ummmm...we were 13 I think or 12 or something like that, I just know that the summer between grade 7 and 8 we were inseparable. Then blah blah blah random stupid stuff....finally a few months ago we found each other again and we'll see.
Okay so about Amy, she loves loves to take pictures and is smashing at it, utterly amazing. Also likes to draw and paint also very good at that. Likes to write..wouldn't actually know never read any of her stuff, only got the jest of a short storey about a Christmas elf named something that was written in french.
she is freakishly obsessed with Star Trek oh and look the new movie came out on her birthday. another thing she loves is Japan, she loves the music, art, fashion language, food( ex. Pocky which I love too) pretty much everything.
Amy's one of those friends who will listen to you somewhat( she has a very short attention span) but still make you laugh your butt off.
I remember going on Day trips with her parents to random places to take pictures of birds I'm totally serious. Okay so on this trip we crammed our minds with the music we loved that phase mainly The Used and My Chemical Romance. Anywho we switched books because we had both brought books we had already read, I gave he "Go Jump in the Pool" by Gordan Korman, and she gave me " The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton. Okay way off track anyways we then became fascinated with The Outsiders enough said.
Another memory, watching movies in dark rooms but laughing the whole time. Eddie and the Cruisers was one, we sat( no sprawled) on my messed up couch in the basement eating freezer and smokey Chocolate Sorbet. The Breakfast Club is another in her cramped warm bedroom. We liked to watch movies, he dad would pick us up at school and we'd go get a movie but we'd take really long and he'd get mad because she'd try to get horror movies and I was all like No! and anyways off track again.
Okay I think this enough and this isn't even a smidgen about Amy.
Just Stay Gold Man and do everything for Johnny or you could end up dead in the street like Dally or living under a bridge with Eddie but I'd still "love" you all the same.
Stay Gold and Happy Birthday

1 comment:

  1. ahhhhh this was amazing (i also wish i'd seen it before now, ahah.)
    my christmas elf's name was herman, btw , ahha. <33
