Monday, December 7, 2009

Nancy Drew and the secret of the blog post

Today I realized that the best smell in the whole world is old Nancy Drew books. I feel special and mysterious when I touch them. I then proceed to stick my nose close to it, flip the pages and breath deeply. I want a whole collection. Like every one of the old school ones. None of those crappy new Nancy Drew Files in paper back with people making out on the beach on the cover, that's not a "real" book. see what I mean?

My sister's never read a Nancy drew...I feel some part of her childhood is missing. The titles are ridiculously funny.. I laugh, like The Clue of the Dancing Puppet .

I have a confession...I own a paper back Nancy Drew, it sucks, the hard cover ones are like 3 million times better.

Okay yes the stories are little far fetched an Nancy runs around with friends that only pop up in the most need circumstances. She actually has no friends..she mostly runs around with old people and random other people she doesn't know...? like what? She's be a annoying person to actually know but I love her as a character.

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