Monday, January 3, 2011

Socialist tendencies

Today I changed my political views on Facebook.  It used to say Very Conservative, now it says" Very Conservative with slight socialist tendencies.
Okay okay, by Socialist Tendencies I mean I don't believe in a free market economy, I don't have a huge need for the army and I like free heathcare.  As I feel that healthcare is an undeniable human right.  And by saying socialist I am not saying Nazi socialist, as they are a socialist party.   
Yet I'm a Conservative because I think Canada has the right to defend it's self using the army.  I like most of the moral of the Conservative party, most of them.
I'd like to say I'm a Nationalist because I believe in Canada but then it sounds like I'm all buddy budy with the Seperatists.  Which I am fully not!  Also when you say nationalist it invokes images of Hitler and his make Germany stronger by being a nation and having children and the like.  I think Canada could be the true north strong and free if only we became our own nation.  This ideal is a whole other post, that some day may be written. 
Sometimes I think this blog gets a little too politically heavy.

1 comment:

  1. keep up the political comentary some of us find it rather interesting.
