Saturday, January 22, 2011


I'm reading  novels again.  It feels so nice.  Except Louisa May Alcott's father was a communist so...

You have no idea how badly I wish the Liberal-Conservatives existed again in Canada.  I would vote for them for sure.  That's exactly how I sit at this moment.  I actually can't even believe I am saying this, as a couple of years ago I called that an oxymoron.  I am now an oxymoron.  I used to be Conservative to the day I died, now, now I'm not.   It's surreal, being exactly what I was scared of.

I also used to respect George W. Bush.  What was with that?  I actually can't believe that.  I still do say that if 9/11 hadn't happened he would have been as bad, still bad, but not absolutely horrible.

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