Thursday, January 27, 2011


"And another thing!  Sir, when I’m the usher and offer you the offering basket please don’t hold up your hand like you pass… like you’re passing on another coffee refill at a diner.  Taking the basket is not optional.  Putting money in the basket is optional… but you have to take the basket.  Touch it.   Just pass it on…. this is how this whole offering thing works.  K.  Thanks.  God bless you."
This is from Joy the Baker.  I love this woman.  I want to eat almost everything on her blog.  There's only been a couple of things when I've said, "Eww I would never eat that"
She makes me laugh so hard.  Also drool.  Someday I will make one of her recipes.
Seriously go read her blog.  It will make you hungry.  Her name above is a link.

P.s.  I feel kind of bad posting an entire paragraph of her post.  I always pick out a section to read to my mom.  This was it.

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