Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm sorry I'm so boring.

The storm came, so sadly I didn't get a day to myself.  But also I get next Tuesday off.  Whoo
Youth is tomorrow.  I should read my chapters soon.
The Office was amazing tonight.  So was Bones.  Thursday nights are good, and I don't even get NBC.  If I got NBC it would be 670% better.
I've been watching so much NBC lately.  I wish I got it.  They have the best comedy right now.  Thankfully Canadian channels are nice enough to air some of it, or stream it.
I made roast today,  I'm very proud of it.  My dad said it was amazing.  I topped it with Bacon.  Everything's better with bacon.  I'm sure they've done studies.
I'm so very tired.  I need to stop blogging so late
I'd like to go on a mission trip to Europe.  The ARP teaches English in Germany.
I'm thinking about changing the look of the blog. New header, different background colour.  I did add a new thing to the side.  The Top Eight.  Those are the most read posts of mine.  Why eight?  It seemed like a random but not too random.
Also no one comments anymore.  I'm sorry I'm so boring.  I need to launch into a political rant again.


  1. hey I agree that Bacon make everything better. if i had my way we would have bacon at breakfast lunch and supper. see y'all tonight.
    ps. hopefully i didn't wake you all up when i plowed your driveway this morning.

  2. great time at youth group. the chapters we looked at are defenantly something to think about. like i said easy to read hard to do. sorry if its a bother posting these random comments.

  3. just watched the Sound of Music great movie.
