Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Some major things

This weeks starting to get better, kind of.
I drew a palm tree today, it's pretty rad.
I need to nap more.

Two things you never bring up, abortion, and homosexuality.
I truly believe that the laws that legalize abortion can be revoked,  but not the ones that legalize same-sex marriage.  Why?
You can convince people that abortion is killing a real human being. Ever sane person feels that killing something anything is wrong. They've been convinced that killing cat-tails is bad, a ugly plant that makes people go into convulsions.  Abortion can be revoked, if only murder was linked with it.  There are enough people that think it's wrong, but think everyone deserves a right to what ever they want.  There are so many laws against murder, but so many loopholes that allow abortion.  The Canadian criminal code is the most depressing thing I have ever read.
The same-sex laws, they're here to stay.  They're never going to be over turned.  Not going to happen,  it would cause way too much strife and arguments and anguish.  I do think it's wrong, the laws that didn't allow homosexuality, should have never been taken away.  But now that it's legally allowed, it will never go back to how it was.  Remember Prop 8 in California, exactly, that's what happens.
Abortion, yes it could go back to being illegal.  Homosexuality, nope.

On a major side note, if the lead singer of this band doesn't win American Idol, I will cry.
Seriously Amazing.  Paul McDonald

One more for the road, this one is beyond perfect.

I've been trying to make this blog a bit more interactive, and less word heavy.

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