Thursday, February 10, 2011


What do you think is the most meaningful song you have ever heard? 
A: Tough question, most meaningful song...hmmm,  I really like This World by Caedmon's Call.  Also Thief by Third Day, and Show Me Your Glory by Third Day also. 

Are you tired of winter yet? 
A:  I am not, I like snow.  I live in Canada so I'm used to it.  I don't like snow in late March or April though, but before that, I'm all for it.

Do wish that it was the end of the school year?
A: No, as I'm graduating in June the prospect of not going to school scares me.  

What would you do if you were allergic to butter tarts?
A: Possibly die.

What do you think of the tell tale heart by Edgar Allen Poe?
A: I like Poe, which to some may be weird, I think he was a great writer.  But you can only read so much, before you get depressed.  He's also a rambler, which can be problematic.

What is your favourite book?
A:Hands down, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.  It is utterly and absolutely amazing.  It branches the history of Francie Nolan, and her family.  It's so good.  When I read it for the first time i kept thinking, I think this could be the best and my most favourite book I've ever read.  And now it is.

How did your exams go?
A:  English, I don't really know.  Pre-cal, remember how I thought I did amazing?  I didn't.  I'm really mad at myself now.

Why don't you blog more often?
A: Okay, I haven't had a lot of time on the computer lately, and what time  I do have has been spent doing  homework.  I do log into blogger almost daily.  I also feel I have nothing to blog about.  Who wants to hear about everything I do?  No one.

What are you reading right now?
A:  I am reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, I'm finally getting into it.  This is my 3rd attempt I think.  I am also reading aloud The House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne to my reading group.  We strongly considered The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, but then we had a upset at the polls and now we're not.  Oh I forgot, I've been reading The 20th century year by year for months now, it's a huge graphic book.  Amazing. 


  1. would you be tired of winter if you had to shovel your driveway

  2. all our family would be probably if we didn't have a wonderful family plow our driveway for us :)
