Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day Twenty-one.

Day 21: Something you know you do differently than most people.

I can only eat the same coloured Smarties at one time, I can't mix colours.  But I will eat different flavored  Skittles.

I found out today that the room I'm living in next year is where the girl I sat with in Bio 12 last year lived this year.  Small world.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day Twenty

Day 20: A hobby of yours.

I used to knit, but now I don't
I read a lot, I blog, I stalk movie websites.

Did you know that Karl Marx used a monocle?

We've started calling a guy in my geography class Hammy after the squirrel on Over the Hedge.

The Romanov family of Russia only became the monarchy because no one else wanted it.  They were like okay I guess we'll take it, ugh.

Residence assignment for Acadia came out today, I got what I wanted.  Almost I wanted a single but I got a double so not worries.  Everyone at school was flipping out, it was hilarious.  I am thankfully not living on the 12th floor of the tower.

My family just sent their camp forms, they released them on Friday and we mad scrambled to get them in the mail today.

My birthday is in 3 days!  I finally decided on a dessert, I told my mom I was going to make a list of 18 desserts for her to choose from, but that never happened I made a mental list of 5.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Statement:  I stongly dislike Christain girl blogs that gush about movie stars in every post but wear skirts everyday because they thinks it's more modest.

Statement: Why do mothers have homebirths and not vacinate their children?  Do you want them to get Polio?
( no hardly anyone gets polio, and it's not from homebirths, but...really protect your kids, we have modern medicine, so out infant moratality rate is pretty safe,  I also have no kids...)

Statement:  I still really ahte my computer because I can't sign into my blog on Google Chrome but only Internet Explorer which does not have spell check.

this is why I need a Twitter.

Day Nineteen

Day 19: A talent of yours.

I would like to say dancing but Kaitlyn can tell you that I am not that wonderful of a dancer...

My familly says I'm pretty sweet at art but I'd say I'm not.

I'm good at quoting, I can find a quote for anything and could possibly carry on a conversation using only movie and TV show quotes.  My whole family has this talent.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Two Videos and Hockey excitement.

2 of the catchiest songs of all time rewritten about the Canucks.
Who's excited for the Canucks to win the cup? I am!

I've been saying since October, the Canucks are going to get it, and now they are. Don't get me wrong I am and alwys will be a Montreal Canadiens fan so I always cheer for them, and then Vancouver, then Chicago. I really liek how all of Canada has jumped up in support of the Canucks. And Really the Sedin Twins are the cutest thing in the NHL. Truth. Seriously.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


New Muppets movie, am I excited?  YES!
Jason Segal wrote it,  love him.  Amy Adams is starring in it, love her.

I've posted a lot of video lately.

Day Eighteen

Day 18: A time when you felt passionate and alive.

When I'm debating, I get all riled up and feel in my element.
Also when I'm drawing in pastel or watercolour painting.
Listening to crazy good music is another.
I'd say dancing but I never get to dance, like really dance.

Oh hey, I can't spell Eighteen

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day Seventeen

I had to open up Internet Explorer to access by blog, and now I have no spell check so hang on.

Day 17: An art piece.
If I could own any piece of art by Botticelli I would, he's amazing.  I would hang the Birth of Venus in my bathroom in a second. I would take a whole wall in my house to hang Venus and Mars.
This painting,Portriat of a Young Woman,  isn't actually done by Botticelli but it's from his school so it's in his style.

I guess I could have posted a piece of my art, but I'm not.

Have you ever felt like praying while reading a book?  I'm not talking about a book about praying, or a Bible study or a the Bible but a novel.  I have, The Hunger Games seriusly drove me to this point, I felt like praying and I had to stop myself a couple of times.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day Sixteen

Day 16: A song that makes you cry.
I don't usually cry over music but the video for When you're Gone by Avril Lavigne makes me tear up.

I finished The Hunger Games and Catching Fire in under a week.  I need to read the third one, right now.  I tried to start another book and I couldn't get past the first paragraph.  They were undeniably the best books I have ever read.  They are 2 out of 3 books that I have rated 5 stars in the reading journal.  The other book was The Children of Men by P. D. James.
I won't tell you anything about the book because I would basically give it all away.  I will say, go read it, but plan to do nothing for those days because you will get so enthralled that you won't do anything else.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Holy posts a lot Batman( just so you know I would never say "Holy" in a sentence outside of quoting the Bible, singing a hymn or quoting Robin.)
Anyways this is very fun, it involves Facebook and graphs two things I like.

Then I saw this and I think it needs to be added to this post.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

This is SOOO G8

Should I like start writing posts in like chat speak and like whateva?
Would that be random?
Like g2g 2day was like gr8....


No I will not, I will write in full sentences, about politics, and genocides and movies like everyone expects me to.

And the title in the post should be read as: this is sooo great not G8, as I would read it.  I really can't escape myself can I?  The G8  really only me.

Day Fifteen

Day 15: A person you admire.

Lieutenant-General  Romeo Dallaire.  The Canadian General in charge of the UN mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR)   He would absolutely hate me for even looking up to him. let alone writing a blog post.  But he's amazing.  If you know the horrors of Rwanda you understand.  Someday in the future I might eventually write a post about Rwanda and how it changed me, someday but not today.  Shake Hands with the Devil, the book, the documentary and the movie are all beautiful. Every time I watch the movie I just want to go out into the world and change everything, and yell and scream and hug every person in the world.  Some day I want to change the world.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day Fourteen

Day 14: A vacation you would like to take.

Oh my, do you have 3 years?
I'd love to go to Europe, but only cool places in Europe. I have decided that I must see the Berlin wall before I die. I want to go to Berlin, Munich, The Haag, Rome, Paris, Versailles, Barcelona, Athens, the Greek Isles, Dublin, Moscow,any other major European City that is NOT London.
Also I want to hit up the American Midwest, Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paul.
And the American East coast, New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, along the Southern coast. The coast of Georgia and South Carolina looks beautiful.
I'd also like to see the Caribbean, probably cruise wise. But not Cuba, I have no wish at all to go to Cuba.
No China, no Australia, no South America, no Africa.
Except maybe Rwanda.  But I think I would be way too much of an emotional wreck to even think of that.

Boston lost today, yay Tampa.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Odd humour

BYU is a Mormon college(I'm not even sure if it's actually a Mormon school or if it's just all Mormons and you can't buy coffee or drink) in Utah... and this song is, on the outside exactly how I see Mormon women. I like that one of them is wearing a temple dress. Also it's California Girls..so extremely funny.

Day Thirteen

Day 13: A guilty pleasure.

This ones easy, reading wedding websites.  I think it may have almost moved into the addiction staus now.  Also watching TMZ, which I shouldn't but I do.  Also reading Seventeen magazine.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Don't talk to me about style, look at that bow tie

School of Rock is one of my all time favourite movies.  It's amazing.
My family can quote the whole thing I'm pretty sure.  This is one of my favourite quotes from the movie, and only one.  

"Give up, just quit, because in this life, you can't win. Yeah, you can try, but in the end you're just gonna lose, big time, because the world is run by the Man. The Man, oh, you don't know the Man. He's everywhere. In the White House... down the hall... Ms. Mullins, she's the Man. And the Man ruined the ozone, he's burning down the Amazon, and he kidnapped Shamu and put her in a chlorine tank! And there used to be a way to stick it to the Man. It was called rock 'n roll, but guess what, oh no, the Man ruined that, too, with a little thing called MTV! So don't waste your time trying to make anything cool or pure or awesome 'cause the Man is just gonna call you a fat washed up loser and crush your soul. So do yourselves a favor and just GIVE UP!"

Day Twelve

Day 12: A song that you want played at your wedding

As I am a wedding addict I have a humongous list of stuff I want at my wedding, including songs.

Lets see, Backstreets and Thunder Road by Bruce Springsteen.  To God be the  Glory, which is my favourite hymn.  Perfect Chemistry by Nevertheless.  Crazy dance stuff, so I can dance crazy.  You and I by Guardian. Come though Fount of Evey blessing, Be thought my vision.
I can tell you for a fact that Pachelbel's cannon in D major will not be played. ( as you know it reminds me of the assassination of JFK)  as well as Ava Maria, or the bridal March.  I am not a tradionalist when it comes to wedding music...or weddings in general.

Did you know that I have written more posts in the 5 months of this year than in all of last year.

I really like the poem Five Ways to Kill a Man by Edwin Brock, you can read it here.  It's kind of morbid.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


"Shaun White, he is a historical figure because he changed my life forever. ;)" -Samarah 

Grad Photos

So look what my wonderful father did this morning.  He uploaded my grad pictures.   

 My hand is so awkardly placed so you can see I'm sporting my grad blingage.
 This picture is currently the background on my computer, it's slightly creepy, as it's about life-sized.  I got this book for 25 cents in a charity bin at Sobey's.  It's very cool and very old.
I'm sitting outside of the residence I hope to live in next year.
All of these pictures are 200% better than the ones that I had done at the school for the yearbook.  I look way less stiff. These are only 4 out of over 200.

I'm almost done The Hunger Games, about 70 pages left.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day Eleven

Day 11: A photo of you taken recently.

Why so many picture of me? huh?

Apparently no one ever takes pictures of me.  And my grad pictures are on my father's camera and I don't want to get down into that.  So when my grad pictures are up on the computer I will post one, or many.

I've been reading like crazy lately.  I read a 557 page book in 6 days, which back in the day was nothing I read a the last 2 Harry Potter books in 2 days or 3 days I think.  It was Gone by Micheal Grant and it was amazing, I couldn't put it down, and some hobo (not an actual hobo, but a mean person, who does have good book taste) decided to take the sequel out of the library, so I think I'm just going to go buy it.  I just looked it up and there's going to be 6 books, I love series!  Now I'm reading the hottest teen book as of late, The Hunger Games.  I started it yesterday and I'm nearly 200 pages in, not big fate for the younger me.  I snatched up the book because it's never in the library.  When I checked it out the librarian asked, "is the 2nd one there?  You should go grab it right now." Then, "is the 3rd one? you might be okay on that one"  I should have grabbed it because so other kid pilfered it today. I'll have to buy that one too.
I'm reading so much because these book interest me, Charlotte Bronte, she did not at all interest me.  I love Jane Austen but her books just take me too long to read.  1984 was very interesting but I got caught up in the long Communist Manifesto like part.  I've been so set on reading classics that I never took time to read fun books with good stories and kids my age.  I've also only been reading books about the future.
I think I want to read the entire Artemis Fowl series from start to finish again, in a row.  So I need to buy like 3 of those books.
I may eventually take up Jane Austen again, someday when I want to feel grown up again.  I'll stick to watching the movies, I love every Jane Austen movie.

The amount of vampire books out right now is sickening.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day Ten

Day 10: A photo of you taken over ten years ago.

This is me and my sister when I was 7, taken by my webcam because I have no scanner.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

One post

I'm nationalist right, so the British monarchy and I don't really agree,but.  Now that the royal wedding is said and done and died down a bit I will write one post about it.  I loved Kate's (do we still call her Kate now? I don't know) dress, I thought it was perfect.  It echoed Princess Grace's and Queen Elizabeth.  It was modest and beautiful, just right for the wife of a prince.  I know a lot of people hated it, I was not one.
Everything else about this wedding was crap I just don't care about, the amount of times they kissed etc.  I cared about the dress and nothing else.  Though my mom has set a comparison between the royal wedding and Cinderella as my computer background.
Princess Beatrice's hat was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time.  I've seen it edited onto Gollum.
I will say that if Prince Harry ever becomes the King I will become a monarchist.  If and only then.  He knows he will never be king so her parties and lives a crazy life, it's hilarious.  But his great-grandfather thought the same thing, so he developed a stutter.

So that's it, all I'm going to say about the royal wedding

The Blues

I love music.  The blues, the blues they just hit me somewhere, I'm not really sure where.  Good Guitar will get me every time.  I just watched a Stevie Ray Vaughn tribute concert, with clips of him mixed in.  He could just work a guitar like no other.  Now I'm watching Crossroads festival, Clapton a whole bunch of amazing guitar players goin' at it.  2 drum kits, at least 3 guitars, all at once.
You never think music is going to sound this good.
I saw Robert Cray and Jonny Lang last summer, amazing, Jonny Lang, I can't find words right now.  I'm going to see Robert Randolph this summer.  I will dance like a maniac.
So if you have 7 minutes I would highly recommend you listen to this song.
That's one great thing about blues, none of the songs are rushed, they go on for days..okay not days that psychedelic rock.  The Grateful dead are probably still playing a song they started in 1973.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I want a baby....goodness I'm only 17.  I'm getting a BA first.
That was really feminist.

I think I'll just get a cat, name it Machiavelli.  Or some fish.

This blog is turning into a Tumblr or a Myspace.

On a major side note, my wonderful poll had a 4 way tie, I'm just going to keep blogging.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day Nine

Day 9: A photo you took.

I took this picture a very long time ago when I was just a "little kid"  like 14.  These are the cottages next to the cottage that I went camping at 2 times in my younger days with a gaggle of older girls and women.  All of those people are married or married and has kids except for 3, I am one of them.  I was freakisly obsessed with this picture back then.

Oh and guess what?  I'm behind on my art again!!!  I'm working on it and it's not a big deal, I have all week to catch up.  I spent all last week doing a 3D art piece, it turned out pretty rocking.

I'm double blogging today because I haven't blogged in a long time and I'm very behind on my 30 days 2.0. 

Day Eight

Day 8: A thank you letter to someone who has changed your life.
I've already written a letter to Laura Ingels Wilder.
I really don't know who to write to.
Plain and simple.

I'm so lazy.  
Plenty of people have changed my life.  Good Charlotte is one band, I'm not so sure if that was for the better, but they opened me up to a ton of music.  But that's a lot of someones, five someones.  All of my friends have impacted me in different ways.  Lauren for example has shown me that butter tarts can be better than everything, and that my humour is appreciated.   Lindsey has taught me to spell and challenges everything ever, which is good.  My parents have showed my good music, and how to read and cook, Christianity and the like.

This is really funny


Well I guess I should bog shouldn't I?
This afternoon.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A blue sky with and orange glow

I am freakishly excited about this NDP opposition.  The maps outlining who won where are insane.  I'm very sad that my buddy Gilles didn't get his seat.  I enjoyed the over-hype of the NDP take over of Peter McKay's after 2 polls, then he won by 9 thousand or so.  I love election coverage I watch it like hockey.
The title of this post is stolen from the friend of one of my moms Facebook friends.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hey guys

People and my by people I mean Americans hate that we announce our elections.  Apparently Canada does not hold enough political sway to matter.  American elections, they matter a lot and we in Canada should talk about them just as much if not more than Americans.  I'm sorry we're democratic and our election slip out of our country.  I'm sorry I apologize that we subjected you to that.
I'm watching the election results likes it's a hockey game.