Friday, December 31, 2010

The Eve of Eleven.

Today is New Years Eve, meaing when I wake up (really when I go to sleep) tomorrow it will be 2011.  Crazyness.  My eighteenth year apon this planet.  Wowza.
2010 was great, it really was.  It went so fast.  I became A camp counselor, I took a huge risk and it felt amazing.  This year I fully began to love myself and where I am in this world and in myself.  I discorved what I had alwasy hidden, my love of history.  I learned how to love and feel real compassion.  The Olympics made my heart burst with pride and made me remember why I love this country.  Just thinking about the winning of the Gold medal in Mens Hockey makes me over-joyed.
I want 2011 to be just as wondeful as 2010, if possibl even better.  Everything rests in the hands of God.

p.s.  I wrote 98 posts this year. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


We're home.  I'm so glad, going "home" is nice but here in my own bed and house is so much better.  I got to see the people I wanted to see.  Just hanging out and talking is amazing, I really like it.
New Years Eve party in a few days, hopefully this one doesn't end in broken bone.  Yes you Jesse.
So I'm home,and Susie didn't eat anyone.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Christmas Eve!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I made this for you

"I don't want eight, I want 12.  I want 12 of them."
"take some jelly, take some fish, make a sandwich delish."
"son we're all proud of you, except that guy, that guy hates you"
"What are you stupid?  Redeye flashes twice"
"Son, you're adopted."
"Work That. Up. Do"
"I'm racist against that racist coffee"
"I made this for You!"
"brotha, brotha try this"
"You know that hit and run later that night?  That was me."
"I started watching the movie Before he died"
"Your pee could save my life."

okay I'm done now.  I really dropped off at the end there.


The dentist was actually enjoyable.
I like my dentist,
I got to watch the All Dogs Go to Heaven Christmas special.
Just finished watching The Prestige which was AMAZING.  I'm not saying that because Christian Bale was in it, though that is a big factor.
Christmas shin dig tomorrow night, with the Carters.  YAY!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Post Christmas Wish list

You have no clue how badly I want this shirt:

Remind me never to Etsy Springsteen stuff.  I get a bad case of coveting.

Noww I'm searched Clapton, they have onsies with him on them, so cute.

I want to be Jem from Jem and the Holograms.  Kimber's cool, but so whiny, it's rediculous.

I also want every shirt from Julian Smith's shop, thank you very much.

By the way this is a totally arbitrary list of things I'd want but am in no way requesting them.  This blog is mostly just a record of things I find amusing and or want in life.
Okay then, carry on.


     We had Christmas tonight, we're leaving going away for Christmas and really this was the only time we had.  I got my grad ring early as one present and A book published by Life on Sinatra for another, amazing.  He drank 36 drinks of "gasoline" a day, that's insane.  Dad also bought me  the red brie baker I've been wanting for months and a wheel of brie.   I can't wait to use it.
     We're watching Diff'rent Strokes now, as Josiah got the first season.
     Susie spent a while laying on top of me, practically crusinh me from mid shin to my neck.  Crazy dog.  She hates Christmas, the lights, the excitement, and the cameras.
      Christmas has begun.
       I'm going to go to bed now and read Amusing Oursleves to Death.  I'm not even making a dent on my Christmas break reading list.  I'll try and read a good chunk tomorrow at the dentist.  I want to read 5 books by breaks end, now I'm thinking it's not going to happen.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Promise Fulfilled.

I told you that I was going to blog about this.  Now I am.  See I keep my promises.
At Church we had a card making day a couple weeks ago, I made so pretty nice hand crafted cards.  Well yesterday I gave them to some people, with loving hand writen wishes and refrences to hurricaines and the like.
Merry Christmas to you all.

I have another Yankee Swap tonight...this one's for "grown ups".  I guess I am considered a "grwn up" at Chrurch now.
This week is going to be so crazy.  I'm getting tired just thinking about it, and because I am actually physicall tired.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Count Down begins

Do you ever read things that make you mad?  Just to make you mad?
I do, way too much.  I've got to stop, I open up Facebook Accounts and blogs with the full intention of being mad at that person.  While reading I make mean sarcastic comments in my head and get angry.
I'm doing it right now, hence the blog post.
I like doing things that will make other people hate me, as much as I dislike them.
Some people just irk me.
I like shaking things up.
On a MUCH happier note.
I skipped school today, but still got up early and showered so I feel  productive now.  I've done 2 loads of laundry.  I'm proud.

The Youth Group Yankee Swap (where on Earth did this come from... I don't get it).  I've still got to read my chapters and make something for us to eat.  The chapters, not really a challenge.  But The figuring out what to eat part...pretty hard.

Christmas is in EIGHT DAYS!!
I'm so busy next week.  Building up to the main event.  I should start getting my fingers wax resitant for Christmas Eve, as I know I'm going to burn them that night.

Also super cool that people from Germany read my blog.  That's super.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Do you know?

1.Do you know how to make an entire high school excited and cheer and be happy?....

Answer: You get the Physics teacher to multiple backflips, including one off the stage.  Then for him to do a cartwheel.

This is what happened today at Winter Carnival.

2. Do you know how to make a whole high school laugh AND cry at the same time?

Answer:  You put a couple of male teachers in dresses, and others to dress up like the Beatles and another to put on some bling and rap.

This also happened.  I don't think anyone will be the same again.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Dark Ages.

We're finally back from the dark,  43 or so hours.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Dear Girly,
I want you to be happy every single day.  I want to make you happy everyday of your life.  I wish I could give yo a HUGE hug right now and never let go.  I miss you lots.  You'v ehelped me become happy again and I'd love to do the same, but I think you want to deal with this yourself...and I'm okay waiting.  Thank you for loving me like you do, like I am.
We've come such a long way.  gotten comfortable with who we are.  I don't like seeing you hurting again.  I hate it.  I thought we were past that, but we're human, we won't be past pain.
Do something that makes you feel amazing.
Love you.

Tomorrow I promise I'm going to post a more reader friendly post.

I've got to go to the dentist today, gross.

It's way too late.  I go up to get a glass of water.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Canada Communist? I don't think so.

Canada is far better off than most countries.

Our govenment isn't that bad. In a secular govenment money, time, effort, will always be spent on things that are immoral; but it will also be spent on things that are good, health care, schooling, international aid, military.

We must put these worries to God, we must try and ellect people who can do things. Politicians that are honest and represent your beliefs, do not vote for parties, or people who have no chance of getting in(such a little know minority groups, like some Christian parties). Put your vote upon someone who can make a difference.

I do not think our system is designed to fail. I think it is made to flourish, to thrive to build, but we the people are not doing that. And our government is not doing it in some areas. Also the world has seen a horriable recession in these years, which Canada more or less survived, better than most. We can not put everything over to the private sector because that would cause unspeakable corruption.)private sector? Are you kidding me?  Good about capitilism) Communism doesn't work either, it never has, never will. Our country is not being handed over to communism, we still have class, order, we pay for things, the government does not hvae compltete and utter control over every detail. We do have free heath care but this is more a cival right than a factor of communism. Canada is Not communist. Socialism works to an extent but really it doesn't. Theorocracy does not work in any extent, you give the rights to the people of that faith, but strip the freedoms of the other races and religions.

Canada is stuck where it is, all we can do as citizens is try and make it the best we can.

Harper is trying his hardest, after years of corruption, of scandal, of signing on to American led wars. He is doing all he can.

No country can be run perfectly, you can not make everyone happy. That is impossible.

Canada must stand up and take a place on the world stage as a nation. Not mearly a follower of others.

I am a Christian, I am to my very core. But God in politics? I don't know. By doing this, but making a nation Christian, Muslim, Hindu or anyother religion, you alienize a group of people. You elevate one group above another. This is never, ever good. If Canada were to be a Christian Nation, the peoples of other religions would lose rights. I'm all for everyone being Christian, but in a world of sin this can not happen. You can not elevate, or descriminate.

We need domocracy. It is what is best

I'm so sorry for this rant. With some points some may not want to hear, or agree with.

I find myself feeling more compassion as of late, for all people. Everyone is enititled to being treated as a human. I see so much wrong with this world, and I feel like I can't do anything. These rants are one reason I think I should major in Political Science. haha

This is a response to these 2 posts one and two

I kind of went into a rant.  But to call Canada communist?  No thank you.  I love it, arguing about politics.  It gives me this great high.  I don't think I could ver go into poitics though, way too much stress and sucking up.

I know I post so many political or historical posts.  It's kind of me.
I give you all permission to skip over these, feel no obligation to read my sporatic ramblings.  These posts are so I can remember and drain.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Samarah, every time I go to blogger your account is ALWAYS open, so I wouldn't be talking
hey, its samarrrrrrah.
someone forgot to log out of their blog.
woops. :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Not Nothing

This is one of those times when I feel like I should blog, but I've got nothing to blog about.
Christmas is very soon,  I can't wait.  It's going to be busy and fun and I'll eat shortbread and stuffing and possibly cheesecake.  Which will be pretty amazing.
I did almost all my Pre-cal homework on Friday, I'm going to say I'm proud about that.
My back hurts right now because I have the worst posture after the Hunchback of Notre Dame.  Which is more a birth defect than posture, but still.  I think that analogy applies in this situation.
Tomorrow I have my history teacher for 2 hours straight, amazing.  I think we're finally starting the Reformation. YAY!  As a Calvanist this is exciting. 
A catholic girl in my class was like"Yay Catholics" and I said " You will learn"  We're friends so it's cool.  In Global we're watching Shake Hands With The Devil, which is about the Romeo Dellair led UN mission in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide.  It's one of the saddest movies I've ever seen.
Learning about Rwanda in grade 9 seriously changed me.  Now, I feel so informed when the rest of my peers aren't and most of them don't care.  That makes me really mad.  Like guys don't talk and laugh thought the enitirity of a documentay about a genocide in recent history.  Thanks.
Even on the internet people call this genocide an massacre, they don't want to call it what it was, they don't want to  admit that it really happened.  That they stood by and let it happen.
Those people are the ones who will let inhumane things like this happen again.  We need to be educated, we need to fight.  They won't.  Remember I said History Ryhmes.  It's going to happen.
I'm off the soap box now.
and I said I had nothing to write about.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Heirloom Noel?

I really need to make this!
Like for the Youth Group Yankee swap?
Or my Cousin Jodey's Christmas Eve party?
What do you guys think?

When she's "piping" onthe icing Samarah and I were near puking. I actually think I would go into a sugar-coma if I ate this.



Have I ever told you I'm so not a feminist? I'm not, I believe in submission, and stay-at-home-wiferey( Yes that's a word, with hyphens) and being lady like nd unforward and unbrash and the like.  But the more I read on the subject the more I see that I am a feminist, as according to some peoples guidelines.  When really I'm not.  See I think that women can hold postions in the military, police force, and in government.  I know this world takes all kinds of people, and I'm just one of those kinds.
I get defensive,I feel as if these people are putting me down because of what I believe( and believe me, some of them are)  I'm just kind of sick of it.  I sometimes purposely read these comments because I want to feel challenged, or just for the pian, but really I just walk away hurt.  Very hurt.  It's my own problem.
this was information, and a bit of a downer.  I'm good for that.
I'm a feminsit anti-feminist.   Some how caught between 2 cultures as it would seem

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Not so Awesome.

I don't believe in saying the word "Awesome".  A few months back my pastor brought up the fact that awesome should only be used to describe God, because he is the only true awesome thing.  Since that day I have been trying to cut it from my vobcabulary,.Which for me was near impossible, I kind of used it to describe everything!  Now whenever I see it writen, or typed, or hear it spoken I process it as a swear word, and cringe as I would for those words.  Goodness I hate swearing, but not as much as I dislike hearing God's name used in vain.  Ugh.  It ruins everything.
I've replaced awesome with such words as: Super cool, super duper cool, amazing(which is kind of iffy) Magnificent, wow, super great, totally cool, so great, incredible,impressive.
I just generally use super more.
When I slip up and say it I feel bad.  It's really hard, when you've had something locke din your brain, and way of speaking and then just quiting it.  Espeacially since the word is used all around me everyday.  Thi sis one of my own private battles.

p.s.   Yes, I did go to an online thesaurus for the synonyms

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I give thee the Peanuts as actual Peanuts. Which I think is pretty cute.

p.s. 24 days till Christmas!!!!