Friday, February 25, 2011


The history of Louis XIV is the most confusing thing, ever. Why were you so crazy and confusing Louis XIV?
But you were stylish, I will give you that.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Some major things

This weeks starting to get better, kind of.
I drew a palm tree today, it's pretty rad.
I need to nap more.

Two things you never bring up, abortion, and homosexuality.
I truly believe that the laws that legalize abortion can be revoked,  but not the ones that legalize same-sex marriage.  Why?
You can convince people that abortion is killing a real human being. Ever sane person feels that killing something anything is wrong. They've been convinced that killing cat-tails is bad, a ugly plant that makes people go into convulsions.  Abortion can be revoked, if only murder was linked with it.  There are enough people that think it's wrong, but think everyone deserves a right to what ever they want.  There are so many laws against murder, but so many loopholes that allow abortion.  The Canadian criminal code is the most depressing thing I have ever read.
The same-sex laws, they're here to stay.  They're never going to be over turned.  Not going to happen,  it would cause way too much strife and arguments and anguish.  I do think it's wrong, the laws that didn't allow homosexuality, should have never been taken away.  But now that it's legally allowed, it will never go back to how it was.  Remember Prop 8 in California, exactly, that's what happens.
Abortion, yes it could go back to being illegal.  Homosexuality, nope.

On a major side note, if the lead singer of this band doesn't win American Idol, I will cry.
Seriously Amazing.  Paul McDonald

One more for the road, this one is beyond perfect.

I've been trying to make this blog a bit more interactive, and less word heavy.

I need to get over myself

I need to get my butt in gear and make these already.

I also need to buy these,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

10:43 p.m.

I have 2 posts that I'm going to write this week.  One on the Olympics and one politically charged.
I got free books today, I like that.  I now own the Macleans that came out the week I was born.  Super cool.  The Canadiens won the cup that year, good year.  I also picked up a copy of The Great Gatsby, and David Copperfield, and a book on fascism.  Score.
Today in geography my teacher talked about Norway for 25 minutes, really he just kept going, he even drew a fjord .  He then moved on to the Yukon, and said that it was "the land of the midnight sun" and the lights went out, pretty weird.
Lime Jello is clearly the best of all Jellos.  Just throwing it out there.
Elliot Freidman, you are too cool.  Why are you so smart, and good at talking about Hockey?
I'm going to blog this week, even though I want to climb into bed in flannel pajamas between flannel sheets and sleep until March 2nd.  ( I may have an addiction to flannel, it's like sleeping wrapped in a dream.)

Monday, February 21, 2011


I am so stressed out, ugh.  I've got to apply to universities this week.  Like Now.  this minute,
I don't want to.
There are a million things I would rather do than apply to schools.  I should make a list to distract myself.  I've actually got a list, in a notebook somewhere in my bedroom.
Right now I'm thinking about taking a year off.  Or the rest of my life.
I also have to have 20 pages done for my Art sketch-book by Friday.  So you're thinking no big deal.  I only have 6 pages done right now.
This is shaping up to be a crappy week.

I think I need to be more positive.  I should start now.
I'm posting this mainly to make me happy.  Ken from Freaks and Geeks in his peasant hat showing some school pride.
I'm also watching Corner Gas, that's helping a lot.  It's also the mysterious muffin episode, the one I hunted down, for 7 months.  I love this show more than I should.  I also like Freaks and Geeks a lot, but not near as much as Corner Gas.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Heritage Classic

Excuse me, was that just the American National anthem at a all Canada NHL game?  Not impressed.  There's like 5 Americans there.

The head coach of the Ottawa Senators looks like a  Russian Spy.
Yup, he's a spy.  I would post a picture of a Russian spy but apparently Google doesn't know that that means clothed men and not women.
He freaks me out.  A lot.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Scottish Cheapness pays-off

Toronto lost. That's great.

Something pretty amazing happened to me today. I was at the mall, I went into Payless, nothing nothing at all. I was sad. I need shoes, sneakers, flats, boots, everything. I really want new Vans, or Chucks. Really I have my heart sets on a pair of Toms. So then I was wandering around and came across the skate-ish store. The had huge pink signs everywhere 75% off Chuck Taylors. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! They're so expensive, crazy. I found a pair of grey low-tops in my size, I said to mom "If these fit me, you're buying them for me"  They fit, so now I am the owner of said shoes.  And they only cost $13.75, originally 55.  Yup.  I have a slight obsession with grey, just a smidge...
Here they are,
Love :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

I see a river, that's a weak point

"you have cracked the code of North Korea."
"you are amazing"
"A bomb will explode in 3 minutes"
"It's okay, we know how to survive, duck and cover..cover the back of your neck" If you're in the street, jump into the gutter and cover yourself with newspaper"
"We will not die"
"just cover the back of you neck"
-European History

This conversation happened after my group was looking at North Korea on Google's a green waste land.. seriously, there's nothing. Then Sarah somehow clicked back to the images of The Palace of Versailles, Paris is very populated. So, somehow Sarah cracked the code of North Korea.

Also today in my geography class, a guy a couple of seats down from me, got up and made the desk there straight. He then sat down and pretended it never happened.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Devil Music

I've been wanting to write this post for awhile. Still haven't. Slightly scared to write it actually. So here it goes.
I love rock music. Of both Christian and non-Christian origins. I just do. I think the music, the lyrics are more important than what the singers believe. Sort of.
I listen to a lot of non-Christian music, because I love it. I don't think you should make rash decisions about a musician before you actually hear it. So many Christians do this, they write people off before they hear it.
I do for example, not listen to Death metal, because it's just way too dark and evil. I don't listen to most rap music because it's just awful, lyric wise and beat wise.
I listen to stuff that most wouldn't approve of, in the least. But it's great music.
I don't really care, I enter all music with an open mind..except death metal. I've heard way too much of that to ever like it.
I grew up on Southern Christian rock, lots of Third Day, Guardian and Big Tent Revival in my childhood.
I like screamo music. Some say it's not real music, or that the people making it are evil, satanic, and if their Christian, are not really Christians. Listening to it makes me feel edgy and cool. I kind of feel relaxed, but also pumped up. I don't think that make sense. I can't though listen to pure screamo, I need a singer. Such bands as, Underoath (before Aaron left) Alexisonfire(Yay Canada) and Emery(which is very high on my favourite lists) All three have 2 lead singers, a guy who screams and a guy who sings.
I listen to edgy music, that is, and I'll admit it, kind of crazy. But some of this is Christian music.
The main thing I'm trying to say is, that I listen to music that's "unconventional". I also listen to "devil music" lots of "devil music".
This is an extremely broad and controversial subject. I think I'm going to have to visit it a couple more times.

Well that was "fun"

I just found my Xanga, from when I was 13. I was a cool kid. I didn't know you could actually blog that bad. Now I'm trying to get into my piczo, sadly I don't think that's going to work. That makes me sad. I want to see how messed up I used to be. I'm getting pretty close now.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Where to get a goat riding world of warcraft
Seriously, this search on Google will somehow lead you here...
I have no clue what I blog about.
This is weird. I should start blogging about random stuff, see what people search for.

Infiltrated Youtube

This is hilarious...until he starts randomly swearing right at the end.  I love this because I too hate this song.  With a passion!  Ugh.

Also the Mormons have infiltrated YouTube.  Good job, it used to be insurance, or tooth false religion.  whoot.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"What is so bad about being Canadian?"

Do you know what's fun?  Graphing the birth and death rates of Canada since 1925.  Actually not at all.
I saw a necklace in a shop on Saturday that was the impression of a Russian medal, it would be a lie if I told you I didn't think about buying it for 8 seconds.
I listened to Mumford and Sons nearly all day today, only stopping to listen to The Avett Brothers and Emery.  Which are about at par with them.  Why didn't I pay attention to them earlier.  I was so wrapped up in them that I forgot I had a brand new My Chemical Romance album on my iPod.  Weird.
Micheal W. Smith, knows had to party like a rock star...he has the biggest choir I have ever seen.  like 4 million people.
My sitcom watching today was ridden with references to Canada.  I'm one of those Canadians that loves the mild insults to my country.  I think it's funny, I like stereotypes.( in the right context, and the good ones, like Eh, and Minnesota accents)  Some people get really offended, I don't.  I laugh.
This conversation on 30 Rock was hilarious
Bellboy: "What is so bad about being Canadian?"
Jack: "Your milk comes in bags...bags."
Avery: "Your pavilion at Epcot doesn't have a ride!" (Like that's our fault, Disney)
Love it.
Canada does have a pretty low death rate....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Grammy's 2011

The Grammy's were AMAZING this year.  I was blown away.  Except for 2 performances they were crazy.
The winners mostly sucked, but they almost always do.  Mumford and Sons, The Avett Brothers and Bob Dillon, ahhh.  Epic.  I was like this can't get better, then Bob Dillon started playing the harmonica.  It was from that moment better.
There were 2 freaks, that was nice.  Seth Rogan insulted a bunch of preteen girls.  Good job.  I laughed at that.  More than I should have.
Someone decided that it was okay for John Mayer to start looking like Johnny Depp from The Tourist. I'd like to meet this person, ask them why.
For some reason some Muppet like creatures were there.  I don't get it.
Muse was great, seriously.  I've only heard one of their songs before.  I was pleasantly surprised.  They had a big stack of digital TV's that fell down, that was so cool.  They censored them, CBS doesn't like anarchy.
Arcade Fire won, after rocking out.  Yay Montreal.  I didn't know they were so good.
I learned CBS doesn't know how to censor.   A rapper would swear (as they do quiet often, it's  kind of common ground now.  Has been for about the last 30 years of rap music), so then they would bleep the next 10 seconds.  Thus causing big empty gaps, not working.  Also the thing with Eminem is that you can't tell when he swears, not really.  So I still don't get why they did this.  I noticed that his lyrics were a margin cleaner, so he tried.
Jayden Smith just popped out of the stage, like a toaster.  Then Will Smith was shown saying  "That's my baby"  I almost cried then.
B.O.B. and Bruno Mars and that other person...They killed it.  I don't even like those people.
Katy Perry's wedding video, so cute.
I was just so surprised and the whole show was just mind blowing.  And Pink didn't even perform this year.  Katy Perry did do a but of a throw back thought, not nearly as good.  This year also sadly lacked Stephen Colbert. That's about it.

Last year I only wrote one post during February, it was about the Grammy's.  I didn't write any because I was holed up in my bedroom watching the Olympics.  I miss them.
Sometime this week I'll post about the Olympics, because I didn't last year.  I suck.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Professor Bhaer

I personally think that Professor Bhaer is perfect for Jo.  Most people think she'd be better with Laurie.  Not me, not at all.  Bhaer is wonderful.  I get why people like Laurie, but Bhaer really gets her.  Like I know that him and Jo would be happy and in love forever.  Laurie and Jo, not so much.  Also the slow evolution of Jo falling in love is amazing.  As is Laurie and Amy.  Little Women is brilliant
There's my opinion, simple and under developed.  But still mine.
The Grammy's are tonight.  rad.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why can't Canada have theirs?

I have heard the argument that womens hockey should be removed from the Olympics.  This is based on the that Canada wins the gold too much, that the top 2 are automatically Canada and the U.S.
I would have to differ.  I love that Canada wins gold, it makes me so happy.  I like double gold even more.  Okay so why I think we should keep it, They  haven't removed cross country skiing even though the Norwegians always win it.  Speed skating is still around, even though Dutch win a lot, really they do, it's kind of crazy.  Running is still around, even though the Jamaicans have it in the bag.  So if all the other countries have their specialties, why can't Canada have theirs?
I might have to do with the 18-0 wins of the womens team,  it is a little one sided.  But Canada is hands down the best in that situation.  Are the other countries..such as Italy really going in they can win gold?  No.
I guess I'm just a proud Canadian that loves to see Canada at the top of it's game, winning like crazy.  That may be a touch heartless.

Friday, February 11, 2011

He's gone.

Mubarak is gone!
My heart is singing right now.
I am so excited.
Once I found out I prayed like crazy.
Now we have to see how it plays out, it could go 2 ways.  Very good, or worse.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


What do you think is the most meaningful song you have ever heard? 
A: Tough question, most meaningful song...hmmm,  I really like This World by Caedmon's Call.  Also Thief by Third Day, and Show Me Your Glory by Third Day also. 

Are you tired of winter yet? 
A:  I am not, I like snow.  I live in Canada so I'm used to it.  I don't like snow in late March or April though, but before that, I'm all for it.

Do wish that it was the end of the school year?
A: No, as I'm graduating in June the prospect of not going to school scares me.  

What would you do if you were allergic to butter tarts?
A: Possibly die.

What do you think of the tell tale heart by Edgar Allen Poe?
A: I like Poe, which to some may be weird, I think he was a great writer.  But you can only read so much, before you get depressed.  He's also a rambler, which can be problematic.

What is your favourite book?
A:Hands down, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.  It is utterly and absolutely amazing.  It branches the history of Francie Nolan, and her family.  It's so good.  When I read it for the first time i kept thinking, I think this could be the best and my most favourite book I've ever read.  And now it is.

How did your exams go?
A:  English, I don't really know.  Pre-cal, remember how I thought I did amazing?  I didn't.  I'm really mad at myself now.

Why don't you blog more often?
A: Okay, I haven't had a lot of time on the computer lately, and what time  I do have has been spent doing  homework.  I do log into blogger almost daily.  I also feel I have nothing to blog about.  Who wants to hear about everything I do?  No one.

What are you reading right now?
A:  I am reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, I'm finally getting into it.  This is my 3rd attempt I think.  I am also reading aloud The House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne to my reading group.  We strongly considered The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, but then we had a upset at the polls and now we're not.  Oh I forgot, I've been reading The 20th century year by year for months now, it's a huge graphic book.  Amazing. 

Monday, February 7, 2011


So guess who's the only Grade 12 in her Canadian Geography class? 
Yup, this girl.
This is going to be great. 
I actually have no one in any of my classes.  I sit wither by myslef of with people I kind of know.  Great.  I'm not really into that.  I'm sure it will be okay.  I hope.
I'm trying to blog more.  I shouldn't really be right now because I have a freakish amount of homeowork tonight.  Ugh.
I needed a break.
Remember this post.  By Wednesday.  Thank You.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Any Questions?

I don't know if I have enough of a following for this to work, but I'm going to try it.
You can ask me anything in the comments to this post for the next 3 days.  Okay almost anything,  it can't be inappropriate.    On Wednesday I'll read all the questions and post them in  a post with answers, or a couple posts. So go ahead.
One thing just make sure the questions are clearly stated, and not a big old ramble.  Thank You.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I've simple got nothing to blog about anymore.
I haven't been involved in any political discussion, or done anything particularly interesting lately.
Facebook has a new photo viewing system...very strange.
I need a new 30 days like thing.
I do wish I had something to blog about.  Soon I hope.
I kind of want to go back to school tomorrow.  Then I don't.  I had a school dream last night.
I've been looking at prom dresses.  So. Much. Fun.  really.  It's crazy how glittery and poofy people will go.  insane.   And bright, like blinding.  I  think I'm just going to wear a couple garbage bags and roll in glitter.
It's still snowing,  We got so much snow.
My friend Amy and I communicate in un-cohesive sporadic chunks.  Like 4 topics at once every couple of weeks.  It makes me miss her.  We're crazy , I know everyone thinks that.  We desperately need to hang out.  It's bad.
I blog way too late. Always late.
I found this in my internet travels.  I think it's pretty clever.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Downer.

Can we get over the Royal Wedding?  Thank You.  I'm sick of seeing Kate and William on every webpage, every newscast.  Get over it.

I hate the n word.  really I do.  It's so inappropriate.  No one should ever use it, I don't care your colour, religion, creed, or race.  Never use it.  I don't see why rappers feel the need to use it repeatedly in their songs.  does it add anything? Answer: No.  It needs to be gone, now.
Back in the day whites used it as a derogatory word against blacks.  Now we don't because it was derogatory.  But still today blacks use it as a nickname for one another, but whites can't and don't use it.  I don't get it.
That being said, I think the word has a place in old books.  Only old ones.  Why?  because that was the language of the time, that's how they used it.  What are you supposed to replace it with?  I can't think of anything.
The world is a crazy place filled with double standards.