Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More hockey ranting

If I see one more person compare the Chara/Pacioretty hit to the Pacioretty/Letang hit I am going to scream.
Let me adress this.  These hits were completely different. They happened in 2 different seasons under 2 different Head Disciplinarians.  The hits were also different.  The only things that are consistent are, both blindside hits, both involved Pacioretty. One hit resulted in a bloody nose, and the other in a concussion and broken neck.  People actually thought Pacioretty had died for a bit, he was not moving.
People are also mad that Pacioretty shouldn't have recived a suspension.  Why because Chara didn't get one? Pacioretty does not automatically get a free blindside hit card because he suffered one.  If anything, Pacioretty should be one of the main forces advocating the headshot suspensions.  He's been there.  I could mention Crosby here but I won't.
The hits were different, they were both bad, both deserved suspensions.  Pacioretty was the one that received it.

James Reimer( Toronto Maple Leafs Goalie) is a Mennonite.   This makes me laugh so much, and I have no idea why.

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