Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In which I list every Christmas hymn and movie ever made.

1. What do you like about Christmas?
Everything, I absolutely love Christmas.  I love all my families traditions, I like Christmas parties and burning my fingers with wax and lobster rolls and Santa bags and everything.
2. What is your Christmas smell? 
Summer Savoury because my Nannies house smells like it on Christmas day because of the stuffing.
3. Do you miss Christmas as a child?
A little bit yes, I live away from the majority of my family now and it’s hard traveling up to see them every year.  It disrupts everything and we have to have Christmas early at home now.
4. Wrapping paper or gift bags? 
Wrapping all the way, gift bags are for birthdays.
5. Real tree or artificial?
I like the fact that you can put a artificial tree up really early but I love the look and smell of a real tree.
6. When do you put the tree up?
After November 11th
7. When do you take the tree down?
Sometime in early January
.Do you like or drink eggnog? 
Yes but not very much, I have some in my fridge right now.
9. Favorite gift received as a child?
Hmmmmm…I got this super cool play kitchen when I was 4.  It rocked.  Not as a kid but as a 17 year old I got the best Christmas present ever.  From my Aunt and Uncle a set of 3 Fire King vintage bowels with polka dots on them  I actually cried when I opened them.  I had given up hope that I would ever own them.
10. Do you have a nativity scene?
We used to.  Funny story actually, I was babysitting my pastors kids a few years back and his oldest son came into our living room and turned over the manger with baby Jesus in it, apparently he felt it was a graven image of God.  It was kind of adorable.
11. Hardest person to buy for?
My Grandparents, they have everything.  Also my best friend because I always want to give her something super cool and sweet and special and I can never find it.
12. Easiest person to buy for?
My mother and my sister.
13. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
Um….I’m easy to buy for so I’ve never gotten anything I’ve hated.  My nannie did once give me a set of Bratz lip-gloss though, they all tasted horrible and made my lips weird colours.
14. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Mail, actually I give them out by hand because I only give them to people  I like.
15. Favorite Christmas movie?
Most of my favourite movie list are Christmas movies.  I love Elf, Eloise at Christmas Time, The Polar Express, both versions of Miracle on 34th Street, Home Alone, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, The animated Grinch, A Charlie Brown Christmas and the Santa Clause, the old school Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer.
16. When do you start Christmas shopping?
17. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
Nope I don’t think I have.
18. Favorite things to eat at Christmas?
Do not even start.  Turkey Dinner, Shortbread cookies, chocolate, cherry cheesecake, cinnamon rolls, various things wrapped in puff pastry.
19. Clear lights or coloured on the tree?
I really don’t know.  I’m into clear right now.
20. Favorite Christmas song?
Silent Night, O’ Little Town of Bethlehem, We three Kings, Angels we have heard on High, God rest you Merry Gentlemen, Away in a Manger, Joy to the World, What Child is This,O Come O Come Emmanuel.  I think Go Tell it on the Mountain is my all time favourite though.
21. Travel at Christmas or stay at home?
I would love to stay at home but we just can’t right now.  I love going back to my hometown for Christmas.
22. Can you name all of santas reindeer?
23. Angel on the tree top or a star?
Star, we used to have this super sketch angel that had a flasher bulb in it, it actually terrified me as a kid.
24. Ugliest Christmas decoration ever invented?
I don’t know.  I hate Santa ornaments.
25. Which looks best, theme trees or homey trees?
Homey, the trees that families that are covered in hand made ornaments from years back.  I love trees like that.  Theme trees are really pretty much they have no character.  Half the ornaments on our tree are missing limbs.  We have an ornament that I made, when I was 6, that is just a clothespin covered in strips of tissue paper and has pink yarn as the hanger.
26. Gingerbread or sugar cookies?
Gingerbread cake with lemon sauce and sugar cookies but I love shortbread with all my heart.


  1. And by Aunt and Uncle I totally mean Kevin and Joanne.

  2. This made me feel very Christmasyish. I'm super excited for Christmas! "It's the most Wonderful time, of the year" ♥
