Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Really? huh.. Um no.

I saw this on my internet travels, and it made me come impossibly close to tears.  Some people are so ignorant and heartless.

1 comment:

  1. this makes me sad too! This is a cop out on the side of pro-choice. Anyone who has any true sense of reason or any knowledge of science...or a conscience for that matter knows that life begins at conception. If that chicken egg was fertilized and left for the chicken to warm....it would become a chicken...if that acorn was left on the ground and covered with soil and watered it would become a tree, if that silk was harvested and spun it could become a sweater...and if that fertilized human egg was left in the security of the womb it would mature and grow (because everything... all the DNA, etc is present) and be born.
