Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Crew

So here's my crew.  Actually we're pretty much Lauren's Gang now. ( I probably shouldn't of let her borrow The Outsiders)
Can anyone figure out what's wrong with this picture?
The crew is,( left to right) John ( Mr. Awkward) Casper ( the coolest kid ever) Isaiah( AKA Chris) Andrew ( Andy G/ Mr. iPod) Roland(Steven) Jesse( Sir Injury) Josiah ( that kid) Kaitlyn( Miss. Quiet but hilarious) Lauren (Our gang leader) Samarah( Pure Sass/Maud) And Finally Me, Rebekah Joy ( Miss. Communism/ Denise)  Also Lauren's Mom is up there at the top)  We fall under 3 last names, because that's how we roll.  We hang out with our siblings
These people are my crew because, we hang out a lot, we clump.  I feel comfortable with them, they make me laugh, they laugh at my jokes, which don't usually make sense.  We have inside jokes, which is crucial to a good friendship for me. I spend all summer with about 3/4 of them and then Sundays with the other 3. ( I should have written this post later at night, I get sentimental then) Three of them are part of my family tree.  Sometimes we even have a set of twins.  I haven't felt this way about a group of people in a long, long time.  It feels good.  You know how sometime you can think that you could be with someone for a long time, I kind of see that here.  Now I've made everyone cry or weirded out.  Probably more weirded out, sorry  guys.  We need to go on a road trip again.  The way to Camp 2011?  We could mug a chip man. "Jesse could take him with one arm."  But sadly we leave too early in the morning to bond.
So this is my crew, being insane, we do that.  We ate cake after this picture was taken, then played clue.  We killed it.  I'll post the list later, and how to play.
Lauren's Mom isn't actually a part, she's just kind of there.  But she is super cool, so I guess she can stay.

I haven't blogged at all this month.  Remember I had that list?  I've written one post off that list, the one about the Oscars.  I am a fail.


  1. Casper doesn't have a body and John was moved into the picture

  2. hahaha!! Lauren's gang. I still don't know how that came about...
