Saturday, October 15, 2011

Vote Swapping.  Vote swapping is when a die hard Liberal lives in a predominately Conservative riding( Like Peter MacKay's riding)  swaps their vote with some one who is a die hard Conservative in a Liberal riding.  So as that their vote isn't wasted.  The only thing with this is that you don't end up with a Liberal MP in your riding.  You are voting for the party, not an individual.  I think it's very sneaky system, but very useful.
What do you think?


  1. sounds a little weird to me. In Holland you vote for the party not the person and they go with the percentage of the vote received to discover the winner.

  2. That is kind of like the List System. Every party compiles a 308 member list and then depending on how much of the vote they receive that amount of the list is put in parliament.

  3. well, seeing as you asked...

    I beleive we are, as Christians, accountable to God - not for the outcome of an election, but for our vote. We are responsible before the God of history to, with faith, use our vote to support truth and Biblical law in our nation. To place any vote for any candidate who does not support this law is to participate in the sins committed by that elected official while in the power we helped establish. Our vote is a moral action, it is not benign, We are accountable for it. God will take care of the results.

    For what it's worth,

  4. Vote swapping is just wrong - it defeats both the purpose of democracy - representation of the people by the people; and it does not reflect the true demographic of the voting district. A person may not appreciate the conservative/liberal nature of a district and vote swapping unfairly and deceitfully produces a demographic that does not exist.
