Thursday, October 13, 2011

That isn't the CBC

I don't understand why everyone gets so up in arm about the CBC.  Yes the CBC is government funded.  But Hey have the best news programming right now, they give us Rick MErcer and Rex Murphy and Terry Milewski and probably most important, George Strombolopolous( I can spell his name now, that took years)
At least CBC provides us with Canadian programming,they hardly bring in anything from the US.  Do they bring in anything from the US?  If CBC no longer existed part of Canada's identity would be lost.
Can you imagine a Saturday night between October and June with out Hockey Night in Canada and Don Cherry.  We did that one year and it absolutely sucked.
I do recognize that some of the programming on the CBC is...less than... wholesome. 22 Minutes really needs to leave the airwaves, and why did we let Da Vinci's Inquest survive so long? Nicholas Campbell is just creepy.
So the cries that CBC is socialist are partially true, the CBC is funded by the government but they bring the voice of Canada, to Canada with no compromise to American sway.  This is why we need the CBC.

Also the beginning of this video makes me miss the old CBC announcer.  There are lots of old school commercials before the video too.  The video starts at 3:40  sorry
Ironic enough the title of this post comes from CTV's Corner Gas.


  1. Americans have some funny ideas about Canada

  2. That is true, I enjoy the guy who can't pronounce Guy Lafleur or the woman who though we just legalized Insulin.
