Thursday, March 31, 2011


I have now writen more posts in 2011, than in 2009. Wow!
My 2nd year aniversery has already past. The readership of this blog has gone up so much. crazy.
p.s this post was written on my wii.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jungle Cats & Christian Music

I have a post about the concert I Went to last Tuesday almost ready to write, but I'm not really feeling up to it right now.  I don't really know why.

I do have a quote for you.
This is from my Geography class.
Alex: Did you guys hear that?
Everyone:  No....
Teacher:  What did you hear?
Alex:  I'm not going to tell you because you'll think I'm crazy
Teacher:  It's okay, we already think you're insane,. Just say it.
Alex: No....okay.. I heard a jungle cat. -Makes jungle cat noise-
Teacher:Um okay.....
Ally:  I heard it too, out in the hall
Teacher:  Great, don't encourage him.
Ally:  No really I did.
Teacher: Uhun.

Here's a teaser for my next post.
The task is just really daunting.
Coming Soon.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

New and Improved

I edited my post about my crew.  You can read the longer, improved post here.

The Crew

So here's my crew.  Actually we're pretty much Lauren's Gang now. ( I probably shouldn't of let her borrow The Outsiders)
Can anyone figure out what's wrong with this picture?
The crew is,( left to right) John ( Mr. Awkward) Casper ( the coolest kid ever) Isaiah( AKA Chris) Andrew ( Andy G/ Mr. iPod) Roland(Steven) Jesse( Sir Injury) Josiah ( that kid) Kaitlyn( Miss. Quiet but hilarious) Lauren (Our gang leader) Samarah( Pure Sass/Maud) And Finally Me, Rebekah Joy ( Miss. Communism/ Denise)  Also Lauren's Mom is up there at the top)  We fall under 3 last names, because that's how we roll.  We hang out with our siblings
These people are my crew because, we hang out a lot, we clump.  I feel comfortable with them, they make me laugh, they laugh at my jokes, which don't usually make sense.  We have inside jokes, which is crucial to a good friendship for me. I spend all summer with about 3/4 of them and then Sundays with the other 3. ( I should have written this post later at night, I get sentimental then) Three of them are part of my family tree.  Sometimes we even have a set of twins.  I haven't felt this way about a group of people in a long, long time.  It feels good.  You know how sometime you can think that you could be with someone for a long time, I kind of see that here.  Now I've made everyone cry or weirded out.  Probably more weirded out, sorry  guys.  We need to go on a road trip again.  The way to Camp 2011?  We could mug a chip man. "Jesse could take him with one arm."  But sadly we leave too early in the morning to bond.
So this is my crew, being insane, we do that.  We ate cake after this picture was taken, then played clue.  We killed it.  I'll post the list later, and how to play.
Lauren's Mom isn't actually a part, she's just kind of there.  But she is super cool, so I guess she can stay.

I haven't blogged at all this month.  Remember I had that list?  I've written one post off that list, the one about the Oscars.  I am a fail.

Friday, March 25, 2011


I have Youth Group tonight.
I made possibly the most sarcastic and funny Clue game we've ever played.
It's also my brother's 13th birthday today, pretty coo'

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Dear Government of Canada, please hold the election off until June 3rd 2011,
Thank You, A responsible young voter.

It seems like Canada may have an election soon.  It's slated for May.  Not cool.  I'll be eighteen in June.  If it happens before then, I'll have to wait 4 years.  I can't wait that long.  It's so aggravating.
Of all the kids in Canada that deserve to vote, I'm pretty high on the list.

I am sad.

Also, people read my blog on the iPad.  That is cool

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Potluck

The event went preety great.  I made stew that didn't crash and burn, there was no soup, there were potato wedges with rosemary, the greatest herb ever.
The dessert were amzing, minus mine, which did crash and burn.  It tasted like soap.  For some reason No Name vanilla pudding when mixed with Coop Whip creates soap.  Disgusting.  Next time I'm getting all brand name.
I don't know if my mom got any pictures, but I know that Lauren got a few, so if she ever posts them on Facebook I'll have to steal some.
After lunch Jesse did card tricks (on a Sunday may I add).  We then sang 3 songs, we sing a lot.  Come there Fount of Every Blessing was one and A mIghty Fortress is our God was the other, the 3rd one I can't remembr right now.  It's kind of our thing, one of our things, we have a few.  Another is toally rocking at playing Mafia, and cheating at live action Clue.
Then almost everyone went and played the loudest game of spoons I have ever heard.  The word they were spelling was Beiber, it got heated.  I also know that there was some cheating. Goodness.  I played Blokus, and I lost.  Jesse tried to teach John how to do coin tricks.
Overly it went rather well.  And we get to get together again on Friday and so it again.

I have school tomorrow, and I slacked off, a lot over March Break

Why do I always say "goodness"?  Do I sound like an 85 year old woman?  Because that's how I hear myself.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sarcastic facial expressions

St. Patricks day has come and gone.
 I did't even wear green, I'm a horriable Irishman.

There's 3 superhero movies coming out this summer.  I want to see them all, but I probably won't see Thor.  Even though Thor is super cool.

When I blog I make sarcastic facial expressions and nod.  It's pretty strange.

I denied Redeemer University yesterday.  I was sad when I did.  I really really wanted to go there, but it's just not in the cards.  Ever..Unless I win at cards.

My youth group is having a potluck tomorrow.  That should be fun.

I need to stop these random posts and write real ones, on somewhat related subjects, or a single subject.  eventually.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Prettiest place on Earth

Sadly my reading group is cancelled this afternoon.  I'm sad.
 I've been hunting Mod Cloth like an insane person...but from what I've gathered everyone who shops on Mod Cloth is obsessive. 
I need clothes badly.  I need to hit up Frenchies pretty soon.
I'm wearing a Habs sweater that I've had since I was 9, that I got from my uncle.  Goodness.
I miss Christmas.  But Spring is coming I like spring, it smells nice.
Early fall/late summer is my favourite time of year though.  The Valley is probably one of the prettiest place on Earth during the fall.  I like the feeling of a late Summer night.  Like the nights at camp, I love that.  I love how the nights smell here in the fall, crisp, heavy with harvest.  Thanksgiving is my second favourite holiday.
I also really like late June, it's wonderful.
November and I don't really get along.

Monday, March 14, 2011

5 languages, none of them Russian

So I love the 5 love languages.
Why?  Because it's amazing, and almost point perfect.
I've taken the quiz twice now, and both times I've gotten Words of affirmation as my first language.  Which when I think about it, is exactly how I am.  I just love being told I'm super cool and amazing.  I also express myself best on written word, that's how I love.  Physical.  Not cool with people touching me all the time. 
 This is their description of  Words of Affirmation:
"Actions don’t always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, “I love you,” are important—hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten."
Um that's me.

So everyone should go and take the quiz.  The link is right here.  At the bottom it says "take the quiz".  I like that it's tailored now to different people that's cool, so you can take it based on who you are.

I'm odd, I have no clue where the post title came from. Love in Russian is, a strange jumble.  Czech is a bit clearer, Láska.  I think it looks kind of cute.  It would make a nice name.
I also write my posts in Time New Roman 12, just like my History essays.  I'm a dork.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Vertical hill

Wow, the last time i blogged was 4 days ago.  I am really slacking.  I have all of next week off, and a long list of things to blog about so I should be blogging more next week.

I am extremely sore, why?  I went to Acadia University for the experience Acadia day yesterday.  Acadia is a hill, I've drawn a picture to illustrate:
I also ran up the hill a couple times because we did the Amazing Race, also multiple set of stairs.  I went to the 13th floor of the tower, that was fun.  On the way back down a Custodian gave us the absolutist dirtiest look ever.  He wasn't really that happy that there were 12 people in the elevator he wanted to go in, with his cart.  Then we almost got run over by a truck, he wasn't moving, or slowing down.  Weirdo.
I obviously have no strength, as now my whole body hurts.  I am a wimp.
It was a really great time, the mini lectures I went to were amazing.  I may just be saying this because in the pop culture and politics lecture the teacher sang Springsteen.  I really liked the Political Science one too.
I just started singing a rap song, that was weird.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Forestry, 1975?

Does anyone have statistics relating the GDP of Canada and forestry and other industries in 1975?
Didn't think so, as Google has none either.

I've been running to the mailbox like crazy lately.  I clearly have no patience.  It's so aggravating.

I have a Chemistry test tomorrow.  I don't think it's going to be overly hard, but what do I know?  I'm actually supposed to write it on Friday but, there's an event at one of  "my schools" that I want to go to, if I can get in.
I wish I  could get feed back from the other 2, so I can make up my mind.  I kind of already have.  I'd be close, I'd be in my second favourite town ever and I would have a room mate.  A room mate who seems nice and stable and is the sister of one of the members of my 2nd favourite family.  There's a lot of second favourites involved.

Monday, March 7, 2011


So I changed the background colour, the other one was way too bright.  I could see when people were reading my blog because it lite up the room.  I was glowing green when I looked at it.  I couldn't deal with it anymore.  I hope this is better and less glowy, but not too boring and 30's ish.
I started almost every sentence with "I" , that drives me nuts.  But I have no clue how not too.  It's hard.

The 83rd Academy Awards

The 83rd Academy Awards, 2011
The Oscars are my favourite award show.  It's the big show.  The feel like the only ones that matter.
James Franco was hosting this year, he played Daniel Dasario on Freaks and Geeks.  I like him.
Mandy Moore's red carpet dress was my favourite.  She was beautiful.
Christian Bale Won best supporting actor for the Fighter.  He was amazing in that movie, he crawled into the character's skin and you forgot who he was.  I knew it would go to him or Geoffry Rush.  But it came down to this, Rush's character was an eccentric Australian, which is what he is.  Christian Bale's character was a drug addicted American from Boston.  Christian Bale is a non-addicted Welsh actor, I think he deserved it more.   His speech was spot on and the ending was very sweet.

Kirk Douglas stole the show.  He's 92, he was extremly hard to understand but he was so funny.  When he said to Anne Hathaway, "Where were you when I was making pictures?  You're beautiful"  I melted.

The autotune musical section was hilarious. You can watch it here.

It always run long, and I'm used to it now.  I made bread.  
One of the last award handed out is Best Actor, Colin Firth relieved it. He deserved it, so badly.  His portrayal of King George V was breath taking.  His speech was also amazing, so Colin Firth-ish.  THE happy dance parts, so great.  If I ever win best actor I'll feel the same way.  His film the Kings Speech went on to win best picture .

I was really disappointed with Melissa Leo, well first off I wanted Amy Adams to win best supporting actress, I just felt she did a better job.  She also swore, I didn't like that.  I guess I didn't really want he to win at all.

Toy Story 3 won best Animated film, because really, who else could you give it to?  That movie just struck a cord.  I cried when I watched it.

I don't know what else I can say.  They were really good this year, I was impressed.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Gary Bettman, my wonderful friend

Gary Bettman and I are not best friends, or friends.  He's not really someone I like.  That's kind of an understatement.  I really really don't like him.
He hates Canada, this is my own conclusion, from hearing him to interviews, reading interviews, watching him hate on Canada.  Every time I see him he just exudes dislike.  He even out ruded Steve Murphy, the rudest news person here.  I don't understand.  He was just bitter.
He refuses to shut down dead southern teams, that make no money, for a more economically sound Canadian Teams.  You could rip out the Pheonix team, and Atlanta.  You could then move those teams to Quebec City adn Winnipeg.  You would go from no one at all at the games to sold out game nearly every night.  It makes more sense.  He won't even hint, or think about teams up here.  I just don't get it.
Hockey is Canada's game.
Yet Gary Bettman has since his starting of the job of NHL comminsioner wanted to bring the game to an American Audience.  They just don't want to watch Hockey, BAseball is their pass time, they go crazy over Football, hockey, not much.  It's a futile quest.  They try so hard, only to fail every single time.
American in my eyes only cares about hockey during the olympics.  Thankfully we beat them last year, we never would hav elived that down.  We beat them on our soil and their soil.  But still they don't really care.
Gary Bettman is a American.  Why does a Canadian not hold the job of Commisioner of the Canadian sport?  I do not know.
Do you know what he did before becoming NHL commisioner?  HE worked with the NBA.  Yes the NBA, the National Basketball assiciation.  The NBA holds one Candian team, because we don't really care about basketball, like the American's don't care about hockey.  Under him the Quebec Nordics and the Winnipeg Jets moved,  while many franchises were established in Southern states.  The NBA, seriously?
I read in one of my back issues of Macleans, he had just received the job that he wanted to bring the game to America.  He wanted a bigger better NHL.  I think it was good the way it was.
Why don't you just give us another team?  Winnipeg's hopes go up everyday, and you keep crashing them down.
We always have the Olympics I guess.  Sometimes, depending on how we're feeling.
I do understand that 4 of the Original Six are American Teams, and only 2 were Canadian.  But still those were all northern teams, where ice can survive outside.
Gary Bettman and I are not friends, at all.
I don't think we'll ever be friends either.  If you're around when I'm watching Hockey Night in Canada I'm pretty livid sometimes.  Or if you're around when Gary Bettman appears, I knock it up a couple levels.  It's kind of bad.
I really need to talk about hockey more.
Toronto just lost, that's pretty great.
I like that Johnathan Toews name isn't pronounced anything like it's spelled.  Only in Canada.

I like Canadian spellings, I feel kind of warm inside when I see them.  Words like Honour, Neighbour.  I like the added "u"

Thursday, March 3, 2011

On Homeschooling.

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in so long.
I received this comment earlier this week, this is a topic that I have wanted to discuss for a very long time.  Now I am forced to write about it.

"I was reading some of your older posts. and on Sunday October 4, 2009 in your post titled 60ish Things About Me, statement #43 you stated that you thought that home schooling was a complete waste of time. I was just wondering why you thought that and if you still think in that way?"

Here's the post (click here to read it)
Okay, so I was really hoping no one would ever find this comment that I had buried so deep in a very long post. But someone did.  This is proof that everything is recorded on the internet just waiting to be found.
I'm sorry I really am.  I was rather harsh wasn't I?  I was younger, and meaner, and writing on a blog that no one read.  This really isn't an excuse, at all.
Those aren't the words that I should have used.  They make it seem that I think something I don't.
I no longer fully believe it.  As there are things in that post I don't feel anymore.  I don't want to be a pharmacist anymore, I don't read a book a week and I don't even watch Criminal Minds now.  I also will not  have a Bon Jovi themed wedding, ever.  What was I thinking?
Here it goes.  I would never want to be homeschooled (I actually was for Kindergarden)  I love the public school system ( I am currently writing this post in a public school library)  Love it.  I think it gives you so many opportunities.  But with that you get a lot of bad.  I understand that aspect of homeschooling, that you can control what your children learn and you can tailor to each individual child.  I've learned stuff in public schools that I didn't need to.  I've been exposed to things I shouldn't have.  I still really like the system though.
Why did I think that?  I've experienced an elitist state of mind from some homeschoolers.  I've felt that I've been looked down on as stupid and uneducated because I go to public school.  I don't like that as all (on a side note I've also received those feelings from French Immersion students in New Brunswick)  I don't think I should be consiered a person of lesser mental capacity because I go to public school.  I also don't think homeschooled kids should be considered smarter simply because I they're homeschooled.  These feelings have abviously nat been from very homeschooler I have met.
I will admit that I have huge problems with spelling, but I did spend 4 years in a privite Christian school before enetering the public system.  I've been around.
Since I wrote that post I have made friends with some of the most amazing, wondeful, kind, and funny people I have ever met.  And they're homeschooled.
When I have kids I won't homeschool then.  Why? I won't because I don't think I am right for that.  I've never been a very good teacher.  I'd rather put the minds of my kids in the hands a professional, but this is just me talking.  I am of course going to teach them their colours, their numbers, how to read.  I will read to them every day.  All of those things, because that's just raising a toddler, being a responsible parent.
The public system has opened me up to lots of amazing opportunities.  I really thank it for that.
I've had some amazing teachers that have taught me things I will carry with me forever.  I've also had insane teachers that I'll try and forget for the reast of my life.
I don't think homeschooling is a waste of time, if it's done properly.  But the public system isn't always done properly.  I don't believe in the unschooling movement is one thing I'm trying to say.  Homeschooling is just something I'd never want to be involved with.  Is that better?
I hope I've explained myself, how I wanted to.  I hope I'm clearer now and less opinionated and rude.  You grow up, and I need a strong dose of it.
So give me some feed back please?  Do I sound nicer is this post.
I'm sorry parents for going on Blogger, but I really need to answer this.
Okay so last weekend, pretty cool.  Christian Bale won the Oscar.  Toronto lost and Montreal won.
Olympic post is coming, as is one on the Oscars.