Monday, August 15, 2011

I am entering my first year of university soon.  Everyone changes in university, you're supposed to.  I changed in grade 12, though I'm sure I'll change more.
This year things became clear to me and I started to think.

The main thing I learned was compassion, I learned to love, really really love.  I hadn't for so long.  I was racist, I was I really was and I can admit it now.  I knew that what Hitler had done to the Jews was hands down wrong but the killing of Muslims was justifiable because they were Muslim.  They had a different faith from me so why care?  Here's the thing I'm not Jewish so Jews have a different faith than me.  Compassion.
I became feminist.  Not a crazy feminist, I couldn't do that to myself but I realized everyone deserves right.  I was never a crazy antifeminist, but I was never feminist.  Now I am.  I was reading too many crazy blogs and hating every word they said.  I realized that women should be allowed to hold government roles, roles in the army and other things like that.  I didn't start believing in abortion, I won't.  I think it was the government roles that got me most.  If that means I'm feminist, then  I am.
I stopped being a super conservative, I realized that liberalism wasn't as evil as I thought it was.  To come to this point to a very very long time.
I'm socialist now, I am.  The government should provide services to it citizens including, healthcare, education and well fare.  I know that this belief is not held by many in my circles but I fully believe this, it makes the mist sense to me.  Why shouldn't a government give it's citizens the best life possible.  Yes these systems are corrupt and are tricked sometimes but they are still there.  I wish I were allowed to argue this with more people but I cant because it's always older men who I'm to respect talking about it and I'm a 18 year old girl, I think I'd get to fired up.
I read books on Communism and wrote an essay about it.
I fell in love with water colour.
I decided I am not and never will be a monarchist (unless Harry gets the throne then maybe I'll consider it) I think it's a terrible type of government to have.  Canada needs t get away from it.  I don't believe for a second that The Queen doesn't have any power, we have to whine to the Governor General every time we want an election.
I decided I am not and never will be a capitalist.  Ever.
I still hate the UN.
I became decidedly pro-vaccination.
I want to save the world.
I realized that at sometime in my life I need to adopt 3 Eastern European boys.  If I can't impact the world any other way then this is the way I want to do it.
I finally got over the idea of become a pharmacist and dove head first into the world of high school history teacher.
But not before deciding not to go to school for a couple of weeks.
I started liking riots (I'll write more about  this later)
I started blogging a lot more. A LOT.
I basically became a crazy liberal, I've even started defending communism.

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