Friday, August 12, 2011

ABC's of food

Here's some happy to balance out the sad of yesterday.
This is from Bonnie at Imperfectly Perfect life who got it from someone else.

A is for Avocado:How do you like yours prepared?
I don't like Avocado, so I don't like mine prepared.
B is for Bread:Regardless of nutrition, what is your favourite type?
I love bread so much.  I love a good crusty white bread and ciabatta, love that so much.  I like a lot of Italian breads.  I had this one rosemary bread at Superstore and it was amazing.

C is for Chocolate:What is your favourite kind currently?
I love milk chocolate and I shouldn't for a solid chocolate bar I like  Dairy milk which is now fair trade so I eat that but for a chocolate bar I like Snickers or 3 Musketeers or mars which are all the same bar basically.

D is for donuts: You might not currently eat them, but what kind do you fancy?
Apple Fritters, or a sour cream glaze.

E is for eggs: How would you like yours prepared?
I don't really like eggs that much but I like them scrambled the most.

F is for Falafel: Yay or Nay?
I have never had falafel so I wouldn't know.

G is for groceries:Where do you purchase yours?
Atlantic Superstore and a local farm market but I would love to be purely markets.

H is for Hot Beverages:What is your favourite hot drink?
I like Earl grey tea and hot chocolate.  Just Us makes the best of both.  I can't have hot chocolate made with water it's just not the same.

I is for Ice cream:Pick a favourite flavour and a fun topping.
I love Birthday Party, so good but mint chocolate chip is another great one and the loads of chocolatly chunks from Presidents choice.  I love the hard crackle chocolate sauce

J is for Jams or Jellies:Do you eat them? If so, what kind and flavour?
Love jams and jellies, raspberry jam is my favourite but wild berry is also super good.

K is for Kashi:name your favourite Kashi product.
I have never eaten Kashi, it makes me think of Gregg though, he eats like an over eating 43 year old woman on a diet.

L is for Lunch:what was your today? 
I had an Uncle Bens Bistro Express packet of chicken fried rice, and a glass of water.

M is for Microwave:what is you favourite meal/snack?
Microwaved smores, take a marshmallow but it on a graham cracker and microwave for 8-13 seconds, perfect.

N is for Nutrients:Do you like carbs, fat or protiens best?
Carbs all the way, I could eat noting but carbs.

O is for Oil:what kind do you use?
I'd love to use olive oil but I hate the taste so I use canola, but if I'm frying I use butter or margarine.

P is for Protein:How do you get yours?
I eat meat and try to eat Tuna once a week.  I also eat peanut butter by the table spoon, which is kind of messed up.

R is for Roasting:what is your favourite thing to roast?
Beef, I make a bacon covered roast beef.

S is for Sandwich :what's your favourite kind?
Roast beef or Montreal smoked meat, with some type of jazzy mustard.

T us for Travel:how do you handle eating while travelling?
I usually don't eat much..I don't really know.

U is for Unique:what are some unique foods you like?
Um..what constitutes as unique?  Because I love donairs which are basically unheard of outside of Atlantic Canada.  And Butter tarts another east coast thing.

V is for vitamins:what kind do you take?
None, sometimes in the winter I take B12 and D

W is for Wiener Schnitzel:Do you ever recreate this traditional Czech food?
First off I though that was German..I have never and I have never tried it.

X is for X-Ray:If we xrayed your belly right now what food would we see?
A Midnight Truffle Blizzard.

Y is for Youth:what foods remind you of your childhood?
Hmmm...turkey with all the fixings and shortbread cookies with green and red cherries, English Toffee and tortalini soup.

Z is for Zucchini:How do you prepare it?
I don't like Zucchini, it's trying so hard  be a cucumber but feels like Styrofoam in the middle.

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