Sunday, August 28, 2011

The time has come.

I am leaving for camp in 13 hours.  I am literally going insane.  I don't think I am going to sleep a minute tonight.  I hardly slept last night.
We have to leaver late this year because some hurricane named Irene thought it would be cool to come up this way.  I just think all these hurricanes want to come to camp because they've heard how amazing it is.  It's true, If I were a hurricane I would totally come. Everyone was swishing for another hurricane this year, and we got it.  At the other end of camp.  Good job everyone. I have been to camp during 3 different hurricanes.  Katrina, Earl and Irene.
Being at camp during Katrina was really hard and crazy.  Every night the minister would bring in news about what was happening but we couldn't see what was actually happening.  I didn't see the devastation until I came back.   We were completely cut off.  We knew that the gulf coast of the US was devastated and lots of people had died but we were still at camp and were having fun.  It was really odd. We prayed a lot. The weather was really bad I remember that, it rained almost everyday.
One good thing about leaving for camp 5 hours later is that we can kind of sleep in and, we're not leaving at 5 in the morning.  Crazyness.
I need to get this show on the road.  Camp is tomorrow!
I am pretty sure that this is going to be my last post for this week, so no blogging while I am away.  I might write tomorrow but I don't think I will.
Here's my favourite picture from camp last year.  And this is my post about camp from last year.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I am up to early on a Saturday, I am just so excited for camp.  I'm starting to pack.   YAY!
Then Dirt road anthem came on, perfect.
I don't particularly like country music, at all but I can with stand this song.  And Keith Urban and the song Convoy.  I love that song.
And because I like all you guys so much I am actually going to put the music video up.( And I also like using and at the beginnings of sentences.)  Jason Aldean is kind of creepy looking.

Now Honeybee is on, is some one reading our list of gang songs?

I met my roommate last night, and saw our room, and some of our residence.  I think this is going to  be a good year!  :D

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Two tickets to that thing you love

I think this is hilarious.

I had this big plan to finish up my 3o days this week, but I didn't. whoops.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I am leaving for Lauren's pretty soon, we're doing camp craft stuff.  Because we have to be set in 5 days!!!!!!!
The camp skit is actually done now, so I'll be sending it to all of you soon.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I wanted to share this link my friend Jenn shared on Facebook,  it's a letter Jack Layton wrote and it's incredibly moving.  I cried.'s-final-words


Jack Layton died this morning.   We all knew he was doing bad, when he resigned he looked and sounded worse than I had ever seen him, but...I never expected this.  A lot of Canadian's went into the election disliking the NDP, but Jack won us over(as you can see I am in this group)  He possibly single handed won all of the seats in Quebec.  Even if you didn't like his politics, you had to respect him.  He was just a great guy, come one we never call politicians by there first names, but Jack Layton, we did.
Now we have a NDP opposition and the whole reason that it's there is gone.

On a side note in 7 days camp will have started.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The waiting is killing me

This summer went way too fast, way too fast.  I think it was because I ended school so late,( June 28th.) and am so excited for camp.  I have never been this excited for camp before, I have always dreaded it.  Last year on the afternoon before camp started I wasn't even sure if I was going to go, but I did, and now I am so excited.  I'm so excited to start university, I've worked so hard to get to this point and now here it is.  I'm worried about it though, I'm getting back late on Saturday, the day I move into residence and everyone knows how hard and intense university is.  I am going to work harder than I ever had before, and  that scares me.  My finances still aren't figured out and that is driving me crazy.
I have a week and a couple days before I go away, I'm trying to make the most of it, reading, staying up late, sleeping in.
I am over the moon excited for camp, but the thing abut going to camp the last week of the summer is, your last week of summer is gone.  And you spend your whole summer waiting for the last week and wishing it to come sooner, but then you get back and you have 2 days to recoup and then you have to enter the real world again.  I don't even get 2 day, I get like 2 minutes.

Monday, August 15, 2011

God and Rap Core

This video is amazing.  I've never listened to Korn, I'm not really into rap core.  But I've always know of then, then I found out the guy from Korn became a Christian.  Still don't listen to Korn.  He's kind of scary, really.  And I'm saying this.  It seems so weird hearing what he's saying but It's amazing.  Scroll down if he's disturbing you, I will not hold it against you and I doubt he would either.
God is so amazing. So many people just don't get that.

Go look up I am Second, you will not be disappointed.
Hearing Michael W. Smith talk about doing drugs is extremely weird.  He's Michael W. Smith, biggest Christian artist of all time, him Steven Curtis Chapman and Amy Grant are Christian music.  He came from doing all these drugs to doing that, amazing.  No, God is Amazing.

Honestly Steven Baldwin freaked me out more, I have a phobia of Baldwins.
I am entering my first year of university soon.  Everyone changes in university, you're supposed to.  I changed in grade 12, though I'm sure I'll change more.
This year things became clear to me and I started to think.

The main thing I learned was compassion, I learned to love, really really love.  I hadn't for so long.  I was racist, I was I really was and I can admit it now.  I knew that what Hitler had done to the Jews was hands down wrong but the killing of Muslims was justifiable because they were Muslim.  They had a different faith from me so why care?  Here's the thing I'm not Jewish so Jews have a different faith than me.  Compassion.
I became feminist.  Not a crazy feminist, I couldn't do that to myself but I realized everyone deserves right.  I was never a crazy antifeminist, but I was never feminist.  Now I am.  I was reading too many crazy blogs and hating every word they said.  I realized that women should be allowed to hold government roles, roles in the army and other things like that.  I didn't start believing in abortion, I won't.  I think it was the government roles that got me most.  If that means I'm feminist, then  I am.
I stopped being a super conservative, I realized that liberalism wasn't as evil as I thought it was.  To come to this point to a very very long time.
I'm socialist now, I am.  The government should provide services to it citizens including, healthcare, education and well fare.  I know that this belief is not held by many in my circles but I fully believe this, it makes the mist sense to me.  Why shouldn't a government give it's citizens the best life possible.  Yes these systems are corrupt and are tricked sometimes but they are still there.  I wish I were allowed to argue this with more people but I cant because it's always older men who I'm to respect talking about it and I'm a 18 year old girl, I think I'd get to fired up.
I read books on Communism and wrote an essay about it.
I fell in love with water colour.
I decided I am not and never will be a monarchist (unless Harry gets the throne then maybe I'll consider it) I think it's a terrible type of government to have.  Canada needs t get away from it.  I don't believe for a second that The Queen doesn't have any power, we have to whine to the Governor General every time we want an election.
I decided I am not and never will be a capitalist.  Ever.
I still hate the UN.
I became decidedly pro-vaccination.
I want to save the world.
I realized that at sometime in my life I need to adopt 3 Eastern European boys.  If I can't impact the world any other way then this is the way I want to do it.
I finally got over the idea of become a pharmacist and dove head first into the world of high school history teacher.
But not before deciding not to go to school for a couple of weeks.
I started liking riots (I'll write more about  this later)
I started blogging a lot more. A LOT.
I basically became a crazy liberal, I've even started defending communism.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lost and found

Lauren is at my house right now, and she just became my hero.  We lost our Super Mario Bros Wii game and she refused to leave until she found it (she seriously said she wouldn't sleep tonight.), and she did in our Shrek the Halls DVD case.  Hero.

Friday, August 12, 2011

ABC's of food

Here's some happy to balance out the sad of yesterday.
This is from Bonnie at Imperfectly Perfect life who got it from someone else.

A is for Avocado:How do you like yours prepared?
I don't like Avocado, so I don't like mine prepared.
B is for Bread:Regardless of nutrition, what is your favourite type?
I love bread so much.  I love a good crusty white bread and ciabatta, love that so much.  I like a lot of Italian breads.  I had this one rosemary bread at Superstore and it was amazing.

C is for Chocolate:What is your favourite kind currently?
I love milk chocolate and I shouldn't for a solid chocolate bar I like  Dairy milk which is now fair trade so I eat that but for a chocolate bar I like Snickers or 3 Musketeers or mars which are all the same bar basically.

D is for donuts: You might not currently eat them, but what kind do you fancy?
Apple Fritters, or a sour cream glaze.

E is for eggs: How would you like yours prepared?
I don't really like eggs that much but I like them scrambled the most.

F is for Falafel: Yay or Nay?
I have never had falafel so I wouldn't know.

G is for groceries:Where do you purchase yours?
Atlantic Superstore and a local farm market but I would love to be purely markets.

H is for Hot Beverages:What is your favourite hot drink?
I like Earl grey tea and hot chocolate.  Just Us makes the best of both.  I can't have hot chocolate made with water it's just not the same.

I is for Ice cream:Pick a favourite flavour and a fun topping.
I love Birthday Party, so good but mint chocolate chip is another great one and the loads of chocolatly chunks from Presidents choice.  I love the hard crackle chocolate sauce

J is for Jams or Jellies:Do you eat them? If so, what kind and flavour?
Love jams and jellies, raspberry jam is my favourite but wild berry is also super good.

K is for Kashi:name your favourite Kashi product.
I have never eaten Kashi, it makes me think of Gregg though, he eats like an over eating 43 year old woman on a diet.

L is for Lunch:what was your today? 
I had an Uncle Bens Bistro Express packet of chicken fried rice, and a glass of water.

M is for Microwave:what is you favourite meal/snack?
Microwaved smores, take a marshmallow but it on a graham cracker and microwave for 8-13 seconds, perfect.

N is for Nutrients:Do you like carbs, fat or protiens best?
Carbs all the way, I could eat noting but carbs.

O is for Oil:what kind do you use?
I'd love to use olive oil but I hate the taste so I use canola, but if I'm frying I use butter or margarine.

P is for Protein:How do you get yours?
I eat meat and try to eat Tuna once a week.  I also eat peanut butter by the table spoon, which is kind of messed up.

R is for Roasting:what is your favourite thing to roast?
Beef, I make a bacon covered roast beef.

S is for Sandwich :what's your favourite kind?
Roast beef or Montreal smoked meat, with some type of jazzy mustard.

T us for Travel:how do you handle eating while travelling?
I usually don't eat much..I don't really know.

U is for Unique:what are some unique foods you like?
Um..what constitutes as unique?  Because I love donairs which are basically unheard of outside of Atlantic Canada.  And Butter tarts another east coast thing.

V is for vitamins:what kind do you take?
None, sometimes in the winter I take B12 and D

W is for Wiener Schnitzel:Do you ever recreate this traditional Czech food?
First off I though that was German..I have never and I have never tried it.

X is for X-Ray:If we xrayed your belly right now what food would we see?
A Midnight Truffle Blizzard.

Y is for Youth:what foods remind you of your childhood?
Hmmm...turkey with all the fixings and shortbread cookies with green and red cherries, English Toffee and tortalini soup.

Z is for Zucchini:How do you prepare it?
I don't like Zucchini, it's trying so hard  be a cucumber but feels like Styrofoam in the middle.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I hate money, I really do. I hate saving money I hate spending money oh boy do I hate that.  I hate working for money.  I hate it.  I would stop using money but I live in a society where I can't do that, or I would.  I hate how greedy people are and how poor people are.  I hate corporations that control everything.  I'll never be a capitalist, I can't stand capitalism.  It's just a bad idea, to exploit people for what? money.
The number one reason I didn't want to go to university was because of the cost,it just costs so much.  I am no going to get a big enough student loan to cover my cost of living.  And that fact is killing me.  I just can't do it.  I need to move out I need to but I just can't.
I hate money so much.

So my hatin' is done.
camp is soon!
The camp skit is done!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

So should I bring a pellet gun?

I wrote my packing list for camp last night.  I'm such a dork.
Tonight I think I'll write my one for moving into residence.
Big steps.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Time y u no speed up and slow down?

I haven't blogged in awhile.  The internet goes down every time it rains, we really need to change providers. It's driving me nuts.
I leave for camp in less than 3 weeks, this time in 3 weeks I'll be eating supper?  Am I right, or waiting around awkwardly to eat supper, one of the two. It looks like Lauren and I are going to be doing crafts this year, which is pretty cool.  tag team for life.  Maybe I wasn't supposed to say that....
Anways(Safari is telling me that this is not a real word) my family is working on a super cool surprise for everyone travelling with us to camp!  You'll have to wait.
I also started the camp skit, and well it's okay, not that great but okay,I ned some help with it.
I bought the Martha Stewart Pie and Tart book, and made a pie from it, so that;s exciting.
When I get back from camp I move into my residence, so excited for that.
This is more of an update than a real post.
I'll write a real post soon, I promise.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I got the Martha Stewart Pies and Tarts book!  I am so excited, everything in it looks better than the cookies and cupcakes book.  i want to make everything.  Except this one liquor drenched prune pie, gross.
I also bought an iTunes gift card, so do you know what that means?  Angry Birds.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So now that I have a laptop I've been blogging less, how does that make sense?
Samarah brought a Dave Matthews Band shirt home for me from Frenchies. I'm about 89% sure that it was made someone with a orange marker a stencil set and a t-shirt from Walmart.
No raspberry picking today, it poured really really hard and there was thunder and lighting.  Susie did not enjoy that at all, when I was making supper she stayed at my hip the entire time.  She's so strange.
I don't think I'll have as many typing errors with this keyboard.  I'm way faster.
Over 100 people have died in Syria since Sunday.
The interim leader of the NDp used to work with the Bloc, hilarious.  January of this year!! the election started in March, that's 2 months.  Why does she have the leadership?  She's only been part of the party for 2 months and got one of those I'm voting for Jack seats in Quebec.  I haven't talked politics in a long time on here, nothing has really happened.  She's a separatist, well I did hear over and over that a NDP majority would lead to separation.  I guess they weren't that cracked.
I should go watch some NBC comedy, that would be a good end to this night.  Our house just got really hot, I don't understand.
I should write areal post sometime soon.