Thursday, September 30, 2010

"We knew something was up because he wasn't wearing the army uniform"

Sometimes I get this feeling that I need to blog.  This right here, is one of those times.
My School Guideness Counselor came in to my English class today to talk aboutt things after High school.  It was basically a big ole infomercial for her services.  Slightly informitive.
I just made bread.  It smells amazing in here right now.
I've double European History tomorrow.  That's actually going to be super great.  We're discussing the Cuban missel crisis.  Today we had to read about JFK, Castro and Krustcheve (whom I just found on facebook..?)  Then we had to write down Strengths and weaknesses.  Strength of Castro= will not die.  As Taylor said you could drop a nuclear bomb on him and he would get back up and say "Castro never dies"
Weakness of JFK= was assassinated.  Yup I know the Cold War pretty good.  I really like that class.  I learn a lot and I get to have inteligent conversatins with other people.  A first in all my History classes.  Don't even ask me about Grade 9 Social Studies.  goodness.
I should really go to bed now.  it's late.

I leave you with this:  See I was going to leave you with a very funny Power Rangers like comic on the Cold War where Castro was a pile of bones in a hat, but it didn't work...just like communism...ahahaha.
Here's the link if you want to go see it anyways: Comic

Saturday, September 25, 2010

You asked and here it is.

Lauren you can now comment as Anonymous.
I fixed it, so there you go :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"I Can't see your rib cage, but I can hear the moon rock"

This post is about camp.
I'm extremly sorry to all of your people that haven't been able to experience the wonder that a Crazy Reformed Christian Camp.  This is how I explain it: food, so much food, Insanity and God, all at once.
As I said in my last post, it was one of the best if not the best week of my life.  I loved it.
The year I took a risk

All of the below pictures were stolen from Samarah.

As you know me I remeber quotes, not really pictures. here some of the best.

"I didn't know girls could like X-men too"- Mrs. Compton, one of the nicest ladies I've ever met. (Two girls at camp had X-Men shirts ahaha)
"I have an itch or a Sratch or something, My rib cage is underwater so you can't see it.  Are you thinking about my butt?"-TLK

Evan-"I know why Twilight is so popular."
C, A, R-"Why?"
Evan-"Edward's Yummyness"

"Where's Will!!!??  WILL!!!!?!!"

There was some pretty good facepaint....
(okay so this one isn't that good.)
This isn't Autumn and I have no picture of Autumn's face paint but I heard her say "I didn't ask for any paint on my neck and she put paint on my neck"  the face paint was a

The Lipstick Bandits, who tried quite hard to drive the camp to the brink of insanity.
This is the reason for the above moniker:
I met this Kid, He's the best, he's a fountain of wonderful stories, about Squirells and bungalows, his Great aunts chair, sharing a bed, and insane kids with shot guns.  Also people smoking a weed and things that start with "K"  John.  I mean Jone

Jone and Samarah made this super craft.  Just another skill of Jone
John is a great photographer, he took this picture where I look so incrediably good
Here's another picture where I look incrediably good.  How does this picture even make sense, Evan looks like a model

These guys are bestfriends for life, they play Warhammer 40000 all the time

Hannah Montanna AND Justin Beiber were at Camp!

Hannah Montana
Beibes, I am a Beleiber.

We got trapped at camp over the weekend because of Hurrican Earl, the following occured:
Evan filled inthe speech bubbles in the girly magazine Samarah found in the boys dorm

Some of the boys made a kite to run around in the wind with.

We swam in the hurricane, it was great, but one of the scariest experiences of my entire life.  Evan as a mermaid.

Then we drove home, and ate I  think 3 bags of chips and a ton of candy.  Casper cried,and made up excuses to go back.  Then we came home and went back to real life.  Which kind of sucked.
I can't wait until next year!
The year I get a clue.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I feel as if I should post but I have entirly no clue what to write about.
I want to write about camp but I can't because I can't post any pictures as I'm not on the right computer.
But I can say that I'm extremly happy that I missed the first 2 days of school for it, even though I'm kind of confused in Pre-Cal and Global, but it was so worth it.
Camp was one of the absolute best weeks of my life.
Being a counselor was completely and utterly better than being a camper. I was above all the drama that I would have been imersed in, I could deal with situations instead of haveing to ask someone to deal with it.  I could stay up late,and eat cheesecake..oops that was a secret.  I got to go to the super cool morning leaders meetings.
It was incredible
I'm still trying to transition from Camper to Counselor and get into that mind set, which is pretty hard.
I'm going to do a better indepth post soon!

Here is a picture I'll leave you with.
It's my new "best" friend Evan, after he dumped and entire margarine container of glitter and sparakles all over himself and the floor, and the bench.  After he did so he said" I'm Edward, I sparkle"

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Uber Chocolate

I like the word Uber too much.
Last night I wanted to make double chocolate cookies but the only recipe we had required chilling the dough for 4 hours, at 9 at night that was not going to happen.  I then decided to create my own recipe.  And I'm here to share it with you.
I'm going to tell you straight up, the dough tastes pretty crappy because of the cocoa.  And they don't taste amazing straight out of the oven, but you let them cool and they taste pretty great if I do say so myself.  Also the dough is super thick.

1 1/2 cups margarine at room temperature
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. and a bit white sugar
2 eggs
some vanilla*
some salt*
2 1/3 c. flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
4 tablespoons cocoa
6 teaspoons milk
2 cups chocolate chips
* I never ever measure these 2 things so do what you think feels right. About a inner palm covering of salt...?  Like cup your hand and put a little salt in the inner space...

-cream the margarine and sugars
- beat in the eggs
-add the vanilla and salt
-start adding the flour in small batches, mixing in good before adding next.
- add a couple teaspoons of milk to make mixing easier.
-beat in Baking powder.
-Add cocoa, mixing milk in to, as to make mixing easier.
-Stir in chocolate chips using a wooden spoon or a spatula.
-measure out cookies using heaping teaspoons, like the ones you use to eat, onto a cookie sheet.  Press the mounds down a bit to make them flatter.
-bake @ 350 F for 8-10 minutes.  Whn the are set and the bottoms are kind of brown, and a fork stuff in the middle doesn't come out wet.

I made 31 cookies...odd number, but some where kind of small.

I hope you like them.

I type this whole post in proper type form with the my fingere on the bumps and everything....I know I'm strange.