Friday, December 18, 2009

Home Alone

Hello, I used to blog here but now I don't
Anyways.  I was going to post on Wedsnesday but then friends showed up at the exact same moment I opened blogger, then I went and watched the SNL Christmas special.  Including the wonderful Hanukkah Song ( there's a part 2 which is pretty good, I too thought Springsteen was Jewish for awhile, part 3 sucks, badly.)
okay so,( I say that WAY too much) here's our next Christmas movie. 
One of everyones favorites, Home Alone and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.
You know the plot, Macaulay Culkin (when he was mentally stable and adorable) gets left alone on Christmas, fends of burglars.  Then his parents let him get on the wrong plane and fly to New York, where it happens that  the same burgalars are kickin it. It's Hilarious, I'm also telling you to watch this one.  But I'm telling you DO NOT WATCH NUMBERS 3OR 4 EVER!!!  Don't do it.  Four is still supposed to be Kevin but he's younger than in the originals and has lost a brother, and possibly a sister too if I remember.
I'm watching Smosh now.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I'm pretty sure my dog is Jewish.  She's afraid of the Christmas tree, and we bought her, her favourite treats and wrapped them, then we tried to show her that they were for her and she ran away.  I'm sure that if we broke out a dredal and a mannorah she'd be okay.
I'm eating Christmas ice cream right now, its mint crackle ice cream with candy cane, we had to add the candy cane though because no one makes candy cake chocolate ice cream any more :(

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Eloise at Christmastime

I kind of dropped off my movie list and I'm sorry.  So here we go, last night I watched Eloise at Christmastime, I love it, it's adorable...It one of  those lets make a Christmas movie to further our franchise but it soooooo cute!
Come on just look at the poster. It's lovely and my second favorite Christmas movie after the 1994 Miracle on 34th Street.  It's about a little girl, Eloise, who lives in the Plaza Hotel in New York with he Nanny, played by the vetran nanny Julie Andrews (She too is adorable)  I'm horrible at summerizing because I don't want to give away the whole movie.  Watch it if you want but if you don't then well...
Eloise as a the cutest Christmas tree in the world.
Eloise grew up to be:
Yes the dying sister in My Sisters Keeper, I like her much more as a cute, alive, six year old spazzing about Christmas.

I'm listening to Steven Curtis Chapman's Christmas album from 1993, It was probably played at my first Christmas.  I know it was played when I was 3 or 4  because it's in the background of  the Christmas morning video from  then.  He made some very poor sweater and scarf choices for the album art, but it was '93, so I guess that warrents as an excuse.  I'm so excited for Chrsitmas!  Only 13 more days, actually I get to open presnts on the night of the 23rd because that when we're celebrating Christmas this year because we're away on Christmas Day, it's going to be weird but Christmas and that's what counts.  Christmas is stretched over 4 days for us this year!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Nancy Drew and the secret of the blog post

Today I realized that the best smell in the whole world is old Nancy Drew books. I feel special and mysterious when I touch them. I then proceed to stick my nose close to it, flip the pages and breath deeply. I want a whole collection. Like every one of the old school ones. None of those crappy new Nancy Drew Files in paper back with people making out on the beach on the cover, that's not a "real" book. see what I mean?

My sister's never read a Nancy drew...I feel some part of her childhood is missing. The titles are ridiculously funny.. I laugh, like The Clue of the Dancing Puppet .

I have a confession...I own a paper back Nancy Drew, it sucks, the hard cover ones are like 3 million times better.

Okay yes the stories are little far fetched an Nancy runs around with friends that only pop up in the most need circumstances. She actually has no friends..she mostly runs around with old people and random other people she doesn't know...? like what? She's be a annoying person to actually know but I love her as a character.

Friday, December 4, 2009

New Header

Vote for my new header. I'm a very indecisive person so I need you guys to make all my choices for me.
Option A: A beautiful shiny Christmas ornament I stole from Google with a polka dotty font in the top left corner in grey

Option B: The same Ornament but with a slightly whimsy font in white in the bottom right corner

Option C: Snow covered trees with a whimsy blue font across the bottom. Also it has a drop shadow which makes it look like a picture posted on the top of my page

Option D: The trees again but with a simple bold font that's worn like an old Bible across the bottom, in grey.
You know the drill go vote in the top right corner of the blog the poll will close on Tuesday Afternoon (The 8th of December) Thanks you!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Movie Count Down!

I'm sad because we aren't going to be here for our Christmas Eve service.. we're going to my dad childhood church at "home". They have a candlelight service, everyone burns their fingers, it hurts, nobody cares because it's Christmas. At the beginning of the service they should just start by saying"100% of you will burn your finger tonight."
Okay,our favorite Christmas 'bout I do a count down? I won't post all of them at one time, I'll post one a day until we're done. You have no say, I'm not putting up a poll.
Okay so number whatever...I'm counting up to our favorite..
My personnel favorite: Miracle on 34th Street: 1994, as I've never seen the old one....
I don't believe in all, but I love this movie. The kids cute, the Santa's cute. I rather like it. The ending a little weird how? What? If you've seen it you know. You should watch it. That in no way would convince me to watch a movie...I don't know why I said that. watch it if you like. I didn't really tell you anything but this is not a movie review blog.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

And the winner is......

Snow, Option B.
Okay so there was actually a tie between B and C but I liked B better when I saw it up on the page so I picked that one. I'll be changing it again at the beginning of January and later this week I'll have avote for a header because I'm in dire need of one.